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Ondulee Cottages, St Ouen
formerly Yecot
La Rue des Marettes
St Ouen
ill tetCvLeieeu deleol
Transfer type
Fa n Jel )oxdHe doMeSn(GS
n Lp JarCce)suee lMAene d (
Court reference
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l’Anciennete, St Ouen
La Route de l'Etacq
elt MuiCsitleele ilad
e(B txouB e)Fe s Ennt
nheAsg)ms rJbe aHGe e( nD ud o
A certain piece of land known as Le Long Clos and bearing the number 314 on the Jersey Digital Map, La Rue des Touettes. A certain piece of land known as Les Champs des Rues et Le Clos de Crabbe, bearing the number 133 on the Jersey Digital Map, La R, St Mary
La Rue de Crabbe
St Mary
ad gNuLore ntnaViid
eLslAveaur Hi ld seDV urta
aa ndiR usBJ
Beauvais, St Mary
La Rue du Rondin
gLudn oaretNV iian d
sK inh GtsniJ Hrofoa f(A edWe M)d
nol KD(epidnCL alp G ei Fn)iAo l
La Chasse, St Mary
La Rue de la Vallee
inS etddn uiaVLuag
a)EtdGLle oF n R(sdee n Dre i
solr eeLEyl GeGde
A half undivided half share in a certain small house and adjoining land upon which the said house has been build situate at La Marmotiere on Les Ecrehous reef in the Parish of St Martin, St Martin
The Ecrehous
St Martin
tn oigV izlaLdeae nRe
lt BRC lio
i n )Arl StBetne(ol aoB
Highbury House and Highbury Cottage, St Martin
i uterena QdVnalgaeiuLee
m twtesnasd sn annh(Ci nMeseeaieane J n rsd )JMneBrsCh rHh
k ldlr (n MciePe eEloK ) nnSeaM
Le Chasse Cottage, St Martin
Le Mont de la Mare St Catherine
eFninei anVeuft eiRlaiad eL d g
aeit Mr)(eJRena dnl tS eAy
r ra SeAM
Beaulieu, St Martin
La Grande Route de Faldouet
ten el Fonag LVuaatieidd
dltuHeieildLeounms g iiaB
B BdnCe arL der er,(eb rTrAkkaeeJe ekuek-b iaeJa B )Bg aSa)gBnBn (
A certain piece of land known as Le Clos de Laurens, being field number 711 on the Jersey Digital Map. 2 vergees or thereabouts in the field known as Le Pre which is situate to the East of field 711 and is numbered 711A on the Jersey Digital Map. A c, St Martin
reiiVua d tueaaQen ee Lgnl
i sL eircydeeietCJohm
(eFt Lr eiormelsliyFi egnJwdys)
3 La Grande Maison, St Martin
La Route de St Catherine
aiVgaefaRnd etFen i dei ueli n L
n sWlDR oi
udbI hotcfeel ThalsniP
A certain piece of land being the Eastern part of a certain area of land bearing the number 53 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Lawrence
La Rue de la Golarde
St Lawrence
nort Lig ani CeandituoiMeV
kHaeJiVP p n
one) eiLulc( W Je snM
The majority of the land known as Le Petit Cotil and being field number 237 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Lawrence
eanC odiinuo agrL tteiMinV
ddewiirbTtL egiom
rhe mbJ CsEM a
Certain offices and warehouse (formerly a packing shed) with apartment above, St Lawrence
Retreat Farm
La Rue des Varvots
drnotouidCi rnT NagsoeaiVu nLg i
eiiysL mLDieet ad
lJy)Loge(iwreitdsl emiynF Fesr
Lilylea Apartments, St Lawrence
nd uago ud iCtT rgoreanNiosiVnLi
myLp ti oidpaPeLe
lyds tJrwi sgF )elFyiro(eLmeine
A certain house formerly forming the main house now known as Poppylea House formerly the main farm house Retreat Farm, St Lawrence
sdLnrtiedagoTioaniouC u i NgV nr
tt iALJoeepdm isrJPrie
re loFiJrilFe(dynt e wemLi)gyss
6 Alma Gardens, St Lawrence
La Route de St Aubin
Van eilela etlgainLaVed
le a btaS ARCcdeDl na
tea raCa aen i)iE nM tKrpJnRr(do
Le S’Gond Tchu, St Lawrence
formerly La Pommeraie
La Petites Rue
Lta l dle eneanaligVVaei
e aeMD dueyoAnRNir Cr )sr( LeLeH -e sni
Dne( )naMekeng)Rnhed)s dDKMdr dd an d MudetJ d)dJ Jre,dMegre,l eJanr Pee MCer(i cdree(Mreeeri dM,J oedGe ei oda,d R Mh (Peeeeond,lv
4 Hampton Court, St Lawrence
La Rue du Douet de Rue
eaioCs nTgrrNiuaVndn dL uoo itig
al BHnr)ele ( ieyAn
M dr nee(BkM ao nRJc CBsM n e)be
16 Parcq du Rivage, St Lawrence
La Route de la Haule
aLlVaaeVenn dlga i ei elt
nn ooC'rO MJ
RnOTenin(ogK 'r no)e C
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