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Apartment 7, St Helier
Belmont Court
Ann Street
St Helier
Vialiedanldittnn aaol eV edCgn e ea uHtl
Transfer type
enn Pct e oF)d saePnaLLpaLPJ ( u
HAm Ld demintsmoeiiu
Court reference
ta esho l i et peidT5d6rt clp,ebydrtbna3tomvoi k sn 7(oo e fso,onte3wn shncnhc ehhaaivne0 thotdwdree,000. nnt boe0au eatdriagthh eoetont5 nC dsrac h3uo dht6nie eee2gnotcesB na myr0prrrmtufulfmec perne) e pl,ehdlhsh ru 7 op tip rtosa nt0ideasu c0yee n moir l
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Apartment 5, St Helier
e dlaHn oetglddieVn atiannaaueell CiV t
w Di RldSoAe aKaa nspDk
moLdmsdnmiuAti eeiH
t snn3cba vcoret at Tmsspio dl0hdnh md0 drlu5cn, lu2fn wyeedinpBdipes h,hfsi(hndegoboto thaeiuro trurhmcuenebiar ie.ehs0eo nsrinnpt a aeeat0cgo7a0mp)er8l pt ynteo0ditttemtcoal tC05ehf ,rhe5 0 oaro dlceeeonhttar 3 dneetht, eos eoroyee n uv0nphn 0 s rw k
1 Devonshire Villas, St Helier
La Route es Nouaux
ongVMa bl eutbdAniinae t
(va)DSdOaeAo H eLl enaarnyn JGl
ts dueLmi eaiLrC reiM
A certain property, St Helier
being the western and eastern parts of the property known as Robin Place Workshop
formerly Guiton Stores
uHegi ntodet an na tud eVraiPMur et
tldeminsRaLdl ia
dnangng Fa a H n iHFC nJninA
The Coach House, St Helier
16 Â Clairvale Road
o d n atn gBdeariPeneas tM rutueiV
dJ JAiLerettieosi Prpm
id raNueusSmaerGiLe igcnndtisrvi
ne3guc00n,l icsn04nito0td
Royde House, St Helier
21 Midvale Road
ira nP nsg et odetVe BeniuM duaatr
RdoeidHeyieotuL ms
uai irnuiraevss deigLdr tNinGeSmc
00gce onn1is,0nt1indlu 01,ct
22 Clairvale Road, St Helier
eBtieotr nePgndt unaMVs a dr ueia
iJotAtL mesriidpeerJP
diriirceSvaris n udngGNiLeesutma
lg00s,nn ico4tt0un5 0dncie
Apartment 3, St Helier
7 Duhamel Street
saenda i eBtet in uoVPdgreuMtr na
aPMurA (Rnreis edM eia)xJ ea Meq nMT
sinLm ediaJsoyH oLtem ere
Apartment 2, St Helier
eiteonVePnidurnts g BateaM ura d
nD(Pr lrtie ed on)e a BtLY ue
oeJLestsrmenaeym oi iLdH
7 Duhamel Place, St Helier
Duhamel Road
aiMionaue rattengBseduPe Vr ntd
eatdluml7iPee hcD ia Lm
(lad eeWL rC DSynhyLA na) D ecDe
1 Bellozannne Villas, St Helier
Bellozanne Valley
te oocga oinCMdtnnnhV iu
zSn nS )D aeM ea krnd rHu soeMMacSy(l
eedmomAH sLutdiii mn
t oetf o a ioeens0 u ropdt oe hr ,n r6enfa te mclcndiopcsto8rshtthra hhheaeowtd0dheeil0 ,hyupneeoncrnhyfre ued esn v0e ln ttptswed04r3a tneodoa0hs tilo0eht6 oat e epm iavdi a rsr ybmbh
Breacon House, St Helier
Upper Kings Cliff
La Pouquelaye
Vnuen MattiinAd bbloea g
Le e eS AndMaSLe
ff Jedn ElR eDd yJKCaaic
Flat 7, St Helier
Churchill Place
Victoria Street
ereta uutatior Vae nd BePMdgsn in
cjuLePa ktea
AasddS S
Flat 75, St Helier
Marett Court
Marett Road
aV ld dt i a in olet e ageVdauinleCHtnaenl
CG enonl lHO
AieCLidtP m
otatrn00cgeg0 aeinna,cn 3g ddun1sil0
One half undivided shares of a certain building or store, St Helier
to the east and to the rear of the property bearing the number 4 Pomona Road;
a certain covered passageway situated to the north of and coextensive with the yard behind the house
nVultlud goBiuenReio ioan g
VGoavl dzIdlALr e e aanF
eG( tlnr)sieBueeLP dterdeiirm
teoo nepo repm tfmdrige ihetn etd Rera dot panrfuotugPoiog arduaof o pbel yh ramPnnsbhnmodihfoioo eouonr an ai fnopreeeno R gor hhtimaategrft eaa t yre4mar eme bndocfrttpohtmou nne so 4rrrt anrb
9 Mayfield Apartments, St Helier
76 St Saviours Road
tVeeiioelad ne uanCill tn n ldaaeHVadt g
el guJP sMy
Rratio utieid m SSo7dLa6sv
Share 2 of 1 Apsley Villas, St Helier
Apsley Road
tneaeruds PnVier otaguM i tBden a
(e eudaCRat )Brn aiakegr U Pnhn
glddvHise LeiitSloonme
Share 1 of Wairoa House, St Helier
105 Don Road
eloni tl n eiatdCuinedlV Hgat eVenaaald
uM p h yA oMhynnHraEnFaeSd
ii L Ds e H&omnltgiMdd
c, t0un0c n5ng1d0ienslt0oi
23 Richelieu Park, St Helier
Tower Road
Mignabtb Voedn et inuAl a
ratPdcrGGdL nnJah r Pa e
V n( a ebiErn Feerd Rbe)tJecAahr
onid n,ng550e07icttn0luc s
3 Hillcrest, St Helier
Westmount Road
Altb anMe atgbdiin Veoun
u DEdsnmJd
aipHe irmldtrP uheLtee
50 nc,oni2dnceugtsl10nt07,i
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