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Sunset View, St Lawrence
formerly bearing the number 1 Unity Cottage
La Rue du Galet
St Lawrence
tdeall lndsia VaeanBeeg e iV
Transfer type
pmiontPrdLimMeitneeesI rLvtst e s
rGevae MLNW aJ idnWSr rnk WaLlkae ldS al (e k)la,e
Court reference
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Unity Cottage, St Lawrence
formerly bearing the number 2 Unity Cottage
edsaaeleaiVltB nV dae iegnl
rnL ietLsedrimtnteeieIPtmMsp ov
nkeWesr eel NJwWnL)aKk,S reklW (aali L rae Ld
La Pepinniethe, St John
formerly known as Knowle Top
La Rue des Landes
St John
otegutiaDVn deuin
iee Hn WPm ahudroc( y m)aknKES eH
sohR nedW JAr cmer(o Hi ewha t)n
6 4nnts0n,nc iglt0ouecd0i0
A certain small triangular parcel of land situate to the West of part of the property known as Touche Bouais, Grouville
La Rue a Don
ardVgitaeai nnieMss
lEk Deiez
oamN L n (w raEnee) T eByndJ
A certain rectangular area of land situate to the South of the property known as La Croix, Grouville
dninsesia Mrata igVe
nrooEB,w n S Dee
tJh ,Prr M iaDm)egda cenyJs AeCC ao(nnotr
audai st0pr.i0rndneateytfce,m5p e0r,tsrudG l i Eev ntenadevieed
A certain almost rectangular shaped parcel of land situate partly to the West of part of the property known as Touche Bouais, Grouville
ierdi sneingat asaMV
eo E, zkelnDeDie
aCMh nnc(Jn erCr sJo P,e)igrAm oDtydae a t
e redcissnm5,et ppnadiianrt t0udEt,vi yrd ev .r lGetafneuaee0d0 e
A certain triangular area of land situate to the South of the property known as La Croix Cottage, Grouville
VsiMdinniaesrg at ea
ollb( nDooSn Ros D einn,)MddGeesa aeoNn
rCmAnds, nJCer)noa(a gh tc teario PDJeM y
crl0dfnG,t0fdnerai taa0str iuvedeet eeema t ynsue drd1ep.di tpiE,
A rectangular shaped parcel of land forming part of the field known as Le Jardin de Tandin or Le Jardin de Tendain and being the Southern part of the piece of land bearing the field number 263a on the Jersey Digital Map, Grouville
La Rue de la Croix
sseriaV ani gtidaMne
b Ihe ,adeo ePithoDflcennlT su
D sCrCJ( MoA m)rJyeacngPt r ina atdhnoe,e
G2fieeyeearipEi dpate0ecsuvt e nnna rt.r,du0s tamvtd 5re dei,0dln
A certain rectangular area of land situate to the South of the property known as Abri, Grouville
La Rue des Pres
Mitd ssennig iaaVear
s eJSDoi en t,eCvler
ort aoe Cr(ei JA stJ,Paha dnnCecy rM D)mgn
cipiee d5pdd0rudee yae rs,.mndi 0latttnee0tvatGairfefueEn, drts
A certain irregular shaped parcel of land situate generally to the South of the property known as La Maisonette, Grouville
eniseda tgiVaMarnis
e emneoo ,sewTaD Bna Jr(yN endnL)E
Aea ,J PD(rr) enCMcrgnhtoCdo Jymtaeisan
5enesiEvi,aea00fpGsltunnytv a .i er idmedceur edr eprd0ttdn, a te
Flat 6, Grouville
Mon Desir
iMatnraeaV gies inds
y sCM) AypoM(kheeKlcnr eu
laC aAi nad eBniilhnJLngC
d5 lnn2tcgi0neucts3,n i0o0
16 Chaumiere de l’Orme, Grouville
La Rue au Blancq
inine dlaVgo enguelLievt
KlunCpos SyA hMM kye eencad()Fr
17 Alderman Apartments, Grouville
The Willows
La Rue Horman
ei aienstVarnigaMsd
ltoJ F AeLn
emowinipLDtlltedoiWlme ve ss
hntgr0i0 ,0ik 6wap03
Capilano, St Clement
13 Le Clos de la Mare
La Rue de Maupertuis
St Clement
te e nSamidrgsaieaVn
neukk)dnett Ay sn e G n VOB(eeahnt coI
Coe mP BTsL
8,0d0etl nc 0cosn0gnutii4n
La Esquina, (formerly known as Cornerways), St Clement
4 Jardin de la Blinerie
La Rue de la Blinerie
ngSi d mneeVaisetaar
in Me H zacK TZM dMeanD
CM Asa Son
000t5cnintil90dgun s ne,co
Westbury, St Clement
La Grande Route de St Clement
nnrtSe iVsia deagema
olyHnemdondieJLitcisg l
) DnyreeoiV( rsRneu
E4 Quennevais Park, St Brelade
St Brelade
Qd iaVtunninv eeeaisnegs
nM(lauoD na M e ) wr nJJdey sS
t IunefiT obllshc ed aPh
rneee 9ldl 9d .fte,a d se eddaecoayaSsrrnr
Villa Collette, St Brelade
Les Fourneaux Estate
La Rue de la Corbiere
etonM lVdeyiaginae
el Lt uGlKt
iWH xa i e,xyn Fue aPP iunaP naalanJc(e ne Gl g(P) EPxgM lgMsegex u NhPnun ui neua)MnLiKlB,F,()nd noAlo oslxlagi
t ln0n0noi5,ndte0g3ui0ccs
Longfield House, St Brelade
Longfield Avenue
La Route des Genets
moVnnridioetgi auN tn
n R(y )nalsrGaAnSC eddn Gaade i
A eid TrBnraaehnJ n ec)le (B
c,20tudn5 i0 lnsn1o,t0e0gnci
89 Le Clos des Sables, St Brelade
La Route Orange
u nvQssetnianneiaegeV di
eB DA krcodf
Rb MeHya
003g r0n8aa 5deg,a
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