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Rianda, St Saviour
Poplar Close
La Grande Route de St Martin
St Saviour
tneigi eaad unnMaVft
Transfer type
orat sJd LlePMa ail nHrL G
esed )D ueaiIe o(aHG GLnm el Cnrm Fvl
Court reference
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Kinase, St Saviour
10 Sunshine Terrace
Bagatelle Road
Vningul'iaEiee stSslo egd
n (JeMaib nEndd e)bnaLE eWdl D ao
v eD AoPuLax
tctn ngocil0u0 s65in,e04dn
17 Victoria Court, St Saviour
Victoria Road
ovtenniie iiel VP glnd ugaleLetaet
tVhrWMiFM eaii aJd n e
a nebdinE LEW)nM dDn ( al doaeJbe
ldoni 0,a natn o o5lin6atp d050tdcfenglnusc
An irregular shaped area of land to the West, St Peter
to the South and to the East of the property called La Chaumontel
St Peter
irgeein zetu AegdasVn
e aueferere aAn s, JDtnrCPreaedRTLB)zn s (e
Ttrln ,R narDor eseafuG
isntenptr ieeipeugRyd
to the south and to the East of the property called La Chaumontel
gVadn Atiusnegeeer zi
e oeut DG lDRenan,
B (eeL LD sLHutoGMJR etorE Raeeoe n ur)auL Lz z e J)RzLeP )RrnzSe dauCa(ne , n eue PeMeer e ,(eeneRnqdn Jeu,Lzr,
avemdt6i eEa,0t 3lus0
Firstly, an irregular shaped area of land to the West, St Peter
to the South and to the South East and partly to the East of the property called Warren Place
Secondly, the West part of the land called Le Clos de la Maison
iegnrAnug id eeszetaV
n iawse(n)rnfTe dRB Leesz, a SeneEuraeHld
nonlR GtefaDT, sreurar
senpnpyuideet r itigeR
to the South and to the South East and partly to the East of the property called Warren Place. Estimated value 3,400
Secondly, the West part of the land called Le Clos de la Maison, Estimated value 2,000
e nuegisnzi artdVegeA
nunDDte le,e GRao
)r),e e zez( )R( SzG,e r eEa L nuRR(nPRo, oo deHeLnezRu euLe enMuaeu C e rLt eer tne r JPaeLJB enaqLz ueMdLse DJ,n
ddsupni te dr Geenydrecea i,fttdaererifptn
Undivided shares of the remainder of a certain piece of land called Le Grand Jardin, St Peter
and the majority of a certain piece of land called Le Clos de la Maison
the whole joining together and now bearing the number 370 on the Jersey Digital Map
egsuantriVg e dnezeiA
ru L)LrTEe (esPaf Je asnenee erzaR RreH C,ztn u ed e
uGtno,Tr lnaefsrRe arD
Rnteinp sretiipg eduey
The remainder of a certain piece of land called Le Grand Jardin, St Peter
egdinzieg VAsutnaere
uon eR,DDl eeGtna
ee SMJGJ D,ad R P P, R u neL) zeuBL onrq esLz)eezr zL uunde E(J)a eeee,Crte L Mee nrRon uaaoreLRLe u nz e(HeR(nt,e
0cen07 diddre fra n.raeyd,i u ivtenuaemilEstep sGed,e2fedpt0tra t t
Undivided shares of a certain piece of land called Le Grand Clos, St Peter
and bearing the number 394 on the Jersey Digital Map
ugni ztVera eiAsdenge
dT s aeeeB rSu(ruL eJJ ae e)sueLReRndae z noL RqeenM,ePG(erL ea n )znMr ue,zfLnte
RaDn laGre,sotu erfnTr
Rnpryspti geneie deuti
A certain piece of land called Le Grand Clos, St Peter
iAeegntude gn ezrVasi
nat eDolDeG eR ,nu
LtMt)nzne zRBsRn r duzu r ) e dRanG, oJLr rneruE,ae uz ePa La(eeSLRn,M eH L L)Lee eeeeo(n( Cq e,o eJ ueuzJee e D RP
tt d0 evti0faiidauem,ifneeup een0ar5 slrc Gd rtEd4trsae,p .ddetney
The field known as Le Pre or Jardin de Bas de Bisson, St Peter
being field number P542 on the Jersey Digital Map
gnotVaieDnue tdui
OonG G rdo
OJFr e r Ae Di
Maison des Cotils, St Peter
formerly Les Trois Cruches and previously Le Rocher Fleuri
La Vallee de St Pierre
Vrnie uandtCann oigVii
erna l aS(nD e EGModdrene)nnA 'Ol
oapN )nd (sn TemhMr Set haDoa PCcny
ntct7in0c,dg0uln50o 0ie ns
Maison du Midi, St Martin
formerly consisting of two houses respectively called Les Marettes Cottage and Armorel
Le Mont Mallet
St Martin
niituF ddelogte Venaa
C knro)niver a s tdDMaanoVi( oPe
ew )iLrn NAenmnBed(eeao
High Tide, St Lawrence
26 La Providence
St Lawrence
a ealanenle sgVl ei ddB itaVe
LM)pdu iac CnlePeyl kmWen(sa
T noldr- anhaSitt oLAKhBeB oul
s05e 2gntt9nc,iud0noil c0n
2 Le Clos de Villa Donna, St Lawrence
La Route de St Aubin
geiedaVVianaB neel eslda lt
lGO naORudec yhrGl D i
HnE(daan e nHnn eryVoM ) e R
uc1tn0seg5,nn0nii lco0 d0t
1 The Homestead, St John
La Rue de l'Etocquet
St John
DdtuteniinVog uae
oa enkia MHneEL B sMe( dr)sr
deLPe mSditmtsaNiHeo
tn01,5os0n5c07li,deu cgntin
Apartment 31, Grouville
Chateau Royal
La Rue Vardon
raidVti niegesM sana
w eee e)de iBNmnrAL(onna
rJa JeDA )k an e nBrae JBF B,eALa'e iB v,((O eRrk i kr,e sinEDone ) eP re Ar dBeRe,reakOCrBcna
et r,npoaicgltcann3sn eir0 i ust0g5do 5kn,0nd
3 Fauvic Farm, Grouville
La Rue de Fauvic
Rn q ue daniitcolaeeVg
aDeeu(dDfiGeEl fnW en) l wsL
i G rAOsMro P
nt01nnc 70tadiag dgeauin0,0gn5ocrsl,e
4 The Meadows, Grouville
La Grande Route des Sablons
a trnMg sdaeisiaeiVn
DLlnaMffnndo() M Jtesd ia ot e noE
aasi TuB dnL
0 0l76t,n euc5t0nndocsgiin
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