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Villedale, St Helier
41 Le Vier Mont (or 41 Trinity Road)
St Helier
ta VgarM neuetudoritPHud t nae eni
Transfer type
cMK,PNVbena s nr on ( nN,rNtru t)o M dA no cMoEaRhsAneRrt r er ueP h
Dnolkwy a y)CMeBD Msv ad snax (aDne vPJao on i
Court reference
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Leadon House, St Helier
96 St Saviour's Road
Vl annul itl HadVteannteiedg eadialo C e
ecN Ae Re
are nC(h Fn raseaaawFn tiCaG )n eMoti rdo
21 Belmont Road, St Helier
enu erM toedriaVi naetnug Ps Batd
nitsdcTvLcaemoosetihni treRi
Ddeeiv eLmvtetes lloLeomilpin
Le Douaire (formerly forming part of the main house called Hillside), Trinity
La Route des Cotes du Nord
noa idz nVteeeiglR
c)S (LM seiKoonytien n l
v sad an(DvEv Se(li)wEnieDea ea)nd nD sLs aoR
27 Stocall Drive (formerly 27 The Vineries), St Saviour
La Route de Maufant
St Saviour
na ufdMtieia tnanVeg
e eHairnoonndJ) llA a mBNa sn M W(l
N (In cCeNreaalen)e i PndA
14 Langtry Gardens, St Saviour
St Saviour's Hill
t sgiiaieleVoesuS 'Edglnn
)Devno(sS aDA eotn aSG FDiAuo sda
odDn )(n Jae Fg n rsueSeaaleJelD
olci endni00,tg70sn7cn3 tu
One quarter undivided share, St Peter
of the gravelled yard and turning area situate to the West or thereabouts of the said property called La Chaumontel
La Petite Rue d'Elysee
St Peter
gsezieue tndiAgreVna
neo)frtrnparr ievn Te ePe es nMe,ger(EoL
r nd eRnu E eua a zLu)Le)eeenoCneLe d,rLu(s R G r ,ReRRer (zeH ee aLneztJeP(rt sL uzne rfe,aLe r), zSo Mt auJB neJe Me Pq
0 sedaEatyeim rn5uG d ad.o0ef,re net nlnfituirvrteecppd sdieate v
gAtrieu enag Venzseid
rsaBCuzrnAsdeD n eetRea f),( LrPa nJ rT eeee
n av ernoeeMroLeetri(Egrtsrne, oPfpr n )
pe stnneyprgu diteRiie
neiegeetrznu sVad Agi
rv ponasnEoPfiertLTrgnr e)e,e(Menre ee
an)eLeau ERer eL,ro eLtBn znJ au JfeeuJzutee,) n ( oeM)e e M Ls(eeadezneeuz rzR eSrL rrqLu CeRtn dG rePaRs( R H PeLn , ,
Edia ertndced etersisf5,tp u o r l0i dymt G0eaafuerde.eatnennvivp
Four fifth shares in a certain building known as The Barn, St Peter
La Petite Rue dElysee
azieVitregs undngAee
R Pnu)zar rJeC (teeee L
a Re L( Re S e )aLe zqLzuHRe)ee eG e( tzueM ,LeJ nEuuenzLLR Pnrde J odu,rnenB eaM
The piece of land known as Le Neuf Jardin, St Ouen
bearing the field number O283 on the Jersey Digital Map, the remainder of the piece of land known as Le Petit Clos et le Grand Jardin bearing field number O284 on the Jersey Digital Map
the piece of land bearing the field number O285 on the Jersey Digital Map and known as Le Premier Clos and Le Second Clos, the piece of land known as Le Troisieme Clos bearing the field number O286 on the Jersey Digital Map
St Ouen
i ztllieldeceV nCeeeuth
Mraej sHtye
nellstBbteohS (ere)R e
Jee imo lwesfa7t Lkaty aahalh eeQadn daCsi pn ,ute be2iO l nocr b e eeuioeed ns8zdrmpnenrititL e ginhcfDRnl,e V elotaMhroeug
Cour de la Reine, St Martin
together with the building known as The Barn
La Grande Route de Faldouet
St Martin
aglVenuieedtni a tdFo
Rs Slndao ( aItnslcLineG e) a T lo
kle aMWrL
3 La Providence, St Lawrence
La Vallee de St Pierre
St Lawrence
ia VdtnaBe ee elsVnlieg dlaa
g e TeV rnMuntare(c Mega)Qed aD
HaA lLl
A certain field known as Le Grand Canibut, St John
and being field number 270 on the Jersey Digital Map
Le Canibut
St John
Veoe dgn uuitanDit
JVntedaSFoelf e KnOM eM
aGeh el A e (n) B aln DdZiedRr C
A small triangular shaped piece of land, Grouville
forming the South-West, or thereabouts corner of the property High Trees
La Rigondaine
neiu tae ngi VdeRla
Drneun M(eDe)s,ye oHNuc enan
nd(nne oyGAo) Arhneoa,gLdcu r
t,ipnmGraeadtasrurfe1. fldec d tdutans vneoi re, dpye dt0e0fiiE te0 e
5 The Alderman Apartments, Grouville
The Willows
La Rue Horman
n MisaatadgesieirnV
dsM AAel )ntG n BN lee iJhcen eal(u
ohtt Pi cSWk
w6nphtgr00ii k,0a5 7
The reversionary ownership of a certain house known as Glenhaven, Grouville
La Grande Route des Sablons
l eco Radiien gtuqVaen
anBJsaBn s Ehnn c,seBd nLoe ae uMJ Dos(i) nesin o
w(nJ i esess nJG oaWtsn, Bn()det oBn) nseleoi rt e , onks Wanai BaoEsoo)e deVs,Jend s s(nsVsn W
0dy,elnv,r s ce7 efeft .oner2 tehlnriTnenteiuwnedeyeaf6ih smwemfit piiesja y e0rearrtpi n hnsuvtepoteoeGirdi 0traddhot
Kinlet Cottage (formerly Tevielka), Grouville
2 Haie Du Puit (formerly number 2 Tevielka)
La Rue de la Haye du Puits
dreiags ait nsVanieM
ley (h)sDMs eCd Blniaei
nCda(HGooier iArrF)cal nenaS -a Jg g innr
La Girouette, St Clement
La Rue Laurens
St Clement
gnVerdianGeani t
Cmendtsrt aLeDmei lvipeoi
AidE eBpalm
The party ownership of the wall, St Brelade
of the East of the property Miles Green
St Sampsons Avenue
St Brelade
aseaieQnivgit deesunn nV
JnZ ,en )WeoTeaDil (rdlE ale s Cond Geeo
t eCe i)lPS(e nrnner ocYordr,hod
udfu5asd v 0 emotiesrltttEiapertcn df0teGenpey ifaneidd, e.drer a
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