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1 Ingouville Place and 17 Peter Street, St Helier
with a certain building consisting of offices and apartments erected over part of the house Footprints
courtyard and passageway forming a single corpus fundi and together known as Woodford House
St Helier
lne naVeaud neadlCa tH leagdi it enlo Vti
Transfer type
tgsmdiH.oMe ilPLn .C.id
ea ctki n)d eJ escJt sAonbarh( dd t ek nnat)nHABoRSri(nJRB ea n Ae
Court reference
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Apartment 63, St Helier
Albert Place
La Route du Port Elizabeth
llde da ii eaHanlaVnnlgd teCn eet outaiV
Jr Ovle
or)enihcennEAMCll eya c e(
td48le0i5ogust0n ncnc i,0n
6 Bellozanne Avenue, St Helier
Bellozanne Road
nVnt l iA dagbe tueaoiMnb
)AkelnSarsJe( nlHai H E n d i
WwS kt( etaA e n)id LShtem iDiSacA- thrmeni
g4snnteitd5 lcc7n0nui00o,
Apartment 3, St Helier
29 Providence Street
Biao ernVt endidura tegse uPna tM
S raA Viei
AMseanlneosrx d
Undivided shares of Ouainport, St Brelade
Noirmont Lane
St Brelade
ti dngNntni iuaoVmroe
a yHLe CaJ D e
nH Hd aya DeeaSa LD ay HeJLSSe
ia4a0ed hoddvwpsa0h i6 utdn0rniryahi a rel in ee,wta d6tsndv
6 Chaseville Court, St Brelade
Le Mont les Vaux
iC i nuonViagnedt
aDH LsCbJ i be sn AdCam
)m(W Weebe n etShainb
o td,t0ln07ceg nncis5iu05n
Apartment 10, St Helier
Belmont Court
Ann Street
l dVg uea ndaValC oe nlniie l eedttaH ntia
irPr tmeaS
imeuLdesmAiH od itmn
02hpn nn ihtr ru he 0ut0 oe4tTnmaCploeaeue0 0ocs ipe o edh btoeotcabntr etestmnirl3u as ,ct (evto an cthrodssortrianyebn0aret e0d) h, nedi0.merteeo, rdn d 1irdolwtei efe7 prih lnspfa 0 sh3 sn0ocn uh toae lo ion mdttvetdd h chcrmp0o gs fg eupwyn0an la0eyh,ehBek
Honeysuckle Cottage, St Saviour
La Rue du Pre
St Saviour
itnnenxa siPVuigagede
dLeSlapsnaynBlMe(i) Bse A aa
adg( A CuErDs nenerz)eC on
ltndnd noa,, ruprc0il nae 5drlga0s c2i tiutantacngrnge soe ag0f 7a
49 Grasett Park, St Saviour
eieaunltLnvPiVd iealtetieon geg l
a G FtL)(GS en tt zideheiS Ponm
tdimeine dioLmHA msu
twdtpseuat3uhimoi0renpl edi oeonra 0iretltn rs w0yaeotAf ohl,t5 sden0eauatp noe ims 4hde hc srnf hahpirmopdab edn hecy eo mtrchen 0sa hodtciudA rmane ebyo t 0ih fol,t0 une 1 7t
JT Data Centre (previously RM House), St Saviour
1 Rue des Pres Trading Estate
L'Avenue de l'Bas
iiteue vagl nileLlVe egia dontetPn
nLtoniJiegklClLi euveso y napmcmdao
OramdiLe imt
A certain piece of land bearing the number P76 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Peter
and being the greater part of the fields formerly known as La Grande Piece Hamon and Le Champ Hamon;
all and such rights of ownership as may belong to the vendors in a certain plot of land in the field formerly known as Le Champ de Hamon and La Partie Sud de la Grande Piece Hamon
St Peter
seLued ReaneDn )Jn S (A Evand
Lluee Jdeui nWdM rnnEu qaeAKr q )G uaM(nn nreeaeq MEqaLeamM d aL) (enuonMsorTedr rda(l Mcl e a a)ezueM,n,
Barnwood, St Peter
La Rue du Bocage
n teDeuuioniaVtgd
ShsNiWMda Ntl n i mal
Kite ieng RoEdnnanC(n a )oPl J
Cyrano Villa, St Peter
formerly being the East part of the old house known as Cyrano Villa with the small strip of land
La Grande Route de St Pierre
Vaeunit touDedgni
eWG nJln
oo bR siRBnn
Little Lowlands Cottage, St Peter
formerly being the number 5 Lowlands Cottages
La Rue des Vignes
dtiileiSNoa V scnnaegt
aWcaWel l
lakGinilCe )Mc(e M e
nn2culti,id eo45g0cnn0t0s
54 La Ville du Bocage, St Peter
n DautVueo ngtdiie
Ce tM r( Bnb S HbeudCn )sA ai
mlstCee nA
060nin5l o,gdes 3tnunc0cti
A certain piece of land bearing the number 369 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
with the house and outbuildings in ruins which are found on part of the land
Le Mont de la Greve de Lecq
St Ouen
v deeol eLutlietCeelli
o xP sAHl TR noRCndla iE
nuouistyesTStfCo biht a iRlothoctu turVee
Annebault, St Ouen
26 La Ville des Marettes
oLil leltetee iCdeeluv
oCpFe,segi e(emd DsM)Tantrn nt aae seRniLre
o ,eBiSeHg rn sR Ntnse
itdsu Reriipeygneetnp
leo ideleCLeevtulli te
eDnSeBetHo sN, ne
eDoLnarrCis ,t oMe
tfedcaeepedipedy s dfria,eurd t n intrnetGr
The house known as The Wishing Well, St Ouen
together with the outbuildings, gardens, lands and appurtenances built and established on part of a certain piece of land;
a certain piece of land situate to the south of the house and being the remainder of a piece land called La Piece a Secher du Vraic being field 1310;
erutzCita enldG eteel
n WAareLr B
eaH(srle n e nIGoin)J
n aci ea eLos f l o iooe0d gcLthorge0 rleharer orrcnu sdscfnhneo 3n0pl lolePpeshfusotnna hd lt;waa iidmo ih gihs2tha)aat 1ci 8nnVfteneo4 staeorctner n atutadc ra o,iottolt c iefoefsncu dd s3pa reVehne tgaeartrtdrttrenee, ris treaneatelef0daPi o,dl 2copehinpr h1 0 ihtpnd tahrohfea ttm n inueu are iteh5mdc0n etPof hdoedraortcprecne t titfw bn itotic L u-irg sihban( ia ertii heePSSfietie
Northdale and Northdale Cottage, St Ouen
with the land known as Le Petit Clos and bearing the field number 498 on the Jersey Digital Map
to the rear of the house and cottage with the small house or cottage (formerly a washhouse) known as the stable cottage erected in the north-east corner thereof;
tiCt eloledileeevLul e
M PrenLe neMc) n ke(dianiSR
ey reMG
s ogifnrMtha nd0datt0leDdnar;e 9 ee nd bho eoRsad tontn0itnst un ued9fnfsehna xtssanaa rgLrPte oe luundortiowlu e rir h onr hnla ea p o ln rcp o ntei nwki ateiaoeeeatsl tMehrap ebJsgrea iaeosgoleD c l elnners eclnraiiMaaohd ersaierdpog0fru hden etd a y rg m h n I o9 e geh hlak rmvtfasdfddya eMle0tnusntih eeM o 0attnhn r t rhbdan bapln rdlofaJt eotohek4tDweteGfeotenc d aes tnnf t aheeeba4ai feDuvasto in aienn ahJt tmn ydulbehan rtatardrrad n ni aochgi Oaseedu ne n4yenss tcf atdtuesn i d er yis e fsDunnaoemit Crc i,tg og e tr e ntrca yeion; oJe56lgfn oorie neftuhat ld treeeh ;st5oe radLtaienh5sol bags nb lfieunuen egaea eLCvdssMf caituuattkoshBo aeai(l9ap4id ;ore eEp glgdola 4eC;h l9o ;L ayiwh eJDsteso oor enthee drhCgatymiw ho btgmo2trh hCdtot adbtie0 nt ltilm aatif lfdiPbrdftee oavee eeangttehnpo paeDhes eian otf or oLa4edn e e hneDedtJ6ues atdbg pl l ufl 8e ntg fahi s se ueeudr n yld o ienlt ooe rn seaerlc t ddosorhuoeuheieGae moihM,nttb cpo0lbw hie 92dhtaen itsstetweohde M uthniin
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