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Share 9, St Helier
comprising a shop on the ground floor of the property called Colomberie Court
La Colomberie
St Helier
nlt a oalna CetVnl tdain eVd eiugaie Hdel
Transfer type
myPy dlodihr espli(WLot)rtaeneD ea
HftodnlmaToiatdL hViau orawo dtoonsq tr nlSA Jrdde o lsd isGatAliaRo i rf isntB sLhnm eet yjngobieRneA i
Court reference
30ots f2 r ir3ne5oaoh etw1 fic,
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A certain piece of land, St Saviour
being the South-Eastern part of the garden of the property Brehat and bearing the number 38 Clos Paumelle
Le Clos Paumelle
St Saviour
uVeagneniianxP edtsi g
L s(e eVetsinI)lMDgeonJ brnHdiR a Dso n,e o e
,Iea ntr)lnedoNuAV tdiorbe B P rn se(
e,0dr1iero f np e ivpaadeluirt.dtafdctn0 ee rs yGn,emeauteifEt dts0d
Two third shares in the following property comprising three corpora fundi, St Saviour
firstly a certain piece of land called Le Clos de Quenault and bearing the number S452A on the Jersey Digital Map
field bearing the number S454A on the Jersey Digital Map, secondly a piece of land being the field bearing the number S454A on the Jersey Digital Map
ioitusgaoe eVHe ngu nSaldu
erncsee (PLoWe erfdr)r no,eJaa dhT
ed BhqT ALso ade)rrPReeoctdac Prnrr h s reerann(,af crR
LMea asH 0fr h o0 rd ai g im ttJoe,d a eiehdie dca utmrreuifotre eoniJ nrelt lo bn 0 iteaa. pS f v, gElEy7nbW e saapeep5ilDseliyc7o t1ht Bctd dfsodhur niio tinbdd edrhluaart'dednene e psd ealneh e eedihe5A v lLtseffi ea fageciee ilestaenR utd u taGpCtmgney,ntsdctn yrlrerte0
La Maison de Hue or La Commune Farm, St Saviour
with a certain piece of land called Le Pre de la Commune, the fields called Le Clos dEsthur, Le Clos de Gallie and Le Jardin dEsthur (in one piece)
and a certain piece of land called Le Clos de Carrefour et Le Jardin dAverty (in one piece) and being field bearing number S652 on the Jersey Digital Map, La Rue des Pigneaux
liLolgaie nivtalgGnende nurdeVe a
acPTesrnfhdreTe eR ar,r
AecJed(BenPeo n Wa)ars)ernsd r e t(LLrhfrRd aoo,rqoarneher cPc d
ed t,d9i u aise e0fptvtnfdltrymtiGfrepnedrno0tie acsdEeae99a.edru ,4
Share 2, St Saviour
78 St Mark's Road
EinVuets slein eggdi'aloS
deAan)A iJr gltaW( DnhM l e
tFHda nJrHSsuerhmyo p C
House 2, St Saviour
Homestead Farm
La Rue d'Elysee
suVaeg eietigdnxinanP
lriee C Fe 'e euOFH(nN v)i
loptdtmhmDedeaHs s tgeiLveeiin
pccop otesufun a esarfnrot ,ee iyehdmryto dcl5vr foprsrpm pr , etebo,0towp tnesatrc tonlfetonvr ea0in a aeoea rmcsecieholarvhson dri 0aheeimvsfht ynddrfcheoarb nseFteyneste i ae uehoc o lu n hi 75 l h oh9909lnep2yefiasltt ,hntnc paodsduseod ytiyintoa
Nitchevo, St Saviour
Wellington Road
eisineatnlgSse'Vl Eigou d
AanensRMMrnir aeAMg t )e d(
anWcreMSek) aisni ( tan
The fields bearing the numbers P807 and P807 A, St Peter
on the Jersey Digital Map, and comprising the fields Le Clos de Salmon, Le Clos de Piquet and that part of Le Clos de Bailhache
Surguy Farm Road
St Peter
aidganVlen Ntiio tcesS
d n BCMCAarstbSe ()ub i Hn e
eSuIFridrCgmiLuy m tS a
Apartment 15, St Peter
Pavilion I, The Pavilions
La Route de Beaumont
no ilSNgiecseatdn Vita
ee raSeJ enQ)us e(ieMn L
ondLiauradeaeD ()tiaBn mtm
3ig0ki0 artnp 6w5,h0
Apartment 14, St Peter
s aNc olSeidtVigate inn
dJflR lDL yfo aCa kA rean
edoine am)dni ta(DuLBtaamr
0aw0h,kgt0pr0 n5ii1
Apartment 12, St Peter
tltaN doanV sSien cigie
yo)eoaa AnEg aiT(l r dL snAeBnl
tmia i)daLmneuDenrd(a aotB
0i0gw0a1 irnt 0hpk,5
Apartment 11, St Peter
ciVnistelaoagiNSdt en
un TtTH
aetmtmd raaBuiDn)L oiend(a
i0a,8w5kp r0nt h3g0i
Apartment 10, St Peter
oe Ntcadegini SalntVi s
e uQAnrmdar Myhd Rp a Ru
i(aoDataaBnmedtem)n i drLu
a,w ngikt0r50ih 480p
Apartment 9, St Peter
ieNa tVncangeoi Ssdtli
AHCLJRl edWba niJ l b
maun )tLenta(oraieBmaddD i
4,06i0khn5pg0i aw rt
Apartment 8, St Peter
aditnVl isteSaenN g ico
d wrAn AeBs
d nDt)aaeane Lriu(omdaBmti
twi6r3p ,0k00hain g0
Apartment 6, St Peter
dlnNtsinocga tVS eeia i
Me di n sca Mon ensakKMe)P op( CzJe
Lm)(eeo aidttdriBnmanuaDa
k5awr00p t0h,i0 ing1
Apartment 5, St Peter
lcagoans iSnV eNeti tdi
gno rrge(a Bnhsldni Dlue)neMuS J
mudian anrLDea)itoaBtdme(
i,pr 0an5thi0w0gk37
Apartment 4, St Peter
i NatSncsi ilVdoeeantg
mlLecaGa C u MShnR oe Becld rPa
)r( ai aeadnodtumeDBanmiLt
7i4gh r,000k itapwn5
Apartment 3, St Peter
iodateiisgcnnetlNVS a
nL e)s eecPeEaV(nk loirn N Lnd
LBm(ednoua)d D tamtareinia
0w k 46n0ar,0pgith0i
Ville-Es-Normans-Farm, Trinity
La Neuve Route
sgi isgneeArnVe dtau
asnoe i)oai o nl lmtaJd(nHnmMY Il HmiG neit lWa
eAae r J (ePlnat tmnP)eT
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