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37 Le Grand Clos, Trinity
La Rue es Picots
niondegVtu iRda inn
Transfer type
owdya et trl nriLE( fiRrknor danerePr e)dosennPmigsRne sag d oG
y raitirsnfP ihThToe
Court reference
ehnpdts irydshod0 6 enPratr e TTrte es04rotPb1to 0hT0iete 0ft .aphp eeoir e ah hsrohha, ,r0nai 10i4t v,oa iyrnfio
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35 Le Grand Clos, Trinity
ioininnRdgVtd enua
lak LouJ conDNLdP rea CEc
etTyior s TinhPirhfa
r eeaooh tT bae,hhi ty6is t,PorhnehP rTatardt36 sdh,i e1ifpro 7re orheotpTe pts3fn.4nnei3sho33e7rdv ra6i taiy
34 Le Grand Clos, Trinity
uninViio gRddtnnae
StJuilHnn ad M t Cea llJe
isnyTfhT oeiarhPitr
yint hee 01pea0,Phs T o,tnr 06ptet srhr iape ri0tdPdbh iot0ieTy h3 io 00 e eo0or n,eti8ratorerhr. Ts adhnvafofhsa
A small area of land forming the site of section pillar 6688, St Saviour
forming part of the premises known as Postal Headquarters erected on three sites bearing the numbers 8, 10 and 26 forming part of Rue des Pres Trading Estate
St Saviour
dGoelnin egu iivrl gataLeeda enlnV
cyeEierrescli cytt lPJ
du eis(iP dPmLeer tReIsJ )
29 Belvedere, St Saviour
Princes Tower Road
e gndiutesegiP aiaxVnn
n PAlle )REeDJM (leo ileu ncnd aw o
(o2d e HLFkmeOnlsdvagiiii) st
Apartment 2, St Saviour
Langtry Gardens
St Saviour's Hill
eni ltio'd Elan uSesgVgsie
rGoEo nG d
edey my(r)elJlnoriee asDtvlHetL ismpi
4 Highstead Farm, St Saviour
La Rue du Tapon
iune aegxeadiniV Ptnsg
pDtt Ce cRJn RehoiadKMrm P ( pne s )
aDmpseehtelvsmdtLHde oi eiting
56 g,re08gaw0a0thi
Apartment 10, St Saviour
La Place Nicolle
La Rue des Pres
eL neie laeititg ln lgoPdavnueVtie
d gKr HeS aulnHes e aBM
odeuidni eisHtmAmL m
t m0lith edsm 0rr neah o d ycth50enntehf deaee1 ndi s4ohretao hd cp0ydithristbv ersea2 to ro ,rsshwaucra0rytehnaoveoulenomo urbpeeh2t,twnoieen0fpt de nclltto p0f tdhhan oa e i pe eo
Cherry Tree Cottage, St Saviour
previously Castet and before that The Poplars
La Grande Route de St Martin
nfaaneVg tniiMead tu
eeg M arWStoW JdAo ds l gno(whin)e
c eAddnn he a esLo (cdrhJRnFr)aP iar
6g6 07iunnntc,i0st0on lced
Kenilworth, St Saviour
oaSnu elst eugneg Hudoa iVi
JeJde)r f Dddhl ghrOSn( H a aicnie
(deSl) Jnne BH ons A taoiEel
A certain piece of land known as Le Cotil Besnier, St Peter
and bearing the field number 568 on the Jersey Digital Map
Le Mont des Louannes
St Peter
taD ueonnidVeutgi
d LGlt aoe itCinLmreid
MKeanv , eyd(S RLB )e nvrttJ ES Wy eayr
A certain piece of land currently known as Le Clos des Pointes, St Ouen
and bearing the number 753 on the Jersey Digital Map.
A certain piece of land located within the Northern part of a certain piece of land known as Les Pontes and bearing the number 753A (formerly erroneously described as 750) on the Jersey Digital Map, La Rue de l'Etocquet,
St Ouen
ileeedllluoe CivtLeet
aDs i lmliWJ
) heknec amBritsC(Jse
A certain piece of land currently known as Clos de la Mare, St Ouen
(formerly Le Clos Appele la Lande) bearing the number 866 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Rue de la Mare
znclhtuteV dleeeeiiCle
kB eemnehsJs) cit(rC a
Jomensnea roHa LiidRyys dld gtielL
South Cottage, St Mary
La Rue de la Rosiere
St Mary
Vnnug tSdadueii
C sBliJysa
rratDble a t ThuTdK verSia Chiriicsh
Winkleigh Cottage, St Martin
La Grande Route de Rozel
St Martin
lsinee alVdgni 'Etgie
e,rle) LeDsr tae aDstne sTdaa gPno enEwr(Tfwdinoa
Parreern d,stdT LtismirEfieseopoor waot
t harhtedorenohtsn esin0aht Lio a a oerdaare fnta 0to cte h te mtaier stslpt0ohnhireBsfgk o 0sl uaeryt ec ieatp tnifnamI ee imtl bunTenuonelea intaadnoeiwa esnrltnmsrh ioai,nrise ddyf htrcsdg3pe nodndLdntre5s cs enehaarlf
A certain field known as Clos de Haut, St Lawrence
and being field number L178 on the Jersey Digital Map. The car park situate to the South of the greenhouses constructed on the said land
La Rue des Varvots
St Lawrence
gidinsout id ToVrNrCno neg aui
niLano Releirdett,t megeweDl Di
iHtt(o)mnDyeoeotrreoLireoei tRLHe i ldsfl inLstdsm u,sirrnriegd dDclig eme a
e adfe.eu,uadsdnttira en d yiieemaG0 ppe0dlrcrvnts0 2ter v,ne0Ei0t
2 Waterloo Close, St Lawrence
Le Chemins des Moulins
ia Ha ngeald Vle tidlaVteu ene
garFHm n )h (ee LsieeLaatnA
wMn (Va e)pi edSuSL rr he nCar
00ic00,gl nsdn ntn0oc5tieu
The piece of land lying generally to the North of the development called Haute Croix Farm, St John
and being the remainder of the lands called Le Jardin a Potage, Le Jardin de la Charterie, Le Vieux Jardin, Le Clos Guerdan and La Pepiniere, in one piece, being field number J1004 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Grande Route de St Jean
St John
teiHaen pV rdguein
oHrna Bi rsrCo A aIwdnJn
tmam aer deLitiForxHiuC
Le Havre, Grouville
La Grande Route des Sablons
udRtcnai neoaV qeglie
i n ni dl esno) eay(TCnJMelreAC
(eansMNCyieolnP l n )
Val Verclut, Grouville
La Route des Cotils
cReiondg eVqlnaeau i t
ne prLa)rS(Sr wu nCV eiMah ed
naCaar da oul Rnd l M dnqJeLHB
i8n n4itecodclg000n0n, tus
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