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Pine Grove, St Brelade
La Rue du Pont Marquet
St Brelade
in nQneuedasenvtiaisVg e
Transfer type
) se(nK nMeyr E huDut gd ondePdmRa
Mne zMn Jne J )nM(Mudz- soEunea
Court reference
4n7d o25,iis utn0ntgcecn0,l0
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27 Abbotsmount, St Helier
St John's Road
St Helier
ei idnMaVbbutnn'le ga Ao t
CliM er Dl
0 l9n7n0nuio,gc0e0tni csdt
3 Bel Air Apartments, St Helier
La Rue de Trachy
ten aCohonndiM nogu Vcit
r naCmNokW
e FlGA la
9ipi,t r5 0ngwka3h00
Apartment 16, St Helier
Cranham Court
La Rue des Chenes
tV ieudaaneged CiniHnnl a Vtae leo lldat
LuQe C nsMee
Vr aML ruy
Villa Jasmine, St Helier
La Route de St Aubin
'iu ltMinV dAetnenb o gbaa
ctielheiDpe o iverdsmnmLOdt
i) ASw (nteeJ erfeeP r
Villedale, St Helier
41 Le Vier Mont (or 41 Trinity Road)
du gdnHtre e tV i ranMeen uattaiPou
e oeborMREPn,atr nruh RA M e rtn Kt,nseN)d (A MhsnrPoVua Ncroc nN
eM o(xaan Pvk yne)onDiaM ad ovs n lBaDC sDJw y
Leadon House, St Helier
96 St Saviour's Road
uVati l deVaonH id lC gnlnnatltdei aeaee
eR eNA ec
FMo drrareGt aFwhn(sn Caonn aCee)a i ait
21 Belmont Road, St Helier
ni tdraa eeoinuMuegde Bt nsPVart
eiLc RtinedmatnsTiset oorvchi
emnep eoLilvtiitlLelv deseDmo
Le Douaire (formerly forming part of the main house called Hillside), Trinity
La Route des Cotes du Nord
gdeinV aoeelizt nR
noKiySM(e Lcolnni)e ts
nn d( dD(EaEs )Se aesL nlav eiaewvoa nRiD v)sD
27 Stocall Drive (formerly 27 The Vineries), St Saviour
La Route de Maufant
St Saviour
tnnaid gVt iMaeuaenf
si(n o a l ondW) HaeB laNm nJMl ernA
cnA)eN Ied eCNi e(lanr anP
14 Langtry Gardens, St Saviour
St Saviour's Hill
SeunVtsgidnie E ille' gosa
S(AAD )onDe entuDi SFso v daaasGo
Dola u)J J eer(Sl ee gnedanFa nDs
cni7lcotdninu0g0ens7,3 t0
One quarter undivided share, St Peter
of the gravelled yard and turning area situate to the West or thereabouts of the said property called La Chaumontel
La Petite Rue d'Elysee
St Peter
arAenen V gzsideegtui
ae) P , rMve(eeerLpnEenrtsnrfioegeno Tr
nL sde (CPq zru uSe(R J Jaeeue eererzLeMee rn e)eoeLP nrnz Hs n reR t,ode ,(feeERuLuLR ,MeaRzt aeJeraLG z),nLn )Bta u
fn5mt e dvpsfneeEypn0iarel .e edr secadaiu tvndao G rd0iretutiet,
aenAgtzVurseii neged
er)erdD( es e Ln uJTz Ra ee, BrneatefaArnCsP
nre aet tMPLnr,reereEv ron es(nr fip)goo
geere ipnpeun iiyRttsd
adetngVr seeeAni izgu
sra)nonLr enteepeMne(,vTe rErfeo eriPg
edeon uzeste JuR(rz(Jr s eeu eu z etnC ,PSe efRneR(e MdPaHRLzoeea ruLaa, rraJe )Lene en eeqtrnLM)Rze u , nL)B G ,rLL E
fidn op0dart 5ieiettsede fedcun.tmt nresre daEG0 leynvr evapi ua,
Four fifth shares in a certain building known as The Barn, St Peter
La Petite Rue dElysee
zerg deniauseie AtgnV
rCneeRuerP ee Ja L)(t z
Le zLaeueM R Ld(uGLnqE nerJ,nto z e u(ea RM zLee dRPJe eB eHe S rRL)euze na)e,un
The piece of land known as Le Neuf Jardin, St Ouen
bearing the field number O283 on the Jersey Digital Map, the remainder of the piece of land known as Le Petit Clos et le Grand Jardin bearing field number O284 on the Jersey Digital Map
the piece of land bearing the field number O285 on the Jersey Digital Map and known as Le Premier Clos and Le Second Clos, the piece of land known as Le Troisieme Clos bearing the field number O286 on the Jersey Digital Map
St Ouen
cutC iieeedehteellVzl n
He etyrsjMa
eee(ertnh tblS)o slB eR
n dLahnfteeufhul n e neiiklten e8ddr neea Qg p,iya ehRMr ocizdla eepsbstOJiiw aeCor reol uonte, s2ataetganbDV ol heecm 7Lim
Cour de la Reine, St Martin
together with the building known as The Barn
La Grande Route de Faldouet
St Martin
iFt dVnludeonaaeegit
loo TalIsnLelni( caed a )SnRtsG
ae WkMlrL
3 La Providence, St Lawrence
La Vallee de St Pierre
St Lawrence
eseB iiaVVedl nellgaend t aa
n eMgMD(egunte aTarVeacQ rde )
H lLlA a
A certain field known as Le Grand Canibut, St John
and being field number 270 on the Jersey Digital Map
Le Canibut
St John
nt uoaeVe tuDiigdn
KSd teOnMnVea foM e lFJ e
BCGl nR e iahDd) raeA(l n eeZd
A small triangular shaped piece of land, Grouville
forming the South-West, or thereabouts corner of the property High Trees
La Rigondaine
etlge i daaVuRe nni
o, n(anDDuen M)cNu nH ryeees e
Loyu nhnn),daoe oA G(dnrcg eAr
fdfrymeaGs an ,irpr0te tE1eid c udrutn 0eide. p,ldfeaovn aetid0ttese
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