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Apartment 3, St Helier
1 Elysian Terrace
11 St Saviour's Road
St Helier
ltnee VideHn gladniuVa dnttiealaael oC
Transfer type
MJegll inB
EnindHiia ytssdie glLlmo
Court reference
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Apartment 61, St Helier
Saviour's Place
Pleasant Street
V dianeegtttaleaadnl u aHenil dV el ioCn
s oTen MiCvt
i Teo Ten dn DMvaR()ts Dd enee
avsf 5io0u0eed100, 7Erd8S. 0 0 l2o0,mttal
Apartment 11, St Helier
Hautmont House
Le Mont Millais
ladaega n ted de tuilVH aloC Vnael netini
LkMeLgrntymn oeo n e)eCenE(tsad
oMHJnser y
g0ino,3l3e00cnu0cdi snt nt
The Chapel
Victoria Street
elt n nldieti udeHaV tolCa ie enlagnadaV
eDc y ROrG uh
tAeesp LiPJidoritJmre
Share 3 of Henderson House, St Helier
formerly Great Union Hotel
and being numbers 47 & 49 Great Union Road and 2 Poonah Road
glnlRdeuBit e un oiouVginoa
amLD i FC
teHisdLD t imelenvmpKeo
Flat 1, St Helier
5 Clarence Terrace
Clarence Road
e ilinnlHliaedn VdeCV d a otaeanltutega
arD i MsJye
iosn h os(JT)mAenn oiepV
The following lands that formerly formed part of the fields, St Saviour
depending from the original farmstead known as Maison de Haut;
the land called Le Jardin a Pommiers being field S546 on the Jersey Digital Map;
St Saviour
es dunnea aPxtnieiVigg
d-afen wSrJaMA n(eSylhs iwte Sae )A
ouwf)fA d azo Efe (FOnaOo eMo GOcPCznzOnu,T u
Lo MdptuileMylereabJidiDier ntjd altd eegrtdl iesl9fln egneolt E o a5h hln MJde ioi du eaasuiL g tue4CilihnceS e
Firstly, the following two pieces of land;, St Saviour
the first known as Le Jardin Ou Clos de la Vallee;
the second being the western part of the Grand Clos Et Clos de Martine, the two pieces of land joined together and forming a single corpus fundi being field number 579 on the Jersey Digital.
em,utda98v7rdSt Sanio5 DLoie ni5 e7
ao,onrtoeoinLs mSMthDi Jd nr
atlemd nt yJt i0nEiplhgMu,5a wEauns e.e7 d stgvDlr0i 0meat,apbte d0e dsfee0e ensuepenhikos .uef esr0lafS oieG nl oCs,deeaao yan3nruBsLdneSl cenv e aeetaHlo tDyd iaenn trc5.dtVig ei i00 rriuo tn.mi,bpeea o, ducdlgvi8
Laburnum Farm, St Peter
Le Mont a la Brune
St Peter
ieVtaiennagdn Gr
BnCD (e inn) rdh a eaneamNGrpa
RDMtF ael c)dArsi Dr(olA snMie lt Rlc DrR
c 0t0glu8eocdn,n0i5itn9sn
The field known as Les Landes Ou Geonee, St Ouen
being field number O1004 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Route de la Villaise
St Ouen
Mdeseatilei e ulltilC
nG nAMa ( se e aLer)Ju adendR
gPeAB( )no ynm eL
The Byre, St Mary
La Verte Rue
St Mary
VeiangdSutu ndi
aUssnke RG Eee enefnTran naWtk s eder Ceh,()
ieimoT redes,dat BrHoLirrsgny nfl
eCtyiaretdet deras epr runeddipnnf
Apartment 9, St Martin
7 to 9 Centre Ville
La Rue de la Croix au Maitre
St Martin
Eieegnti'Vsenillag d
ea Dd DO NSraa MAFlu is o Cvine
LcMoR k
A certain piece of land, St Lawrence
or cotil forming the north-western part of a field known as Le Clos de la Croute et Le Jardin du Mont Perrine (now joined together)
and bearing the field number L385 on the Jersey Digital Map, Le Mont Perrine
St Lawrence
ndeiigCniutr otMan o iVe
oi PpHDn
An irregular shaped area of land, St Clement
surrounding the site of substation 201 retained by the donor
La Grande Route de St Clement
St Clement
der iieaangnSet msVa
eeiH mot id,m oseuDiALdennm
rD,iyctsiE orPoJenlee cyltrc
se emenit0irepat ttunt,e dnddr9fy.aEr pteeeudr ed0 dicf.aavsli G 9
A certain parcel of land, St Brelade
formerly known as Le Petit Clos a l'Est de la Maison and with the field number B759 on the Jersey Digital Map
St Brelade
d nnonVgNotium aeirit
dirB eatdemLtBryei awig
Anh)siSm teeMt (aLri e Me
Portelet Villa, St Brelade
with the remainder of the piece of land known as La Mielle being field number B6934 on the Jersey Digital Map;
another piece of land forming formerly part of the northern portion of the field also known as La Mielle being field number B692 on the Jersey Digital Map, La Route de Noirmont
iiniourndn mNtgaVteo
JF )ec RbbDdl eai lRn Dr(AtMnus e
(nTe ePe d oetl McAeBB n) n ao
u innt0,g7o0cl0,0 dnetins10c
Purbeck Lodge, St Brelade
previously known as Lane End Lodge and before then The House at the End
La Route des Genets
nei ninsia vtgeesVadQune
)Kp neS ai beml(eSee
myM etLiabdie
1 Sunset View, St Brelade
Le Fourneaux Estate
La Rue de la Corbiere
it y VgMeoelandanie
(itSerDFoBn nea eM dR one HCn)ye x
0n1ocengt51ni0c0ti,d 0 ,nsul
A certain development site, St Helier
presently comprising generally of two garages and appurtenances with the outbuilding and concrete stairs and passageway to the east thereof
and the garden land that is to the west and to the north thereof and to the north of the property known as Cannon Corner, 6 St Clements Road
ldanVelVonetledd ae t lagCnataiH i ein u
yene)ArakesW peF eDm Bd S n(a
sMGlnRo i
Apartment 8, St Helier
Elysian Terrace
eedoaVaedC a iutnt ieVn nagd ltaHlelnil
oSaM lnlA
lLeinmadyntliHsdi sigEo
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