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4 Britannia Place, St Helier
with the Northern half of part of a footpath
Bath Street
St Helier
a nt uBreetuVonPieMtnageid dsar
Transfer type
oyiiFrteee dmh JLcmeCehdusrr
Court reference
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Astral House, St Helier
formerly Montana Guest House
74 and 76 Great Union Road
u nuoRVoa Bnoieggldtiun eli
ioR7aU 2r teaimdnLe dG oint
uenIatdsociPhe T b lflh
53 Old Trinity Hill, St Helier
tMneeodrntutruati ea uVd i aeHngP
oaS De suVS
eo JSeayMeiglnPum (dnQi) n
Notre Reve, St Helier
7 Manor Court
Undercliffe Road
iu glRoVnliunue eoo nBgtaid
LedaiCe(e aAr VrR d naDin n)Vd eA
BeCdeTu )rWrA an ea (ndoL Dn
6 Eaton Mews, St Helier
Clairvale Road
ntgrn MuiBeuddtat neeVreiP aaos
eGnA ee NrteYr
t aFipkrztcFi
l7tic g0dn,inoun05s4c 0ten
3 Hoie Apartments, St Helier
11-13 Duhamel Street
rtrV e Muenaudsdit nBPan geaoiet
ndSnSisMreg gsAoaeePb rrC et
t)edsnlnoSrA(PkeAl eos C a
La Retraite, St Helier
4 Byron Road
ueVdrd e utnsnagaeeto MPnBa ri it
odRtKn e arC ne nPrwBo J
V eA rnt)( tign ite bAdon eJTCtnao
24 Poonah Road, St Helier
teg onuoildaoR uluieBnn Vig
tgeCAtboen(inroe T)Vi n tt
o ddlWiaManP n
nens00 50lo0c,ttinudi2c ng
Montchavin, Trinity
formerly known as St Surville d'Or
La Rue de la Falaise
gReidinaitnuV n odn
(e D di nnd aerS Fa u )oHoayeDkJeVLV
GnW aeKlTdraeorn A ) ( ely ACn
23 Belvedere, St Saviour
Princes Tower Road
St Saviour
exneteiigs VPn audgnai
M Drn arCPneedJetpy ad Srn
2nleadt) eFOmioiiivsLg dHk s (
A strip of land in the North and North-Eastern section or thereabouts of a meadow, St Peter
being part of the land known as Le Pre de la Gillerie du Sud and Le Pre de la Gillerie du Nord and bearing the numbers 615 and 617 (by a very small section) on the Jersey Digital Map
La Grande Route de la Vallee
St Peter
ngd Dnu teiaieuVto
alilbc e PtdeohIfhTnus
rnD )eQnn aeBdtyn M et(JCla u u a
A small area of land being the site of section pillar 6691, St Peter
forming part of the bank and offset of the West of the remainder of the fields known as Le Clos du Cosnet and Le Neuf Jardin (now joined together) and bearing the numbers 484 and 488 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Rue l'Aleval
CndaiinuVr gne ontViai
ie clPlyEtJrree tsycci
oLiiMtlonMgndar ie maa
Undivided one quarter shares of Auvergne House, St Peter
with the piece of land known as Le Jardin en Devant de la Maison and bearing the field number 410 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Rue d'Auvergne
egaeinVet rAs gieduzn
RB e eLKuz
kLde aee)(eayEe( n rHLd ens )w e aaHuz JARn eeRRwzu
1 Chateau Plaisir, St Ouen
La Grande Route des Mielles
St Ouen
Ctnled ateure lteizGe
BRdan reJ
emDnitd s tnsitmReIvLTe
A certain parcel of land in the Southern part of a certain piece of land known as Clos de la Pierre, St Martin
measuring, with the hedges and offsets of the West and the party ownership of the boundary stones of the North of two vergees four perches twenty two feet, forming part of the field bearing the number 134 on the Jersey Digital Map
St Martin
dengRaziet Velion
e (cetnMePeuA r,aeCnoeouiDton) h
P(d e,d aureeotrn rMno o)dKiDoG
e 5s eto v, refnma lTdtedeiis hfo, dprahur uit iGiaennsayvd0peeaen dyahle gpitr .eedtnnhtaft0rir cet0pt naig rdr
Palm Cottage, St Martin
La Vallee de Rozel
e dzlgn VeaoinetRi
A essage(nc nue rMe rPK Ed Be e)
Snmi opCs
istt0i,nneug00c1lcno6 nd0
Field number 288 (formerly two pieces respectively named Le Clos du Bout de la Rue and Le Petit Clos), St Lawrence
La Rue Rouge Cul
St Lawrence
nVdioegn ro ndiis uaTirCgo tuN
oCLu nPCre
o PsBnsiH
dau ctBLs ,h fs ttunlanCfbfnktke heeoe tN ah nn p eadoohrr eidarhre wreu ltugid stsnto sawt uo uoaa aRibeog b kthhrwiel eoeait fmErfhtsehSpeRodout nuoR otakvtus enr r, a iglf ,eeleohea lad o nledebeardCet res huusin Lfbdeesn
2 Gorey Villas, Grouville
formerly numbers 1 and 2
New Road
V aid aernisntagieMs
aSJ nRn Jg elKRlndt e reeri (ony)h
bewladJE N P
A certain warehouse situated to the North of the house called Seacroft, St Clement
and to the North of the property called Pinewood both retained by the vendor
La Grande Route de la Cote
St Clement
e mrisaVnSnageedtia
Ri n CnyFlenltdCoSain,tpiD eumt oe&e oo Lp d
n(MD latsaeo)og fnerR e,i on lfWA
adGddit0sn7af efpu, ly0ida0rte0u r t.eee nepnEr d,dttemictisav er e0
1 Clos de Charriere, St Clement
Plat Douet Road
s eaaVir imetneSandg
R)ytadWhen ShmsnaSKle L (
B Trarbe L
n10 lt0idsuce,gnt 5ionc00n
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