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Reem Villa, St Clement
Kingsley Avenue
La Grande Route de la Cote
St Clement
eanVeidraS ieasgmn t
Transfer type
nDa nne,BLe eeoer (w Bll)cAee
Dpr,oe rLnerlo edbiiBsroaePltmti
Court reference
v depretrnueeeiedd,innaneftGryr dat cpsi
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Apartment 4, St Brelade
The Fulmar, formerly known as Jersey Holiday Village, Portelet
La Rue Voisin
St Brelade
gtNnoonan diVrmtieui
MGndhic(reoaA Matn n en B)C
degriepmsti BmeerdoenmiteDvLe l
su9ni8n tge50n0ctni ,cld0o
2 Ocean View Terrace, St Helier
La Route de la Pouclee
St Helier
n uo lt gitMnb bniad'aeAVe
Sen ee dSWsh ntaeL neS p(l)l
Pno eP deFv Lii
48 Oak Tree Gardens, St Helier
La Route de la Trinite
uPaHMgtu Vn ottuiadieten ened r a
e DJlilvriO
ienieAtdHm umiL dmos
u aty0wd5e ribt hol sonded nd pfienn0ttupihm0cA3hhryrrsu e edsmhbohmAe3 y70 rhm aapoaetn5l0punti i hfe o dll n,t cnswte a te mroe re4d otsitpihiaa naoeesacr dhoco, uefe0ntteo
Le Coin, St Helier
Manor Park Road
La Pouquelaye
nulbMa V' tto be eaniidAgn
O(wsbynC)ke i illeMsBa rdmehnMe
LraW eaMDeB
The Bay, St Helier
formerly known as First Tower Methodist Chapel
La Route de St Aubin
oht gnVnenaMdCinucti oo
o (BeyeM ugrR E)in n
T eouuodPos t JscrpeihhyreTsrrsersuteCfthe Mhe s
Parmi Les Bouais, Trinity
La Rue du Clos Durell
rinCoeisatVrgiedlne aei
SLt t uawsrJ RiDe a)q ondon(ade o SendpeM
Maed qaBrIL un
A certain field known as Le Jardin du Vert and bearing the field number 93 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Saviour
La Rue du Vieux Menage
St Saviour
at iaeVugn dtneiaMnf
Jay eKai wn Hd()enaWnsH k
radetihtdi eeR HeLm
Field number 114 on the Jersey Digital Map and being part of Le Clos de Devant, St Saviour
tn dtenaauinai fVegM
R )FawonMa dcnca(eAlehordsn l DiK
i tRthmdeiHLreea de
7 Langtry Gardens, St Saviour
St Saviour's Hill
seiEsu glloedng ietS'n iVa
nenm e)ur S(mrsu TreMe
epdoH(iseyri leretmentL)si aemDlyv lJ
65 Le Jardin A Pommiers, St Saviour
La Rue de Patier
aesst ili geS'duVeiEnlgo n
wtHd) ae(den JrtelMe Guoe
t ee tPWHwl J
nlts odoleiLattear sNiutldt0do 7 le rdtgoe0t,s Tfcpa etSa ah ke0oc0 rl ndal ohv a ntaeartnRntinnl da a 02hu ntitarm uyohgh8ise,e woBgssWe twhapd mianond5nlocoyn tsnIt nfhea0arnood iet o haeet act uiba e mfii
Alexandra Court, St Peter
La Grande Route de St Pierre
St Peter
itdeVingnuoDtu ea
pPeerinaLoei hcit gAmrsdoetr
sie mdtCra ueerLM iiL
Firstly, the middle part (towards the west) of a certain piece of land called Clos des Monceaux Martin bearing the field numbers 7, 8 and 9 on the Jersey Digital Map., St Ouen
Secondly, the east part of the aforementioned piece of land called Clos des Monceaux Martin bearing the field numbers 7, 8 and 9 on the Jersey Digital Map.
La Rue du Val Bachelier
St Ouen
nVtlCt zelehdieu eeilce
ePllesaee auRrP RtJr ,fuentn sd aTnnaM
rTnotrea Prs Jla ,unRef
eeyii sdftpeirn a,anrnvrudednGrpetceted
Killington House, St Ouen
Le Chemin de l'Eglise
lteiPeeC eittlut
lnd a es al et n KahrMCeH WeiAatee )(rL
Sedmrm atugLii
3ci ctn 0t7igsnd,00nluno0e
3 Le Hucquet including a certain building, St Martin
La Rue du Hucquet
St Martin
Vitgne el'lnidesaEgi
eM fS(Efuon nid )daGCaE e inel
(imMJie elsFaL erfdyde atmy)ri
La Renaissance, previously Le Havard, St Clement
La Rue Genestet
igenaocqu VutRri neid
ase MeeneeDE)(C dneR
Ee yntano (ePdan lieSrr )eM S
0oc8gui n00 0ncti,0nntl1des,
26 Les Cloches, St Clement
Le Squez Road
iae iSmdrtns eaVgnae
r e n( esreob nMJnO dSTbaH)y
C eeet(oRBSnnr)an o d eP wS
iln10d c4,tne00nts 0goicun
Apartment 8, St Brelade
Block A
Quennevais Park
dn eaeVenvuQiin isenatsg
dJedeLG no e(onMw L inae) gTnnaH o
aio fTueIne lhcsPb lhtd
e0r0 e rcn,d9inetnu v5punefrae9 do.rd.ttt l2ip caoye1eers1 e.1 Sl,s iycaeesdad
A certain piece of wooded land or cotil forming part of that property known as Valley Villa, St Helier
La Vallee de Vaux
enntaHte dg uudat ieVorPaMretun i
neD Mr oLueDlC ( RdndW en ne Ao) a
inmmtAaAnu naN(nhCdeg e C )n hi S
Marcella, St Helier
15 Clubley Estate
St John's Road
enuMa' ietn AtidVblgno a b
OekGs oSt
w W DsyPsa awaawaTtdPeW ,Ns Aea aetW yyn t
s02undc nil5tncto0i,eng33
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