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A piece of land of rectangular shape in the South-East corner of the garden and land forming part of the property known as Waypoint (formerly La Caumine), St Brelade
La Mouette
La Mont Gras dEau
St Brelade
doimtgnnaunei V iNotr
Transfer type
ME weisL
Bky(ueF rctt ADodnz a nKnre le)S
Court reference
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A piece of land of rectangular shape in the South part of the garden and land forming part of the property known as Waypoint (formerly La Caumine), St Brelade
oeindNiVgunto m rtian
va Ma t R eenSndPDst e()Miaer
B( uaA Fne ree)k yDttnKdzn oSrcl
Magnetic (formerly Dundrum and previously Chi-Ki), St Brelade
La Route des Genets
vne aiintensdeenuQ isgaV
,lBle eeoKnJ D
,A(Bano nL)e omclrekirbdTel
uteci7vaetri e,e.0Gy tertn0sd i efautensp 0 dla,Edrdpt0een0fi ardmd
Mel-Ann, St Brelade
21 La Mielle Clement
La Route des Faunois
gQessieedninVvnnut aeia
nnrdiDs a (LoKreCfHnMdoee e na)n
iaA l(lohcnH Hd lSdo lM eCG)iidle n
Apartment 1, St Helier
Supernet House
David Place
St Helier
srdeuigaV iaetnPnt d enoMtaeu B r
N lsal HlEa
a vCS ilDR
3 Ash Court, St Helier
Oak Tree Gardens
La Route de la Trinite
trrune PeiVi Htntogunua deMt aae d
Jaea MM(e ndo) n Rer Tyz ado
yVd rl o dtletL un GLaaenisMl-DR w
Flat 2, St Helier
9 Belmont Road
nteaa tddeoegiVB M eir tuPsurnna
novDeeDn-Ny eleb
HnJido i Ls mg&Qil tdBeR
Apartment 35, St Helier
Saviour's Place
Pleasant Street
lVltat e anenueiiltCg dn oVH i daeenlada
nN -ounBrdsC
D Tn( vAleDeo n eS aaa SCMadi ) ise Sur
i0hnw, trpk 0040gai0
13 and 15 Castle Street, St Helier
eeVetln olnaanadnga edsiaCiV Bd lt eil
nL eisgolEdRHdmH iitD
adeseirCmlHrelSt pei ttrLeetiPi so
Maison du Nord, Trinity
La Grande Route de St Jean
redesi gVA uisnnagte
e)ad B uBnh n(teJaraooeeJKin
ansn L EaSsoi CPo lcd oMruNa
ui50ln0n, tnie0ots8cgdn c1
The Old Coach House, Trinity
La Neuve Route
nAitegVrg eidesnu sa
e BSattrl
a e GJleOv
Firstly, La Billotterie, Trinity
, secondly, the majority of the following fields known as Le Jardin de La Billotterie and Le Clos du Menage now joined together in one piece and being field number T414 on the Jersey Digital Map, and thirdly, a well
La Route d'Ebenezer
i tvVneainVlaeudgl-eEeilq-e
S mrydPeM aaR)ne nW(n R hra
aJn)sal yBo eml(n d lW eWweii
25 Les Cinq Chenes, St Saviour
Princes Tower Road
St Saviour
xgninVsPeutan i gedaie
s)laenaha OJe ic lDaaeMM(kn dA
mmeoideunHAidt imsL
sla fgndonrttosp synndrlsa t,eu esehoyg fmhiiiiuh tgr aesoochi e athtea he o noxg6cheiohahamo ulrs0 mttcaresdedsd eh tope rcdi reent aorotdeja t rao,l hhon lpeefn tevctei 0r5ayiefn icb ldteuneaha n ohlieufeens0i Ctpss ew rehyattsnt oto urm . as4gsnv,1 nlylwlutrtoiopda hcspeehc isite ae cdefcs had etdth nrf igiahpc3a c t er3so ntnihar0 eb eepwrcralehmatofrrasyotosaurtnuioidoene hhtobaenc onnti fa ornh 6swdbsbheTdesn Tvh y g i7tc p rt dt tonne ksoet oa
66 Belvedere, St Saviour
tgeeuiaenin igdsxnaV P
lMw aMleDx
aMnlF Pren(dMaR kaegSro n na nd)
22 Belvedere, St Saviour
a eiex diVtnengasigunP
nRdFSan(o ekag Mernd aP n)laMrn
n uoH) noA(ggCis eliE e
The field known as Le Clos du Fallu bearing the number 1436 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
Le Chemin des Monts
St Ouen
reGie nldetttCleauz e
Lr cnu) ( Vl EdaeAe hh nlCeB
J) c igeeunymJeFnCo(m
5hre e neoiwno andoc kftcenitw ott0etlehdayosyirg C f eh ra r wt0adnf0ala tnlsy r1avihGr ntsrr ipeh trt0aS rfrnuoo teeoesueahmTl te ahllhptl el n d scge ttrl f i ca eda fu0ntmedeo d scoendao oosepf iohex hsu ugsn00etsoe au,war,og ehfpoosnstn5rgbnrwtsoeensfnos yelef sms df onhate otsi e fngp scTi otbiohvi ac eeh6at
A strip of land 7 feet 1 inch in width situate partly to the West of Le Vesconte House, St Ouen
La Petite Fosse
leivtl elliueCedLe eot
rarne oC(ogeBC ndnosena ,ue J D M) Y
RtorHna K Mnn ra udBo sou,o JM rndt
av0tm i1ldua00tese,E0
30 La Ville Vautier (previously West View Farm), St Ouen
La Rue des Cosnets
liel diattMelei leusC
(u Deehe BKllGecry ) n
cR uG hPryDe
dnef0i ahaec jnl,hthd sdds t iebsdyosfossrocdi 0s f snndnuefetha n pnn 3r i tusrat grao addrh.eae i yBls i hh iosyune u esh ryoe srcd rtm)naes0upneiicp glnyc eer rltelpdsear nsnorraot aoiy drnolhhpiPer ant r yfla d wd,rshdaclohhepCn r frtet sopyetephliasec3 raolme cttho hmo ,nfeuenef v rl oktedon(nb islBaort c vesh tn ahobsro h Stv n oruaetdtaepeetbaSdir av d t eerrhlsofri d aee0 nauT rameentH vdeaptadneilgcaif onpereifnn c
Le Vesconte Cottage, St Ouen
lt eu velelLdieloeCeti
htJueanntl i EQlaMe dneuH)le(J c
n Kt a rMtBnRHoJouMr dnau
La Turballe, St Peter
12 Petite Route de Campagne
St Peter
ingnoi iVeCa Vnrtaudn i
a oreSeeSkta )(reJ En W nodCn
Jnr go (annuYC)e Cra oB ed M
s,toncn0eidt2cnul, 50n0 gi80
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