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34 Grasett Park, St Saviour
St Saviour
ellitt ee gvg eiedlVLaan eutioPnin
Transfer type
aJna arPPGrg h
tmHenmesLdo muAiid i
Court reference
e o ohoetnda0e d ttfc oTt n uprfa,ahnhste0hey3.safepd 0tpeisniwel ehylouc0r h hseehintopre0nrs iaod , d t0ubth2ane w reel c5siarhvbo rmd5eyemhpieoe2t ot r6ocnrlm t
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10 Longueville Road, St Saviour
eeletLgioad lnnlu geVPeai vetin ti
SeS Bh Lia n
en )Tl Fahr Daeco(oynM
o3t0,l0d nnc nticiu050gesn
13 Le Clos Paumelle, St Saviour
previously called Rowjen
Bagatelle Road
adn iaguxeVtigeeiPn sn
fexaAdtlAh raeGJro re(e n)n
e a LaM B k( unaeenyIrMdnL d)r
tt0c0,od0n4 csinieg u09nnl
Jeroma, St Saviour
130 Miladi Farm Estate
La Rue des Pres
en edi ntiLi llgiPlevetteuean gVao
e mcbaBWloF
tndeoiu esM nLe)ar J(yn O
ns,0nidng30 i0t 0otccnlu5e
Les Peupliers, St Saviour
La Rue de la Guilleaumerie
nngtiauVaMaf teined
uonL( ln Taq yrr )eJ rdTe MaoDee T
stBPlhpn aA
ey rudrhd srad0tmaufe0Ttafas1rtct shnd ic fln eM sit uts0 h a emn huothli enaeed t eiSa, c o n tplrnt 0,titp ioerwdn oo hs ciot0 ytyl0oluto rssncihna8 e 0mroga )eyiiowhoart 5leh dooes snef etn hnmahsrndmealph etahue l(cnavdGcp
Flat 1, St Saviour
Heathfield Court
Bagatelle Lane
s 'e gsoiVnu dtiiealgnSleE
D JnomHa
E sonrdnLA e
1r3,tigh 4wag065 ea
Apartment 5, St Saviour
1 Plaisance Terrace
La Route du Fort
g PaigVevte dltnleiunnoeeLe aiitl
GJ ayAet
n Cv)F(J yen ereaaSedheL he A
A field known as Le Jardin des Champs, St Peter
and bearing the number 604 Jersey Digital Map
La Rue du Panigot
St Peter
n Cen iViadngti riauVon
auSR)s nnJog NJes( eed Hs h
gamid pmntCiino HgeoLnshidl
Katrina, St Peter
Le Clos de Bauche
Le Vieux Beaumont
lnNa cineeasti tVodigS
re,)Jao re TesDyn e n(lLo ieEt
D ini,Lao odnl ritsgrHKnmtaeoid
fe,rcGetnseid ddne aftre adrd
Undivided three quarters share of the field known as Le Menage de Hostings, St Ouen
and bearing the field number 1265 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Verte Rue
St Ouen
dCtl Meileleti eluasi
J uR tlAa
ARl JurlCMetern(deaanR e Daa)tRue tt
dbheit i9 7eht e fb uoel1neaddpls r trnin e i1enhsnee7 w fk he lsawsniesni o dJreub iesmtei PPtrag2enLd1 lpn eeeuts P d i e nua Mr db Ji igedggm aateroeoie l aD c e eneniar lneulBreo7P2afusM gi khey l nbDnp ierg geeA f1 h ae Mlr aaMay bhnratb fareLm ii42 ardnuohetrdShye gym eDt7ebl 2Giaea.tJrbL2 inL,DotJelgr itet nlsepaeMr 3enefi
Les Papillons with the cottage known as La Chaumiere des Papillons, St Ouen
on part of the land known as Le Jardin ou Pre de Herival and bearing the number 1159 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Rue des Fontenelles
udlaezGeteelitnCr te
(oQBeO)d a LnLn elA CnyeuBesee
edrOaJCA oletbln ea sn -gJ)AsF( D utno o
luno1g8ed4,4c ,cnts0n 0t0ini
Blue Haze, St Ouen
La Grande Route de l'Etacq
ii dltMuleeetaei lCls
e kiAsntM
sRMrsnt dn ilalWacdh eSti)( e eJJ
ug453tlnn1nei 0to0,cn ,csdi0
Les Tihelles, St Ouen
La Rue de Grantez
andelut lCe Gettziree
frT o nlurMe(Weo Cne)
Wdg J ()wo nrWeetdosEna o Caedd
st00c igtn,7n 0e1nlunc0odi
Les Marais with the field known as Le Clos de Marais, St Ouen
bearing the field number 658 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Route des Marais
le rueeedilattGnC
e Evasn a nen)rrGEanEi(Hergo mtn-
itoiridsrePeteMiasamr sLeLp
u7tniln1n8,0oc cgt0 d0nies,5
The Barn, St Ouen
La Route de l'Etacq
aeeMie itells iutlCdl
)Jdsigeae rHn(i Jni gaRWr sn
eJrn evtSee oWa)v se(ennN
ln40,tu1t gsnic5,n0d nioe03c
Heather Land, St Ouen
with the field forming part of Les Landes de Grosnez bearing the field number 990 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Route des Landes
udieilletiCMellte s a
eMi(e GoJneWAe tn rbad)tsh R
n(eLep T yci91oJymehsT5enr aestileMmmoa4 idpC)
The Chimes, St Martin
1 Vue de l'Eglise
La Route de Ste Marie
St Martin
dudVnt euSangi i
Al(e CRn Mleiw)lrasld e
)nART on teeey ioMe(l
sigi,g4delattdng a a0nc erc nn0nu40o0
Villa Marina, St Martin
formerly Bron-y Garth
La Rue de la Cote
tn eiVailogdaeueFdnt
EcneouChCt a
ltPRJlh dni )n de( a eLrc BieM
7tcn5eilniudn,0c0n o01g5s ,t
A certain piece of land being the remainder of the Eastern part of the Cotil de Patrimoine, St Lawrence
and a certain piece of land called the Cotil Joignant a la Chesnee lying to the East of the Cotil de Patrimoine
now reunited in one piece and bearing the number 359 on the Jersey Digital Map
St Lawrence
ntHCaeidia n niigVotnu
a PcAuAd e a( nRnhenoL)ng dGry
dn b enM s-)ra JMna(ToIoetP eC
Lily Lea Apartments, St Lawrence
La Rue des Varvots
T or atggsniiCo nuuSinuVeddi
allitLi dsoeH mioegnseCsDdVs
L PideimtpLyeoa p
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