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Les Vaux Farm, Trinity
La Verte Rue
iln qgeeVi'nVateEd-v-lueilae
Transfer type
Plneyca lD,Ce PoS
telan nliR(Le eras)alnv,dCDoo l AiPan R
Court reference
0n at tie,eesmrtap pua. nntfdr d e010ie0scadel0udyvideetrr dtif2 E,Ge,
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4 Fairfield, Trinity
La Rue du Hurel
e eelrdanintiVisg aCeio r
tnoSeam E Tgss adnrA lrlGkC
TetceLy JabKn(n u L) bBehnt d
La Planque Farm and The Dower Cottage with land, Trinity
ieizenndV geot lRa
L eam l )pnsAnMEF (rab aileCete e d
)ieClomoP CLe R(kAn e ano d r
i80g7e0con 1i5, stulnn,tn8cd
34 Langtry Gardens, St Saviour
St Saviour's Hill
St Saviour
i igelEVnle inu easgtoS'sd
adr na S AR(uVaoG) yerntneeM
spe st)aonreLvr eetieiieyHmlldJy(Dlm
27 La Rue Gallie, St Saviour
formerly 55 Maufant Village
La Grande Route de St Martin
ead innn tfaugMVteia
P aov Sia CddLrii nLsnr e eHS
HW El rnoe e) G(madse
i 3g0enn,tc05on8ildcs n0ut
El Atir, St Saviour
Sunshine Avenue
l gln gte EdaseiueoVsSn'ii
MmPaiyn)( Ce a Meen nerr dPMoa
d arennLniecimoActiF
Apartment 45, St Saviour
Maison Belleville
Wellington Road
g dt ul alinsigSe'seoEeni
ooeSl tc(F PemMino)t
sndVreACR V easr t nene t
0a 3sl9 ea.e9 r090y,e
A certain strip of land forming part of certain lanes called Le Cotil du Desert et le Cotil du Boulvard, St Peter
Le Mont des Vignes
St Peter
nVSoligs a dtcetiNneai
a n,n oenwaeiDrMMee(e gMreKrn )hs
, scrio ykW ckoco kssoer s kbon)d s oWPic SnHlcoCcc,iA uM cT W,scWiilnsCaoon Wpl nki o,Qnl(RlocnNl e on
p er0iE0a elrf1dd tefe saeeG dninduaamdrue.i,dti,trpyen 0 ttetcsv
Vale Farm, St Peter
Le Mont Fallu
innt ogiaSVdlis cte Nae
edn cl Pme) aS nareta(eAER
GJene Fn e(rosdFdP an)a Mern
ecii47t0,n0 ugo0 nstnnlc1d
Robin Hood Cottage, St Peter
formerly Cock Robin Cottage
no NsentSal g aVidticei
osTWnlkci c oM
niTccllkiWnA c cse so ,i pcWnQ coHo R Wed nob kluoC,akcss,ilo s liPoNnCknkocn csWyr ocM(iW)Slo
Certain fields known as Le Cotil ou Pendant en Dessous de Champs Dde Compere. La Valette du Paccq. La Garenne de Haut. Le Pre du Desert and Le Desert ou Coteau and bearing the numbers 418, 419, 453 and 458 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
La Ruelle de Creuz Baillot
St Ouen
tdeie leieoltvlLlCuee
C R lseMi
R eeG dJ
Le Clos bearing the numbers 176 and175 on the jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
La Rue du Val de la Mare
uclnelleViCedhzte e tei
aCr ,sr )tsdSaPCCe(aMTegfeoo n e nFnrn d e hs
re M fa)enJnoAdlnLnsniWGiT ,s r ga erane(
ptaann0 df teGpiy d 0ue,.2dtnfat ertiedv 0iease e,Erdrdmleiuc0stre
Jardin a Pommiers, St Ouen
heuCdleeinlct eziV eelt
o ogsaaMeF CTnh C)tfnedrne PCa(r,e esnsrdS
n eet,n ea)l (rn geAsnrLinJsfaGiro
ri0r ieyd0Gr.e,,8sufttcn rea p uand n0ite5eepl 0dvt denietv.seamaEd
Carrand, St Ouen
4 La Ville de la Croix
La Rues des Marettes
Ce etvill ueldolLeteei
bre NJ KRmaad)eoenL( nnH m e
ALec eh SJ
tng250o0unn5cte0,nicsl d i
Whiteberry Cottage, St Mary
5 Les Colombiers Manor
La Rue du Rondon
St Mary
noVg Nnridieuadt
xdiBaitFe Dur A rSc CaneMCeo
)CPse ea PdrneceLe( rns PoegV atntn Ade
Certain lands comprising the remainder of La Partie Nord du Pre. La Partie Sud du Pre. La Cotil de la Commune., St Martin
The remainder of Le Cotil de Dessous la Route. Le Pre du Havre. La Partie Defrichee du cotil. La Partie en Friche Dudit Cotil and bearing the numbers 77, 78, 1446 and 1447
St Martin
nogoa Ho dslwee zeldML,nDeodRti
nroaeJ cP(ko aMtn)e J ds Sh nD
tvp ter0E, etatmyrffeis,pee dit ned0analrdauidseri0d.G u dcnt 2ee3
A certain piece of land being the Northern part of La Grand Clos and bearing the field number 740 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Martin
La Rue du Huquet
ga gle'eld iVieEnsint
Aa so RDnw
a ereaeudrsSttirna sieL P sPMvoaD
A certain piece of land being the Southern part of La Grand Clos and bearing the field number 740 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Martin
laiisgV gld'n Eteniee
R AoD wsan
hch air) ityfPSGon snDrrt uMao(
A certain piece of land being the Western part of field 720A, St Martin
La Rue de la Croix au Maitre
nnlgsigee eEadt'iilV
resLe sd itraoasiP v PMu rtaDeSena
Phf nh n) or Gtsairarto(uDcMySi
La Charpenterie, St Martin
formerly Wayside
La Grande Route de Rozel
ln'iEiV eegtnlsidgea
a e (gnn eaGeoldSdEK) IerenrG
BMn( ee LnrMr ieneoaC)er
6u 0 ce5itdnno6lstnn0i0gc,
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