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Apartment 39, Jasmine Place, St Peter
L'Hermitage Gardens
La Route de Beaumont
St Peter
laii NVe an oeSicstdgtn
Transfer type
bJe tyu o( LMariHnCne) e
rB)MeWnne Aayn(ddd Pe r Ae Pa
Court reference
02nn0 sigr,t0u5de9i olc
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Little Garth, St Peter
3 Vine Park
La Rue du Craslin
a aetVidioSnsilNgcent
SrrnJ)ayp l n io(eATtte ge
)ee eypFoeCr r H rCmneA (
ci00eg,itt l oncnu00n6sd5n
Undivided shares of a certain piece of land being the Northern part of the Western part of land known as ‘le Jardin a Pommiers’ and the remainder of a certain piece of land known as ‘Le Menage’ or ‘Clos de la Fosse’, St Ouen
St Ouen
l ieitlsl lieuedMeatC
unC Aoe tPr
n noe ePtrPArMtE o tuea PRdrenMPr n on u,u ,FoutJP
A certain piece of land known as La Vallette du Parcq and bearing the field number 451 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
Le Chemin de Parcq
l eoitve LuleeltdileCe
e yStEJrv
eJ dReG
A certain piece of land being the remainder of the land known as ‘Le Clos de Derriere’ and being field number 494 on the Jersey Digital Map, with the stables and yard known as Multina Riding Stables, St Ouen
el tuelCiotdelLv ielee
ApsoG)l ni ii ePdJC(dworanJdhl e
flnP LSa)endEJ hrs uicp Teo i u(l
A certain field known as ‘Le Clos du Menage’ being field number 712 on the Jersey Digital Map (formerly ‘Le Clos du Menage’ and ‘le Jardin de Derriere’, St Ouen
i CtatzeledlernuGeet
deee A(GC dGa) va yn
ViJ r etAb
The Coach House, St Ouen
La Rue Mahier
deeieevilut oeell LClt
aC an(ipd ) ShKweSP e nDno
r Ea d SD eMoay (oyEn n)fdeRstJne
0n nnteuii,gc0l50o7 dcns9t
Sefton Lodge, St Ouen
La Rue des Marettes
leei eevlLledoiCt eltu
y naedL M DJyHon e(JeaR e DCrea)
lanieal HeoDi(r ndmneoJ l sW)A l
c ecig06ions50ldnn nut0,t0
Le Marais Farm, St Ouen
La Rue des Fouonnaises
tazG ednttreuCielele
eGvAadeGCe y() and
GaMrt hmwT a SVi ndsbCre i
La Blanche Pierre, St Ouen
La Rue de la Pendue
ilMt aieCsteell ueldi
yrn P enL ala wrJ( Mt eP te)oSde
oCnD( etWedncsad a nePrAP a rh)
du3i0ng0 n,cst0nc80elio nt
29 Jardin de Haut, St Mary
La Rue de la Vallee
St Mary
diV iaeundng tSu
DBMei, alyen oCe
raonAnrBo , nDmeaRn
rceedd,dae pitn erttGi udyfnpase eifter nrd
The piece of land being the North-West part of the field ‘Clos des Alliettes’, St Martin
La Rue de la Mare des Reines
St Martin
ne ngV iu edeQereaatuli
aBer CGe tt
o P biMlnrS
3 Les Parquets, St Martin
formerly 121 Maufant Village
La Grande Route de St Martin
VduQtni neri geelaeeua
e L oSgFDsr
oucecst0dl nt0n0ni0,i0g4n
La Bretesche, St Martin
7 Le Jardin du Brouillard
La Grande Route de Faldouet
eiRndiie n Veat unfel gF daie
oerr) eeetnG(en sFgoD esn MAu,as
AxoegrnouD R-ee) i EFsnd( d nreRsouDAn,ao M
adnfrsGeere tc, anedritfde dd
A certain car parking areas to the East and South of the property Belonging to Retreat and to the North, North-East, East and South-East and south of the property known as ?Ivy Lea Apartments?, St Lawrence
La Rue des Varvots
St Lawrence
T tggiaoVou nrddisuniSC n eiu
toePiAJtsieme rJid Lpr
iae ymDadiLtL eis
Joie de Vivre, St Lawrence
La Rue de Bas
aa iV iaHdl Vdlennelautgete u
n)ed a lR (on JPdE aRdlVea odMn
GsNrCe L o
4 Le Pre Cadoret, St Lawrence
La Rue de Haut
al etldiuV ae einValn dgaeBs
J)a sEnmar e n dvD(iLoH nReS eym
JitHnr l esuWneoB(l)
noctldigiunst, 50nc0 0n40e
Le Couvent House, St Lawrence
La Route de St Jean
oaniet dinaiCtHnVa g uin
oinadnGAEaR er rh c dW dinasRr
alAtke D anRW tr dJuC
6 La Providence, St Lawrence
La Vallee de St Pierre
nan daa sV B eelgtdVliela iue
nL yasKrB
nCvicB adne(CanacY ealseoM M R Gdl rA i)d ea
15 Court Drive, St Lawrence
formerly 3 Court Drive
La Route de la Haule
eaanlgdt alen Bseid aiu VVel
D yAmJ
raS e e np GACd) anD epd(lheaJ
ln g0io,tc0nde3t 9ncsi4n5u
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