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L’Etacq House, St Ouen
with the garage, outbuildings, yard, stacking area and gardens dependent thereto.
A certain triangular shaped piece of land originally forming the South-East corner of the property known as L'Etacq Quarry, La Route de l'Etacq,
St Ouen
ilit CetliaMl seueedl
Transfer type
naaeeenhrnsen Ks tiuani d)oL C ,KweqRs Les ouhdPeaoa Nqo-lgee natdeuarC(ac -n MJMcku
Court reference
dtiuieRniegpr ptsneye
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eitstdelle ieCMllia u
,nBo aJDu enDye
cur,eonCot noahPJ D
et ,ernued eidiapfnrtpedfetasr yncrddt ieG
Villa Rose, St Ouen
Le Chemin du Moulin
eealrztC G euetndeitl
hl aRnCeR)a pA(M npha m ned aJ
WnsaJi HeJa riiRsendrg) (g n
nt 5n0t17nl0cio0dng,csi1u,e
Grace Cottage formerly known as Holly Cottage and Les Ombrages), St Ouen
with the outbuildings, garage, swimming pool and gardens joining thereto and the banks, walls and offsets, all around, except by the North.
A piece of land known as Le Clos du Motier, La Ville de l'Eglise,
G reultadnCeieelt
eyhnsCdE)(AoRlene C EtiiCnr s e da
)ev(eMoee DAninMy l
e,,isdlnog1c00cnt0 0i6 utnn0
Les Cinq Verges, St Ouen
Le Mont des Corvees
ileitdsaeC lMeeullit
osdnS dJ de(aw e)q rca eLBn rHE D
znsp eM(iKJnoec)k Meoe as
3s2t0 it5dglc 0n0on,i,necun1
5 Brampton Farm, St Ouen
Le Chemin de l'Eglise
CiLetieeleulvo eltedl
BeFnHLndln aiyli B F
MEan)e l(dnA re DeCs a kanvS
ccg0ti denl0n50,o2nist 0un
Les Quatre Carrefours, St Martin
with the converted building (comprising three cottages) adjoining the North side thereof and its other dependent buildings, yards, avenues (of the North and of the West)
and appurtenances with the following lands; Le Jardin a Potage; La Piece de l'Est being fields numbered 273A, 273B and 273C on the Jersey Digital Map;
St Martin
eige l oneaVnztdiR
poDuaiod Rs nS Cd(on ewErkC at) tee
a i LsGdRup
itb L iae nLthR h etfhtb J eaur tpEte datt PLa P rr ihesfePg ad4 0heo p ii ;hrabi,ooi'aCPhas aeeddtsnt aoWqDp ot G les2 f pp lv; dsndfe oeseDc gn qo2e eViegeMyfPtr lo eorh i aaalshoeo4n hedr di0obdib d 'atgrns dfeeNelll ei2aeuf c2aaileot nLe a MLwen DrTitu rlSeo roPt e1 reiiOu;nomfAtunwJettthr t rhMh oa Lehvnapndndydetraiety idhaeaett leaefn.snm pLaJe 7 e J ertlrea4ibgersaioot iouesun2il en gmrh slrJeiy s, t oe neye fraeueduduns eee ndts ete itslesesoelW eethpb er e f reesrtuhm
Les Pommiers (formerly Rockvale Farm), St Lawrence
with the offices, yard, stack yard, issues and avenues and the following lands, namely; Le Val; Le Cotil a l'Est du Val;
La Valette; Le Pre Ou Jardin de Derriere; Le Reste Ou la Partie est du Grand Jardin; Le Jardin de La Mare; Le Jardin de Haut; Le Grand Cotil; Le Clos de Felard; Le Reste du Jardin du Moignan, La Rue de Haut,
St Lawrence
itleigaVade et lHeanlanVu de
eslnel nAeTferD r,aM
iePimmPeoydair ,CLp rTeanemrtfposnr rsoL ryosmet
pdsCr e feattaytrdendend eruiinrpe
A certain piece of land or parking area, St Clement
situate to the North-East, or thereabouts, and co-extensive with the property called Mal Maison already belonging to the donees.
The roadway to the South-East and co-extensive with both the area of land or parking area hereinabove mentioned and the property called Mal Maison
St Clement
need VitaGnnigra
)fr NeeJ,eene(nin Lvo eGHfSdD sr aht si
cider tnedLarrn imoym,oDuPooH
vr y 0eGdfEptni east 0uadeev e0eacnldsttu2.rmdeie,neir inra0pd,t
Fairwood Lodge, St Brelade
La Rue Voisin
St Brelade
oatVug Neoi nditrminn
lSaL nd SacJk klacCA
GSM ile s
0o6lcnt tc0innu5is0ned0 ,g
Quatre Vents, St Brelade
4 White Houses (also known as 4 Noirmont Lane)
Noirmont Lane
oNedVnr ngmtian iutoi
ia naeToH W s) ecLlnr(JCkd yA
en ) AdsnoeBdrn (Ae Vnlro
0snoc0lin,i51gu ,d0e ct10tnn
Qu’Appelle, St Brelade
Les Landes Avenue
La Route des Genets
nVremNgn inoai uttdoi
MnCEdS la e vnrn) sea(kDaAe
Cle pJna
nti6, 8 eiu0cdtgn0lnos0c0n
Apartment 19, Block B, St Brelade
Quennevais Parade
La Route des Quennevais
dgtQiuneieVansnieasvn e
fdlBMr Pk ioeo
Jd (enRiarTo ohsPtn uema)e
Apartment 2, Block A, St Helier
Alton Gardens
Rouge Bouillon
St Helier
nuaRei nilnougiuoo BedglVt
PoEJaLllsw eMM H sdn o
vG Mne hK nearaiCmyg)e(
i0g7i0ougdnnn ac,odrta l ri0e1ect sksp,tn3nn
Omaha, St Helier
8 Bellozanne Road
ln uadaoiteVb giMtbenA 'n
atVBrar tC
ylnu l yn einAbmlPWbaMdD tee( elre A )muP
2 Temple Villas, St Helier
30 Stopford Road
gt uareatPiddio aner neeBtMsVnu
ar AEeFsr
TGeJAtb l hua
Taunton House, St Helier
formerly Taunton Guest House
15 Gloucester Street
dena Ce eaVllaBVtn aeil g ld iso tienand
l)B Me o na DT Rd(vseEn antH
e nurN KTr A
Apartment 66, St Helier
Saviour's Place
Pleasant Street
dei e ltaiutt HeaaiVlannn oCe deVgnlald
ehS Nve n Olo)sio(elnci
Apartment 2, St Helier
31 Aquila Road
Bu oingnReaeg dViutolinl ou
TtJGlh Aeba u
sA e FrEra
Lot number 31 forming part of the property The Mount Apartments, Trinity
comprising the parking space numbered 14
La Rue de la Petite Falaise
enVnt noRidiunga di
OKp'En Aoaor neoCdn rC oC
dMnudieoi milH hogtntseTL
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