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A certain new home in the course of construction and bearing the number 5 and forming part of the site of a certain print works bearing the number 46 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
St Helier
oVBioiRl eotnn uggiudal neu
Transfer type
D o,xeRnon eA
a iimonirLxreotsHdn A
Court reference
psi t5svpeveidatGlrfrruedda.e t acneE tin0er,50yn euiednmt,e0da
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A certain new home in the course of construction and bearing the number 4 and forming part of the site of a certain print works bearing the number 46 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
iuudtlninnoggBVaoeueRil o
y CHleoS
xn AaoiirneLstdnd r mHioa
A certain new home in the course of construction and bearing the number 3 and forming part of the site of a certain print works bearing the number 46 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
oulieine liVn do BuatuRggno
nsvlaVeo sG
ernLoiits doA iaxHnmrda n
A certain new home in the course of construction and bearing the number 2 and forming part of the site of a certain print works bearing the number 46 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
nng ldotneuae uigVuRoloiBi
ClydRaA H S e Cyn oe lo
tnd iHxisa LroAro dinmane
A certain new home in the course of construction and bearing the number 1 and forming part of the site of a certain print works bearing the number 46 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
ngnlin uu deVoBligiutRoe oa
Gea sMnvlos
nxi A rear tioodLinsHanmd
An irregular shaped parcel of land forming part of the North and the West sections of the property called 2 Hawthorn Cottages, St Helier
Hansford Lane
un MVaCdtchgi n ntnoooei
Dneeie Mt) sneWodA , i (lhyeCr iPna-RnSnotm u
PetDyS,momZirn oli h
irerefdcde dfen,nsradGt teda
Le Petit Coin, St Helier
Tower Road
gibaAeMbd ilno e u nVttan'
tRganere aMde n q (ndPeGo)useriL
y JcokLHle
dt8nn2cil i2t00, ges0uncno
45 David Place, St Helier
gnai PV uietttBdeaeM rnsuedrnao
d5v PeciiLalt 4aiemDd
)i St eLernLeymoJis( atred
pTtaeoo rtohS eecbcy dnh d trvrac nbe Ge luo.auausear0lysnrtet aspol o tfeac v0hnotueu0s prthv5cfn, d htle s2ecr yeeashr0
Bellefield, St Helier
6 Millbrook Close
La Rue de Trachy
tMingin oVncnehCodu aot
)BanKtwC eu rDl, B ee(le reosnedno A
DFor,rPi oetrsptaio mdedienrL nno
er f, tpyeeG etrceat rnndidatfde rspnidieud
Villa Capri, St Helier
formerly Rosedell
ninonb da auegM tt'VeAbli
BeLRncdRqno r eoLMenAni) (ea i gaM
Psue naerrdidanqGnee LR)g(t M e
un00n,lcdn cgnes2i0ti09to
13 Le Jardin de la Hauteur, St Helier
La Rue de la Hauteur
ePi teeHunouMiuna gdantrt daert V
ag L(elninr aaoe) nERBn s
t lrS JtaPye
34 Clubley Estate, St Helier
St John's Road
ebAnnbl ua t'dn Vit aieMgo
AnaregAMP eS l)Diaen n ol d us(
oeelCF-LaaasnogeDrrenDgsuiiot nmt aai leS L eS
ci04nt1ei0 c,lsngnt 0nuod0
11 Croydon Mews, St Helier
Bellozanne Road
daeiAnu tbgta iVn' Mbolne
dkrWteH n Jce)r niwaa GBE(emadr
fi e Bau e bSrNe J)ddeaut edeAn(PdnlM tubat
toenl 0s,dii2nn20utg3nc5c
18 Le Clos de Mon Sejour, St Helier
La Rue de Mon Sejour
La Route de la Trinite
itgtanrVM edtuan eeHaiude utonrP
aHJedTns oes(eS ) Re guhn
tnf o A BLa rnglhsai)sDh(eeo
c0sii4l,nnendo0 cttn0 ug40
Les Favieres, St Helier
3 La Grande Route de Mont a l'Abbe
a'AgnMntVbbe a euntod lii
nersd nnrr ueTeLeaoLwJfeS, o(ue)e G eer
PTo rndGfa werroreSe,o sMn
eprtnnedTrare rfiptyusie
Apartment 10, St Helier
Hautmont Close
Le Mont Millais
g edtV lldal l ieao VCtin andeentHaainue
nsaRueJn po o Jd)MnMTi ri(nenb
CnmaetkiIcao) r TcirM Me d(nnL
a0t00gn2ot i,nln usrpiccnenikagd0 1dn
4 Aubin Mews, St Helier
Elizabeth Lane
auudeRg e Vonitnilgoi Bolnu
oJ yLdl
Sfn uAdoro Mt
notdhm 2r.e5o5 dt,1ab6r3n8air i9n egmoeyp,a5a9ct5. p gr5ttos ue pde8Rvei oeg b ab1i3. h
2 Richmond Place, St Helier
St Aubin's Inner Road
etu iaVoMCn cnd nohigtno
iv eW)ieGned unK (eealDo
dtcGeGna(Ro, dN Ee Sn rL t(w k rertt) pay,iln na a(weE BEDa kA))a WEnl let trweiwaMcJ
7 Colomberie Court Flats, St Helier
d ati ealolleaiut ln Cta aVngHd ie nenVed
esdi dinlLaAeasmtri
ieoAumiHt ernl ddLesaeS xen
tdwi0,7rn00omh0araeo i2gr pstnk o
Bay Tree House, St Helier
Avenue du Petit Mont
Cade tlVda ai tlandteH nVginee alile o un
dnae mv(RAea sHenn da JEA) n s
iCcJJdr nveS cen i va rSNNn
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