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Haverford House, St Peter
formerly Haverfordwest
Les Grupieaux
St Peter
niVdtlcnS Ng iseeatoia
Transfer type
Ji JlNdT SeA(raee n O l) enw noB
tePtsodh mLiiif
Court reference
thiyou n xnh earrnoe eduatdryod aelhd lros f ason eipaht eusya ien rn aafbonlr ro pe deg c lnsalmgr eso hd aweolshd asvt mnpfnieahnhwepavayee o ohrsshrr idt ctlotens hdert eeahhua ene iet uutnf sTnrtbsdiosps mrte oyesrhtpocsprshvinpace nshvrsa a nnhm oeeotdra n hargdaotecttircfsekec ams n
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Bonnie Cottage, St Martin
5 Centre Ville
La Rue de la Croix au Maitre
St Martin
e Enail edgVgeiilnst
iJthAWb y
dsS enn( ylWnDdm Aia elieKneFa)
Le Vivier, St Martin
with the cottages, buildings, conservatory, greenhouse and appurtenances to the rear thereof and the gardens, verges, tracks, avenues and appurtenances all around and dependent thereto.
The fields or parts of the fields numbered 308 and 309 on The Jersey Digital Map (currently in one piece),
iiltseVlngaE'eed ng i
HdiHDeLi mt
n owrstu Bnn(yr odoPaeA)JE ne
Rrde0dh ete 5 hahsei y dt Ereno t 0dtfat i eup)n o tn tbJ,MhaFtgtcaioDeboraln60i cudooela Lesnlr e,0ldcentne dtw em np6thTi Jye imto7nireti f - heco lblnn h ea3i 4 t dgd1bovh0tlriu pee Chagenuesoau auusaeD ol re,nlr(toho nr seycntaissg1opfen0exkfe fa efoMe3nto T .3p
Grove View, St Lawrence
La Route de St Aubin
St Lawrence
VnnllBdVtageae ie edaeil sa
B KodelLM n
V nmsiADumC
La Maison des Petits, St Lawrence
formerly Church Lea and The Village Bed & Breakfast
La Grande Route de St Laurent
li auiVengnteld Vatead ea lHe
a ABdmSac Bs u mDVi Mnn ur Ci e
aeeodrLtier Btitsmlt H
tcgnsce0ul0 n,20d0n7in oti
1 La Prairie and known as Oakbarn, St Lawrence
La Rue de Haut
daedlseViit Bgl aaenne Vlea
Hl sgC)eAnend( a oyo
o)sr irM ltndaonebnu G(Ce PCu S
5 Le Coin Court, St Lawrence
La Route de St Jean
g uinet dtniaaiVaCioHnn
oare eTnArr,T(Dal syte e nst f L eenMeand)nC
nale dTntssnegfDio rirtPiyoeLHerde ropr, mtnt
s h aricC ccgaeeirfodanwegeBrttasset anneerdae ffasoo5oh ehBd mpat aud dmaia 0hr beendifdeaodeu frhiiarsrd twiasaaeshses uecc sitsyn ataass s ilm hd auoriotnot ht nn ent eeeu nbloperSifth oee eej t l od0c hcn fenknn0raen n sn elyrn eoytf,rp nf o l3tai peif ntstrsmhme PcdT5lo ot nrradeH a fiaridntc ehnnkdf
Oakborne Cottage, Grouville
La Rue de Grouville
nasiie MdagVnste air
onlata PClSh ilne( ed) H
eh an ur (BBCaoRoEd t)ndeP reng
El Portet, Grouville
9 Clos de la Baule
La Rue des Pres
Vsana nieiaetsirdgM
)Eonn ey nRoerd Tam HaC (
Ndon(n aoCGanroe s)elsn c rF clK eoh itihGN
50g td0inso,nnct0ui 96ncel
5 La Blanche Pierre, St Clement
St Clement
aedistgSaem nai eVnr
ntnYDrSR asgene elyn nDoe s b iui (d anLeC,S)
oZmo dirtodaDyL,elin
d edrereuyfeptiecnntdivn de,eGra rn itpas
Lynton, St Clement
La Grande Route de la Cote
VnieerGgtna aind
eenseJ oaGnro Dnne) (e h Bnde,C oettn-ssHni
GlonanrEDm o e mu,D
sgiirenieyunpR dettp e
Lynton with the land and gardens to the North and South thereof., St Clement
The ownership of the road or passage situated between the property called Olten Villa and the property belonging to Eastern Motor Works Limited and leading from the main road to the property.
The ownership of a certain private road. A certain plot of land or dune to the South of the road, La Grande Route de la Cote,
neViargead tnnGi
Dnueme,nm D olEa Ge
r-sDneeBennoJthso ne(r)n nootCe ,iH
n iesit trine ftdddr Gpdeeerpurced,yanea tf
daiG ner.agtVnein
)eeJBen(oe hotnsninHrntCe s-
(s owree CR)hKinonhtro
6 Ednor Villas, St Clement
La Greve d'Azette
ea enaiairtedVSgmns
Dpuanrnpdp)eh K n LaiM y (e
elTEaGae r( Ao)nnyerr
c0id 0,gln530to8tnnnie suc
5 Ednor Villas, St Clement
earaeditga nes VSnmi
mnaeGe-Wddoaskezakmkdwkeaks Asr-danwAoaazss ) K dawGAe dairz(sa
aaro TAG)ly r(rEne
di,nstonnce8il5000gu 3n tc
Bromford, St Clement
Le Vieux Chemin
t rGadeegnniVnai
iMsh ALre
n-noC en BnJiretdan ehHo )nt ssG(ee
iit n8cu6d0clt0e0n gosn,0n
Apartment 5, St Clement
Les Delaches
rViGg ndnaniteea
enniep eAMm L(cr e)neaurD
CaM e)leon osCEs (wne
nnpgt34e 0l,acni0 id c0nairn0dkgunost
Apartment 7, St Brelade
The Fulmar
La Rue Voisin
St Brelade
aVmiNienu otn iogntdr
eI H h(Wefeds neerbrtseg,enSea )sTsurS na
fC rDeeTrgrv,noarruse
renuiieiegpsp tetndRy
Apartment 4/7, St Brelade
emNrti u oaidtoigVnnn
ree feur,ernagseTrDvC
s T rWo,ebrSfesrtaenr
tcntfen idyptedrriG edrt eupinfaeeed,sd ra
Apartment 2/6, St Brelade
The Shearwater
Vtno iNedgaiunino rmt
K(eeeJose nneE)J
rmoteiDB mmtep lnedeveeegdLiris
ne0d,nii457 gcocn1un0ts,0tl
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