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Dracaena, St Saviour
formerly known as L'Amourette
La Rue de Hambye
St Saviour
aSenuudnHooe s tge liiga uV
Transfer type
ht Mg HotobAerun
nr tA J iRFo ac(tndCeh )a MnteSG
Court reference
,t0 ncn6s d05giuoenn30clti
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Trouville, St Saviour
formerly Rosella
La Grande Route de St Martin
etMua fegnantdni aiV
dOevi C CR etoBnP)n a( e ci
) Jc RN nhcMet ni d( aG onroMnaFakse
05 seu,iotcnnnl1t gi0dcn05
11 Le Clos de Patier, St Saviour
La Rue de Patier
alnd oiu eigESsViglt esne
iNDe d sn)d r ( HauJeGaeLrG nn
ee e eosd( nw nan r)J ABMLMRM nd
e00iu oc0ts in0dncln,7gn4t
3 Willow Grove, St Saviour
Les Grands Vaux
soee SnlEigui aldit'gsneV
g C vD aL aB Cr)aeelaCnd MCMh LF(one
rwhgoGagHWtle(se en tr hdWi g Prin)
t i9r0aeghw0 a0,3g0
Serenity, St Saviour
2 La Maison des Pres
La Rue des Pres
e ielntgtate uigPnaeol Vni vieelLd
to,ek TnaHnne (eLnorD)wD nsa dsoiJemJ
ing,dnmyseD i trooetodLinleriHS
dasu tayritssaas0taafo hvb omy Ctltpehuaoodittue1a,ndncd es3nsefP eco o0 ttstraa(l iino.pv ceibmlif)ueleocasot nh indaeBl anarc i tc nnmt fhiitrrrBrp hauLilh a t n dmjjot0hen tainaisrfalbl en i4 ieuiofn d yedh fr 9bscht ,chlae afpottaeeint ftovp ewmt e eeaaantjaaheieaena ovr 0he a addtho f ttlit feveetualhon)fle rdotdib pte nh2c ee ys bediirnclt i eanan eaoch oTcyntnosef Icr toi 7etfos li rydsaethlesblhhPpschoarcecdnsh8y otigg(dnte n sneboagtmLiIter eotCodoertertsrlse uea bdd nr oe eAnlor uuangioen thlv arnftsrao nlodyio oydew ii oh ho as r,hne tif ni uo cearnudtotra d rasn ins eue
La Ferme de la Fosse a l’Ecrivain, St Saviour
with the outbuildings, ladder rights, yards, shed, driveway, land and avenue
La Fosse a l'Ecrivain
nfiMautdne gniV atea
d Dsve)e t -nrereRWsse t-Nyeeeneeara( fnReaG Ta ,Rv
ydnLaRHvdieeeGitoisrm eg-l
pannxadrlheu,dnonlaai ee lreeaa sdyd i affdeGser w,Ci eno gr birettl3 i ,dJa,h p eaa atte;eael dedgtJLs fnleeatfa t crGlne irGe atwm,Go n iai L dp d 0l ne as norobynuPoMnonasDnLrren dLdeiteri usn agiuL t lPdea hdg denHJd dr2e
7 Mountrow Villas, St Saviour
isgixee aun PnentiVdga
oaPtDri M rt
Rner ee i( ggidoB)sKgns
39 Maison St Louis, St Saviour
Wellington Road
lVeotig' dEsuiseilena Sgn
ngrac oey dPL(G l) ednAidPhne H
J Rlde (nCrar htni dooegSnTena C)
dltsdnni ga5l0n2,t4din0cuaen con8
4 The Homestead, St Peter
La Rue d'Elysee
St Peter
eugzeViAnste rgni dae
J ee nRn )r(la akgnePdeI r
y tiiPrR mnp dlt i re&oedoJLHg
trifg Baks0nlcb ern ed v enesmtudn eenfn 0enc hs tu thrcna mc ft crtupa a hl aedrins 0pf hecohap tsSaeamwahn sd hiondoo s aiel to oorehoaw lonr7yeodd Hdugtehei,r colcobeabofvTorvt liorotia stn6eeytrtCaBrnrfos dhea neP aesya 4 tgafuauha rehiwh
L’Anichette, St Peter
La Maison d'Ailleurs
La Rue des Vignes
c i Ngl ieetoanSndstVia
eetenDvLrn,ogoein M E
se) u RMrPcaaoerf eonondn d,J(n rPDheC
iaeen eiGp,e d tuedrais dtrdecdnrtrtfnpeyf
Yellowstone, St Peter
6 La Garenne
La Rue du Bocage
dtnneiai GarneVg
hnnyooL (BeeC)c kL
elP PHn rAGhn ece iad)Lo d ndgy(
ns0ideu 0t0,tongi0c7lcnn4
Pembroke Lodge, St Peter
formerly Pembroke House
La Rue du Craslin
oc e eiaNlntgad isiSVtn
BLe O( ndn nooo d)nnB'a e F eT eKCrr
s rCl elincH)lG Di Sdo'Oe anl(
Undivided half shares of Sun Garth, St Peter
La Vallee de St Pierre
niiaa einCuVnogdtr inV
n DdFL)deae lrHJ y WG n e o ( sMoee
eSe Ja)a eAd(nhGa CDdrpe nl p
0ig7necoud0c 6tist n05n,ln
A certain building comprising of two garages with the land to the South, to the East and to the North thereof, St Ouen
La Route de l'Etacq
St Ouen
i ila eeeitullteCsldM
ad)R e nSh(e oriesidcRd B
mayte e ipadToi1 eMiTLre mmsC)oc(npen4y5J hsl9e
Les Cotils with a certain piece of triangular shaped land, St Ouen
elCtdlisletul Maie ei
odce BSa)rinsdeh di ReR(
A )nLes ru nn- RBrHe n (ayedM
n0u5liieoc1c0 nt07td,s,n8 ng
2 Le Clos du Menage, St Ouen
Le Vier Mont
aut etiee ztneellrdCG
nJdtli De rcMeue(La e)a f tHkdnN
esvp dlregeTiiemt LioeDtmen F
i0 dt0cs10i ugn,t6ncnno0le
A certain strip of land, St Martin
being the Eastern extremity of a certain piece of land or meadow called Le Pre de Gallie bearing the number 379 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Rue des Vaux de l'Eglise
St Martin
ieal ngtiiVnlsdegE e'
e uiilr ltMBLeo B
imlrndniPis itperdeoaBeLet
The Barn, St Martin
Le Mont de la Mare St Catherine
eudife niae tenl g niedF aiVR
rGd lo gn tWgaheiPhe )grwrHnti(es W
dtel-LEAMred en dnn Rt aalgEa ga
ata 9it w ,hsfro0 l03p00dni
La Chasse Cottage, St Martin
e nidelna u teda egRiVeifnFi
umNwg bWo sg eJlr ritanL dhC
neRAL dtea ln elga arEdntaEgMd-
a ,tsh050wrf a it 50n7liodp
La Grange, St Martin
3 Beauchamp Farm
La Rue des Fontaines
eeutaeirQnnu gl Viaeed
i CS a Mnd rea ()tnenF GhAtJ co tR
e ret)rtMJem teLylesdi(ise
ine0tdg c0lnc0n nu0s1,,50toi
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