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La Pezerie, Trinity
La Rue des Platons
iVE eead-lvqngei'el-te naVuli
Transfer type
(l na TdC eeiD)EcJ beMune b
e yAia t n) drneeaLB PrJ(srBtcb eh
Court reference
n0 no,el,5c70ci1dt 0istu0gnn
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43 Clos de Roncier, St Clement
La Rue au Blancq
St Clement
t eiGndanVrieagn
ay)PKzTi(e nedckyarecMwnK n
HdiosnidmemA iLetmu
de mnetitseT3enaysn uhree urfae0 lo.n lpyor heesnv tf a op tasbchf sdhmctyshode 6oamt d trnha eliam he c rtmrodoer innbwomsof odn0 sfnete ytod0lnr,pr rihhoorts e hha cunr le at a s fetr tsi a4ro odtu e wsh4 eawt0ppe6 vecea0 e oi a00hiph udoen oi ohttdidpnteee
Fontenay, St Brelade
La Rue de la Valeuse
St Brelade
esav ieeundnnasgVii neQt
ha-a dBVe (ijL) KtawbeenrnC a
lu ) ,le ieF n( )RM AdiD Gnr lng SL,, yo Seo nyi ,F GaMiwr) yn AnngP, diY RnaieakSei Pn(i ldPeud R Ci,( nea,CRG )MReead e HaJaFr gY g,ea dCn (anFelGne nJAabPr)eblnn ygea(eAeSn,eMHH Fig k
Undivided half share of La Baraque, St Brelade
22 Don Farm
La Route des Quennevais
iseetgdnaVisQnn vne auei
neCa(,oe nnKDtdyD ver)ee oeee
nCeaden oro), etuDoBdrro(G le
rriuifdy npvvtadmc,.n e alede0te dseGE ner0 a ,tunitt0 ee2dae3orifp5s
Lorneville, St Brelade
La Petite Route des Mielles
Qgnieiesntvaei n uasVned
aC oDA neBRmenden hJnn an (m) oo
D HAbdn esautr unALo
770cclg,ot i0 ntdennnui01s
The Nest, St Helier
5 Roussel Street
St Helier
ongllVtuBneuoigeia udR ino
iA s M R oCAJr SMugeDna d d
hGlal,a WnGhhlA an anal lGKaG hc i l,ihi nlGl lc lla,MM l chla aaGHGRaTnycT n cE, Gi cAcael,h hlG aGGGlG D aci, TGHGliJA i Gnc,l,iCah h,ailihalCGaali a J RTnGi ald BncaanclB nn aM,
Tout Droit, St Helier
17 La Ville Au Roi
La Rue de Trachy
dihe n nooout CnaVtncgMi
Sre(uAtr e)nTern H a
uyraorSttfeasrded e,lidndn d cti nper pee
Leogran Villa, St Helier
36 Cleveland Road (formerly called Mogul Villas or 2 Mogul Villas)
llenialV egt indeVn od aCaet t aidunleHa
EsdiaRno rShc
eSC nAndrnnp eB na)eJa ( H roa
ccig60 l8uoe00 ,nti5tdnnns
3 Westmount Terrace, St Helier
Westmount Road
a' itVobieg blnMa enAdtun
uh lfe Pb lToidcaIet hns
nG R adAndtteJr tnSagL or de i
fpe nfcuVoa n a0it3sn etnt l ,rd elt sd ennSis f2sodh lt0oPf wfi eiluh ooioffar; e Tnrnwh s e titt obf;nh lgso5codh irsue0r cao,0 c aaspadahledt ,t nmotasivotaeogei yuecsteo, hhtTh0cse cht sl a nomu gidbos ddohro lkhnnn a hr)c,ate teei roi oerr,ohre iagr0afoocwra lscmanaete0 fey r0urhrsr:i tf tt nrt tosessa,e 0ior inndu bh fsaem 0 2 srt5 nnchgiafi 8Cne8 b n hgurre0tai0sms0frnni tdeyoi sf enon eeewd nontr iocfaloefeaaens lttent w)axet ep0une yltoordfo hoce oeeolVt0aooordhg h o
Wyburn, St Helier
18 David Place
tn eurtrPdendegeiniV o aaaM tBsu
tdDicv m eaeSiLhnbnodltamsteep
ERHen lui
Apartment 2, St Helier
72 Roseville Street
n n gCldeanieH lildatu l i ttnVaodeVaee a
a eTr i A nHa anh SMdSnhM
igineleetLHdivo lsmoSd
00k0 p ahg35iin0rt,w
80 Halkett Place (formerly bearing the number 28 Grove Place), St Helier
rnoraiMd ian te tusadnegtBeeV Pu
autmlroL eetqyeinsrdiei JPcp
sldHiiemnnooid teLMtgro
Castle View
iaeb bVM A'oite gndtnluan
neeloa wnoal MRMW PJ h dy
eLrlsnvem icOdthidDiepoem t
3 Boyne Terrace, St Helier
100 Great Union Road
nuieiBoneullouo VR dgangti
isA nnHaN r ea tntksAeTW d i)V(
3 Ventnor Villas, St Helier
La Route de St Aubin
Atageo u M nentbVbialn id
tLa JnKJdy(ara) B l ebntnS ebssa u e
nc(riniT raCeI dnsh)DodaR wen
ctnicn6,n0ni lgeds0ou503t
Apartment 19, St Helier
Don House
Don Road
onuingngei u aBiVetuoodll R
alwLeaeSn yDn l i Jae dGRT) lCao(re
hn JRealA(gy)ennMDe l E liid
Le Coin, St Helier
5 Beaulieu Park
St Saviour's Road
CianedanenlV aVineleot daedalg it Hlt u
AtaeMM(Pn cerdaa w S Le)n e Ant
JTeDFirJa e i x
gno0e07n2us0ncitn5il dc,t
4 Mon Caprice Mews, St Helier
101 Don Road
Cnaitnaddu elettV llaeHei V ong an edila
ernanB eJa a nA nr(CHp oSne )d
udFnreyEeR ta) Aaa S n(t
82 St Saviour’s Road, St Helier
anneoeidlee ea llnC tdiiu tnglHdtVa Va a
idR LaieltJD nemts
.netnsivK dmHeItms t.Lie
00tgscl n08in7tuno5 idcne,
4 Brooklyn Mews, St Helier
uoa 'tig dn ntVle AnbieMab
mih tMKS
po nerianitCom eur oPyreprtoprdiLoaEt
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