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White Hart, St Clement
26 Clos de l'Abri
La Grande Route de la Cote
St Clement
nsaeiegnt Siaer mdVa
Transfer type
en e i(in)OlclaeS hsNvo MnoGd
Q)nOnblot yntetea dLe i(MDsnTy 'nl ni bat DiRM
Court reference
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Ar-Teach, St Clement
formerly Wellesley
La Greve d'Azette
edgnneVsaaiim etSar
rKawr oSpA
a ) eyrAJAn Jn Le(d eenna rBnSa
Apartment 50, Block C, St Clement
Millennium Court
igs mrt iandnSaaVeee
aisadun BK
)n nereM rHs rrtCaeSaeo D(tei
La Frotique, St Brelade
Le Mont de la Pulente
St Brelade
e enlio ygnMe tiaadV
adeJll neEdlG Eo(w )naNaVnl e
Dlw yean e(ee l)s DnldaGJ
otha di ldolnnvnleartpinrodsnfstay0,ado c vn afnnaeu h pdtenoiearf if 0drgonwtsuaid se 6di0c0i0arh
An irregular shaped parcel of land, St Helier
measuring approximately two hundred and sixty-five square feet forming the western extremity of the property Les Pignons for the establishment of a public footpath
St Helier
ndog'Mlabnea in Vet iAb ut
hi ef t sraleHhrPei oTS
HseMo DJn
The share or lot numbered fifteen, St Helier
comprising of a room and toilet on the ground floor of the block of apartments called Falcon Apartments
Havre des Pas
eH glodaae lVianateCadVenlndn iiutelt
evEAnrWak o a drmPnC naD
etrtnA Bu
2 Elysian Terrace, St Helier
St Saviour's Road
l innt naldVtt oHe ldea nluedeagieaiVaC
de)r Che aS u(n rAdcmal neh NJF
aCC nngn rJ eoy)onei(cJgn aF L me(mnnm Ve,imeu ud )CFz Jn Fe
A certain new house to be known as Willowdene, St Helier
La Pouquelaye
VdMa'niiu gnbaelAtonte b
y(A-S de CJa)rennn J D aeveth
6 Orchard Villas, St Helier
Brighton Road
e iilgVtlBdu ooRoina ungeun
eewae V(nnJl nMHd riyati o dTr ) K
ondn(snePini ni JArn nFyM eFrB)oa
0i cnno0tugnsl50d0eit4nc,
22 Jardin de la Hauteur, St Helier
La Rue de la Hauteur
idVee t oeaMnPatrgaudtue inrtuH n
(nkOo t) pdAeito mB MeonmOaM-MoAaki pOa
loMnJJhe (a r hnanseol)Ks
71 Great Union Road, St Helier
i B odi RVuigtlngneunolouea
R )aFrgRa oendSuJ na aeVe ril(e
rweArd adLn(Jmo) MaHn riaah Hts Pes
Flat 4, St Helier
Eagle House
Queen's Road
'geAoelta nbbdMiVu tnan i
a gLS Srodfn
MJnerhn Preai) Td n I(eeecCa
940tk02ri i,ha wn0pg
Granville, St Helier
Rodney Avenue
etaoltlu a dge nVlnient Vdi adaHa e il Cen
b bB a iLd)eoLe s aoRna(idnunaHrC
ur a Jeav aCunCeA odnynMe) e J( x
17 Birch Court, St Helier
Oak Tree Gardens
La Route de la Trinite
tg rVdt nneae uanMudtetaHuoi eriP
ndh Felea MrotBn FdJ(a )yAe y
AdsdummeLmiii nt Heo
Apartment 3, St Helier
22 Great Union Road
narntd PMgBa tteo s ai unrideeVue
s)i nineiheplSr l a (F dna LHPgd
edGD iLmiAt
36 Midvale Road, St Helier
eMrtegn a i un tutVrPeBsa oddiena
aG MlnJu
N(it)rAl c eeCilu aVeeon
Apartment 4, St Helier
2 Grosvenor Terrace
Grosvenor Street
lioaeuteln Cd nd aeHiatlandialgVtVn ee
BeernannrA yn)eL S (ae
yoe(rap m)Ji bTmkhSsneWn
Firstly, an irregular shaped piece of land, Trinity
being the majority of the Eastern part of the Southern part of a piece of land called Clos Crinet, Le Jardin a Pommiers and the Southern part of Clos de la Fallaize (now all joined together)
with the greenhouse and potting shed to the North of and adjoining the latter and appurtenances constructed on part thereof with the ownership of the bank and offset of the East towards the property called Fairlawne.
dRnaiiidonugen n tV
Lo M)eAa echAenncD a( Me Su Cedb
FnLe )aehJoenL (e DM ecu en
ePoP aydnm olEopraan llnrsriz (a i amgdSo laohLMrc dra blttccpCeleselmfLftidfc sPetifsn oJ hooiuera nenp s aeaetnaM PgnNettlninoaiidobtn irnp ieaae1,e(tetekoit o da r te lnde dsfeenP,dao C eofolnsoeosttdDpinymn eoat hio n nicero tStihteadig a e diml otwu.no1j)apelsja g dr fa j ref hfe re ionw nogrl iete irthGet et iandelie ltwren teo apnyolfhhe r ffuihire aon feco tnrf ead ai eow fLeeymn imteCe lhlmrdn e Hea k a h tlyuoe st ceeo tp f enni uorcal n,lala gt tdo sretn lh t rywosonefaiialntsregdnraoedrtth Leeertapdla9rsTlsehgjHb rooii a ayJi o g b hdl , Fad dal eaeatClne s
Firstly, the remainder of Le Clos de la Croix, Le Clos d’Anigot and Le Clos d’Isaac, Trinity
joining together and being field number 410 on the Jersey Digital Map, 34,000.
Secondly, a certain piece of land called Le Clos Ou Jardin de Colard and being field number 512 on the Jersey Digital Map, 28,000.
teieEeq i VVnadige vale'-luln-
hey uelrnNG a)(cAe
(hnyeatreJ)dunnH ruocoLy cG thG
n ldfp1tud ceiayedodamb0eaPL6rP3no ieea 2 np lL cofrlneh4nu d ui8oTd,ue3erud0r,buaqeag eenF0ey 0,rt rTdhammah eit ,,,ibeluol0dtenr af r0eB lnnd 0,i lecmnowl 0graiii ale ogcab.nuc ll nL3e
La Petite Mare, Trinity
formerly La Mare Cottage
La Rue de la Boucterie
ldeze nntea RVgiio
eSoa idGSe)(r hPG anlneEaednoMn w l c
nP aoKe a)LWo(sdM daAelnp
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