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Apartment 35, St Brelade
Quennevais Parade
La Route des Quennevais
St Brelade
a ive nsaegindtesinVeQun
Transfer type
nsACt ABo Sa
rC noFMos(e)eswe
Court reference
ne03nuid t,gog trnginda 06c0naslc0ae
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Apartment 19, St Brelade
Tabor Park
La Route des Genets
mortinn ouneVdtiiaNg
e M RohurntCtae)tee (eymohG
leA nilnir (lettaekVoEg )
ol gudd 02nin4ces ,a0 acpt5ing0tkrninn
Silcia, St Brelade
La Rue du Pont Marquet
nedQ naeViet svniineausg
tGha l (nG lhd eenELee gaWa)ri
ea ln nS elDlAnNWWlmdma a
The site of the house Maison D’Or, St Brelade
formerly Villa D'Or and previously Villa Gardena
La Rue au Moestre
ienruoaitVo n nimgdNt
elt)Ll(iGsJeV lmidyiar de o
s iai OdnoMietmDrL
7 Alton Villas, St Helier
Woodville Avenue
St Saviour's Road
St Helier
HVtd aeaedg iCldutVala i el oeneail nnnt
d aKJnuelleTihMte enrJeQ e() c
d tunMdnMeirA On)Wu aRan(l de o
i0nton0cc06 u dstelnn0g8i,
Beau Geste, St Helier
La Route de St Aubin
lu'gMaeiVnati bndn tobeA
tamiiLnde Jien.jBm
LL Gnwei
,nnitdsot cnl00gc n052e1ui
Apartment 2, St Helier
The Mill
Les Grands Vaux
o HradtMdai enuuug etr aettV neiPn
nenhJnitopr Dea eBs( )er
wedSMLsunne akibmnity
22 Duhamel Place, St Helier
g erBsoda Mrtdue tnaniu VinatP ee
nomeaHdgingydlisttLii Sr
cmllr oiRae Gla)neh PJ(ein
43 Garden Lane, St Helier
eMtBi tPeasdeVdntir rua eg onan u
yTrnekrAndtShWet) a b( Pa ne e
dnK JJlae te el(ie)rnT hMecQue
ngius4i500tctolc7 nedn0n,
17 Le Geyt Street, St Helier
VuB itnero atdegruneie PnadMs at
auao i kB IVRrv daSlvnnN l
reAuBt nt
4 Weston Villas, St Helier
d lbenAiaMuVgeb n ti'no ta
n aMoDsM
D veRa nnLc) r e(ee tea Td CFPlue
11 Town Mills, St Helier
Les Vaux New Road
uatgBPenr Vsdine au Me oteanidtr
M )Ad z(rJte aaWlnnLceanka e
mdm iioLdeAHiutnem s
hpl nyh ntedor ta0 lepya nnersp , onac oenhele t enedrsaet3onr vy sbuh he04 mfhoms a4lprttcdoh e0eheeer0isa f0d evaisea1rottns echuc0wea u,hr nrde0thpr8tbitsom aoho otdfitoe tti dhdo
Apartment 3, Medina House, St Helier
formerly Medina Guest House
26 Seale Street
nauei ldoi Vda ltn Cnaae e anide llt VegHt
Che neeycra nPa We lJ)E(er Hd y J
)n nPe rPen eCre sdaA Fa(eJianed r
28 Midvale Road, St Helier
llgioVgodn uinRa ouutBeine
r tr(Ma Uneh iq AFA duenn)an
Rdee anaTenJadirLT C (me nnnr)dee-a
Flat 1B, St Helier
11 Royal Crescent
Don Road
td Huea C VaVn eaaganndti elli i dtnleole
(aaahreC an dCH VSk rK)pn hIe epri
eNAn L dMgS ahrneT iae
Share 1A and 4 of 11 Royal Crescent, St Helier
eHi i otell dnie aatenn nalu etgVVaddlaC
Sh rah i daHV k nCrIe)eaKea(Cpnpr
MALTe a rah inS Nd eeng
0 nat4g rpi0kwhi85,0
15 Le Clos de Mon Sejour, St Helier
La Route de la Trinite
du u reano teMidtrHniteaVag tunP e
enro ALSrlmf,anaee sT
o TaoCKr frnsnsNree,l
yecrssnoifa re asi2tde hcideoimsoft , t onref na0t l mehhnaa 5pnnt ehiu rTraae d raattor2rst o nsns enouttye 0 eh0ptet epfe sw
La Forge, St Mary
La Rue des Buttes
St Mary
iaeduugiV tdnSn
a)eGai(gid v engan GneRR r
(B rre)tDeetnsl picJ rto,eyrmfhonoaenS
tn icin00tscn,logeun70d08
The piece of land called Le Grand Clos du Mont Gehan, St Martin
and bearing the numbers 455 and 452 on the Jersey Digital Map;
the piece of land called Le Clos des Cotils now combined with Le Grand Clos du Mont Gehan;
St Martin
nnneiea lg eV iRidFufdaee it
T,ihsengfa Tt eJre rrW
hg sr,tWrDEfaneirro T
crfheel pceeeieeo l krl;eiehetee ehinmtt or a nl l c ihatf e enw l79c edtotyi ha dte g idoei Asyi V elgd ;h reLa s seap oirngiofhytuaa 4uaneleoh tiaa PnasybetaPeelrC a tdaeh0o4ewrL tCy aedn s erfrtnee nanoofiayeatn Mnnto ;t oa ilhJelidhG lmedlea; gunwGunrh 4i d b danoBea d dhr dsrena J dn5 r de ayVitineaL Ggre Mh fde jir4uiLyf rCop.slainnanfg naL n nuoaetoalttiedCre Mlg suaet9scieaaeiedlottVnCh rbCiupfgalr a udtf 5sg edmrm teRJrlSy m l tG dnr otoanls)d ebaMi ehppe6 uait n lrtuwm lfc le aottl elhrede irH(dnJorrahrae ti er ohC orC rdpntGLa nL pr erD tind ensf lslS ce e t tutlrohdat ti f s5aalat o rr olDttyiton nisNt o pga e fasee9oooenc dhae tiMene 0 nw nhseeT ers ee4ovdo e oisp laoBwlron e(uu cttbnAloe;e nhdniePhgoberyarneeubnaiguec na hdr;De hon rtndesto drh sLev e; aanebyno)phmte
A strip of land reclaimed from the foreshore, Grouville
and situate to the south or thereabouts of the property known as La Mielle du Sud
nqd atVioiu Rceg lenae
eenL ois,Re wD
l uesaTPhhtodc ebIflin
Gvaneaf0epEdir p0 mieeeelt d.srt e1cn eaeiruuyi rtan fsdddtdtt.
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