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11 Bel Apartments, St Helier
La Rue de Trachy
St Helier
cgahnouooeVnM id ntiCnt
Transfer type
Fl D ia AlG
ailtGSele Ctn )Ja(t
Court reference
kngcstid2a0tc05n dpl snrgn,, 0ioren o0eina tu
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16 Pomona Road, St Helier
u dntuoVlnlnegiaiBuiooR eg
StuCA d nnonioJ( eel n)D tla
e cG DCaL
27 Le Jardin de la Hauteur, St Helier
La Rue de la Hauteur
ue dnatnutiMgtdV ona aePreit Her u
fu M ri hDJfr(yGne inpe)
( ceeraHain nO nVdJaonm)C e
stic n00 e1on0cn4ldni,8utg
St Fillan’s, St Helier
formerly known as Tir'na'nog, Llamedos and St Fillans
Hansford Lane
i cMndoinu ha VgtCnoteon
AweML nn() oBc eKeer
rl(feCo ST dMenrnOdAa)iyen
0ocse,dnn0n5t in ug20c0til
La Bricquette, St Helier
2 Tunnell Street
ndeenHlaaC eaol au Vdil nnl Veiti dt ea gt
Mls(rdJemseerye tt)eie tiL
d yrEuSKt
Strathyre, St Saviour
with a certain piece of land in the Eastern part of Le Clos de Devant (formerly two pieces of land called Le Clos Devant and Le Clos de Derriere, now combined)
La Rue de la Piece Mauger
St Saviour
aa af VtMieienunndgt
anmRanr drL k danAoJ enS R W
R eaenMA E(e ses AdnD ) Jouay
lud 0ginot,nccnet06 si00n7
Maple Leaf House, St Saviour
Bagatelle Road
iangPeunse ixnidtgaeV
Raahl liuAw
eus c a B M (nBPGden) MreeAn
1 La Carriethe, St Saviour
Les Vaux
os oVegnSdlui ea e uiagHunt
QuMi rkR
Ge)nd( es eMubt lnCSa nb Kao
0n cng0ggdd42ue,a 0se0nnrni laaictto
The site of the hotel known as Les Charrieres Hotel, St Peter
extensions, buildings, tennis court and appurtenances (in course of demolition) together with the West part of a field known as La Valette and the West part of the fields known as Le Jardin Nicholas (which included the site of some pigsties)
and the cultivate part of Le Cotil ou Jardin d'Aubert, Les Charrieres
St Peter
eeg aVgAi ziendutrsne
mitViLeserhi errLd aC
ee eLtaelehCs disrHtLo rriim
aWrfor' r l iaa nhitwfn Jwedi rtCt a aA uplNdtstoohvl.nutlifdeealoolargJptutetn n oehsdu it aA nhA slareLdoikdcaa inpdL lefecia alb lnofee eh n icaondectt sr psra e nfkr
Mayward Villa, St Peter
with the Southern part of the South-West part of the field known as Le Clos Maresq
La Route du Carrefour a Cendre
nge etVieeAisgr daunz
D d)oendC aTos,rdsGn (MMe efn ei or nne rnAaier
MrM,oalarlehfTras sJrd rn i T osn naA
7 Gprtr tartucs0seem0,ndi0idnrdp,atu e nfeeE da0de.ta 0fdetyeliiev
A certain piece of land known as Le Clos de la Heche and bearing field number 474 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
St Ouen
eeevloi lletledieCu Lt
tvme evsnIsAtnueLiie detnm
envaE iBM E rS
The Western part of a certain piece of land called Le Clos de la Fontaine being field number 1845 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
La Rue du Manoir
eltunGt erieelCda
mttnS rueoi MaO edsLni
estCh( )el CnriaHLlw e
A certain field bearing the number 457 on the Jersey Digital Map and known as Le Clos Quardin, St Ouen
eie LouellveCt ldeielt
o Sn HLeqR o rBG) nPcu (de enea
tneevtiIAne es esmLuntivdm
Le Petit Chene, St Ouen
La Rue de la Botellerie
eCeiPuel titttel
D n nniJ ea mel,W eMdHG JaNso
nao oSD Cly,rc PlP
iuridReee tpitpgsn yne
tuPl Ctteieieelt
nc Pyelo CalS,P De
lo oDHJ im eMnaWrn,
sdepy50 .d ft eiedpGe,dr0enic ed01teEtin fu lnta7msadavu eri,rettar
The Bakehouse, St Mary
formerly known as The Cottage
La Rue de la Vallee
St Mary
uuna itVenidgSd
y es daDsen RnAuAo( MeJ Eae )
Pant oL Sng
l0io0n0uc 9tne9,4nnidgsct
Maison de la Banque, St Mary
La Rue du Rondin
nnNeddit giraVou
f n ,iTa Te MrssMloaerrhlJsdananr Ae
ora()nerni en eonsT,AoeM d rfDGd r
ee0rlead9n0d,epeG e0uf irt ttcrsna0 eertudif0dtdipiE.yd e sat,an mv
Sabloniere, St Martin
3 Les Burons, St Martins Village
La Rue de la Haye
St Martin
gieligs'adnVet n Elie
d LnnI)oEie galnmbJ H G(ele
LJrgt bolugWhsNd iC new mar
c a5 dglrncgioa0neaitnts508unend2g,
The Cottage, St Martin
6 La Chesnaie
La Grande Route de Faldouet
i ieue oFndeaaldtVntg
Rnbnn APvi aNoD dno Yso
haMr slRl aJ
tn5ectc , u00no0linngi0d0s
Apartment 8, St Martin
St Martin's House
'glensEiaVietil e dgn
e olle( LCv aRsee)eJn
iY asbo DP NnoRnd vnoAn
rin,u0gn 5n accnonpenad5dgt slikt0 i03
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