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La Rochette, St Ouen
La Rue Vegueur
St Ouen
ltCleiue tPettie
Transfer type
isl eol iyJe)nllCA(We
l)Mn en Bneitsr sNa( Lsdoee
Court reference
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Apartment 5, St Mary
Les Pierres de Lecq
Le Mont de Ste Marie
St Mary
da uVrdogNniiten
Eet Ja tBre
lH AtoiJnC
2ini a0tr 70pw0gkh0,
Willow Cottage, St Mary
with a certain piece of land in the Southern part of the North-East corner of the piece of land known as Le Clos de Derriere
La Rue des Landes
VundguinSaiet d
RSar ons(mdnimDMmCnu )d ee
Bpai Ro)Sd e rs Cer nD Cihev(n
itlcttnh oueae t eoetwohar s ae oia 7dt xyffeiihoiL tolh rtkeeww n nCi(oinnreo ukia ieon e t nrpPbhLoo c enntttnsat 0sineaWe ioiueCrtdaRdoeaLtnhhrfppnada afou t fhwriseMideoui llue Aphhs fe w ao e odtli toewiho 2dluiooeeiltoor pclt f eth.hndla6g, wafv- epdrr rvroyccdh e rsker efaee lstllnue e Sner edsginp btwr Shane0eorDf ne)caachleavha eod eCir fantpe fts rn 5et tena, s eei, ht r nla ewsengedc ntrnNslcpatth
Nyumbani, St Martin
17 Le Clos du Vivier
La Grande Route de Rozel
St Martin
'gne sVdiitEagnleile
(fnRseJrreadC bleer ae arsn to sk PS) ,eTn
oraifa renmn yiCs,LeotdrlTr
sneimes rtpneansnlsd wSntysi y da Bns tlrgn e0fTogacetetBalp t,ecrn 0nntrCato oa0drth euPa a lrcoo3aereet hhttua tuwaarpuimd si Hedtt ne f nhnethcke i,phu0iiioohi s b iahsledinlfaoe ngwititeetnes0o
Lodge Falaise, St John
La Rue es Abbes
St John
Dn geadeiuuitnt oV
r ihpvDRC ni reSsed Bn) e C(oa
lJPP W e l n enhn aaWdJah
Home Farm House, Grouville
3 Home Farm
La Rue de Grouville
neaeu Rd giVtnilea
seR(Gl Gands elF laeaMru cenn)
iLen M rCeSe(y eaavKLn Me ) d
10lcii0gnd0nn1 ,0 ,tncsetou0
Pierreville (formerly Ramadi), St Clement
with an undivided half share of a certain piece of land to the North of the house and the land in front of the same forming part of the property
Plat Douet Road
St Clement
ne dVemigaeani Sarts
h MaZe
(d clnMs)Ttre aa PAiuAneeyhKr G
ignc5tdo 1itu50n00c,l nnse
98 Les Quennevais Park, St Brelade
La Grande Route des Quennevais
St Brelade
vgdsneniQVeui n easienta
SsRnAt itAHtn gn ad oco
lDa eChJs
g5,00ih 1gwaeta 40r
Firstly, Waldegrave with the cottage known as The Coach House, St Brelade
Secondly, a certain strip of land
La Route de la Haule
aotndeC iuiinn Vg
eeauRr,eTJf nTesanr
ln BnaSfr ralR,o(e )s neeTre Mua
ae rrgctyeyrirosl iyc au srnno0ert0o,dinmd n mita o dnhmbann, rona fe ai pt svneetsfpit pode spedt thei aiae0o Ts gtti aatrsr titgnnoiuve natcrse fopiapco benreorhelt ith e0heeha0desatni t2tep reva,ofaw hrirateniedtnpan h re yegofehiear s0rrr
Rocque Pointue, St Brelade
1 Rocque Pointue
La Verte Rue
yiMne ag eVoiedntal
uB rA l ep (CHoek)edWJuola tnena
trnee)J,Vllllna ,te e eoeog, lel,e enr)aDr aB nEL rt r eeP ot LEeMtBJlBEe) liol,ar r Bl B At olnB o(tadPrlS B Be,EeoDCse leyr oMe eL dlHN (, etDt B enmo ( )VenoC(lAreCoH,erAt ,N l Bth B,SB
56 Elizabeth Avenue, St Brelade
La Route Orange
Myien Vla ndetgieoa
rJu cnGrMCe
dlPee(ne ar ntRPt a)eASl We e r
nn81n oi0et00u5gtlcids, nc,0
West Cot, St Brelade
La Ruelle du Clos de Parcq
iteurnoiV dNotaing nm
lnd Rmadm la b NdaieeBEe(pCen )
tEnh)nitTe(Wo enV K da ded
52 Don Farm, St Brelade
La Route des Quennevais
nanVninQ itssiueaeeedvg
a nadr )KW( hiC eaeesMu BCS nnnh
A OinrKs d LL(ak desa )nanmen
31 Don Farm, St Brelade
iQnaieu ieavegsnentnVsd
i )tMJ eSM een snrkea ehRn(Cidnd
M WPt FWa dttans st Aa
n5nct40ioenlcuntd 7,0gsi 0
The remainder (comprising the greater part) of a field known as La Piece le Boutillier et Le Clos Appelee les Champs de Norman de lEst et Pelle, St Helier
and bearing the field number 1124 on the Jersey Digital Map
St Helier
At'bout eb ian V gdianlenM
LM Aa e(bCnfyJ b) nfJer u ede
Jole RLdn
Apartment 6, St Helier
The Bath House
Phillips Street
HtieCnanllentaa lVaed gei t e dVnudli oa
Weehy SDh
CPJr)syt eaemelta iid (pGiL
Apartment 3, St Helier
dn nld ild l eaeaaVo CHeitltnitneeagV ua
et LWu MuqeH
eLG tdip rayPlat(CJeim si) e
Apartment 1, St Helier
dndegn aV eili C aldle anaeoute aHVtlint
he SeyDWh
tP mtJ)p yLC lGeeaiei(isra d
A certain shop and house bearing the number 4 Pitt Street, St Helier
a certain shop and house bearing the number 5 Pitt Street with the yard to the West thereof;
and a certain shop and house bearing the number 6 Pitt Street (including 10 Dumaresq Street), with the washhouse to the South of the Western part of the house
M gltudieerl ne B t VPded Bnatnoeglta V Veis udnd i enaosainiaenta lnea Cdara
ToNotnyutasr ha leTerrJiesf
apmCdSehenan IlvheroseoldiLtcea tn - iiesoCTyit
21 Beaulieu Park, St Helier
St Saviour's Road
niagt tVnl e ndVual eleaioi a dtlea eCnHd
rqBM oLc Re
cetnreiJos ieseA nyhseblToia sanTT
0cn3c0dte4ilou ,g5 tsnni5n
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