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Lomand Suite, St Helier
Balmoral Executive Suites
8 Clarendon Road
St Helier
noMuaegr ttn eiesrdi aPaunVdtB e
Transfer type
M enP isad KMe CaargC n
)itn hteogasn(909ie1o it lLWmHd
Court reference
orne3pnt0a s0dhr i4wgi0ta0k,
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Apartment 1, St Helier
Belomont Lodge
29 Simon Place
olVla C a dl gettnaii eHtulidee nVn eanda
zn MoMiJ
lio MGnRs
An undivided half share of Louisville (formerly Antonville), St Helier
12 Trinity Gardens
Trinity Road
aaoneriuugVettHPd M reaintn etd u
Bh- laSro L eeDruF Lre eFNs
r FsurLaDeLhoe er-e lB
Louisville (formerly Antonville), St Helier
nniaPrt ae gur id netaud Mt eetHVuo
lr e uB- eDL,rLoerShoeFnsDN Faee
NFe reueer a, - oDMoo LlL BDnrhsFTrD
se,re2ndeefeaem ais0 aE ivrt0dupi tdl e1tc.ruaidnpe y0e Gr,tdntt df0
62 St Mark’s Road (formerly 3 Imperial Place), St Helier
u eeinnMnteou ad BasVPadritteg r
Wh tKgJ ir
BL yukJ el E cP
Suffolk House, St Helier
11 Vauxhall Street
sdMi aaunnV et aoturedi etPrBeng
nl e(e,e Sr ns nuHo)JKlnEy eaeDdet
e ,TooDllrnKy
tr.vc tpedGrde rs e4eetsfr0itnatnutdna mid ulpfa0E0 eddii5 e, a0ee,y
The Hollies, St Helier
2 Greenacres
La Grande Route de St Jean
'niubgnnbAtaeMleo d tiaV
(Tnreevfnea lns SMae e Mdite) BcenaA,er sNs n Ro
rsN,Tir.noee2c e dG iearaormste frnL
tris tipeetfie, eneaGrdncd tn erdyuaepfdrd
Firstly, the house known as ‘Maison de Bas’, Trinity
Secondly, a certain piece of land or cotil known as 'Le Cotil du Tot'
Thirdly, a certain field known as 'Les Champs Marett' (bearing the numbers 19 and 19A on the Jersey Digital Map), La Rue d'Egypte
l t-giulqiae eV ni-e'aneldvVeE
Do Enosb
aMggJ reN
Le Ponterrin Barn, St Saviour
La Rue du Ponterrin
St Saviour
e unngie inadtMatafV
sndn le wL l)DG(eEefDe i fWua
iomerie ioPeMtpLrst ydb
,0io3g,0e0 0 lcuns2dtit0ncnn
A certain field known as ‘Le Pre’ or ‘Jardin de Bas de Bisson’, St Peter
being field number P542 on the Jersey Digital Map
Mont des Routeurs
St Peter
i DnVdteugt iaenou
eHGe zuR L
ornOoGd G
A certain rectangular plot of land, St Peter
that previously housed the former substation Co-op Beaumont no 454
Goose Green
ecVtiaNo esgln S iiatdn
i Da ate,)(ai enedamuLoBnomerdnDt
iecce PJtDsiorolln ryE yt,rec
rian pf t arnpit redtedetsG feeu,dyednriedc
21 Le Clos de la Fountaine (previously ‘St Peter’s Country Apartments’), St Peter
Le Mont Fallu
Vtn aginleSa iNsce odti
a LiS oSttMu eRnde
en )LLS de iPortitelotetFu(mnateia H
clnei4 0c70ott0du0g,i nnns
The House, St Peter
The Old Post Office (formerly 'St Peter's Post Office')
La Route de Beaumont
ogDnd tei etuiaVnu
ta H La od CswScnete Jk
rd MroConnnB aCue)Yg Je a(
Beauvoir House, St Peter
Le Vieux Beaumont
nNci dseeVnaoSi l gtait
a ) PP AiMJAdMn rrn(rnyeeaec
S T oSn c)a GJt ntehSeS o mn iinpTJmna San rSAS hi t F h nF ,mzd(,Wtk,MhiDShanit
Ladymede, St Peter
La Rue des Vignes
anceitdgNoeV iliS nas t
nr ACdiBH Sb an)e C s Mb u( te
dt lt ioeKT g nePgoeA ia Jn(ne ee)PlnK
Hort del Sola, St Ouen
1 Les Pallieres
La Rue des Pallieres
St Ouen
etl hnl ducelieVeeizetC
yy C e(re GMHS n H Ar u ano)d
e aennn a Ae yinaC)mh teLdP SJD(n
0ien0co0,ilntn1n5d0ut0s,g c
2 Tombette Cottages, St Mary
La Rue d'Olive
St Mary
nui dV ieSndaugt
dRnoJe JaBsr HR renida
PdaMeyn irA (arn n)ercAJeM P
dcne, nt0nti0us3 0clg0i8no
Firstly, a certain field known as ‘Le Clos de Messervy’ and bearing the number M742 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Martin
Secondly, the field known as 'Le Clos des Cornieres' bearing the number S25 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Rue de la Maitrerie
St Martin
ee n teragulunQeaVdiie
t(yWLnLdsl an imleaAie) a nDo
aHseyje Mrt
The Paddock (formerly the wing lying to the North-West of the house known as ‘Stanley Lodge’), St Martin
La Rue de la Mare des Reines
eeQugea elV diiant uern
he eM nndJn)nTAe(a Ga eMe r
rS(e )ctnn MtoPeosS te
oi0inecl40 0u0nnc9tt,dgn s
1 Le Huquet Farm, St Martin
with a piece of land called 'Le Jardin de Noel' being field MN737 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Rue du Huquet
aeiVsgEn inetlldgei'
ooHSt nt C
C S(naceiAreaJ eTwl )dlPo rn de
4alct oor05c dcsnneut ag0rinn1pi t,,70dn
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