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9 Tower Gardens, St Helier
Le Mont Cochon
St Helier
uciCionta MondVthne gn o
Transfer type
alHe dK ByW
daC kaFelnCoSrH M ko
Court reference
7t 0d ccis0eiln0n0,t4ungno
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Ellesmere, St Helier
7 Vauxhall Street
PdastBtngir uaoue tnrn ee MidV ae
a iRGnlsJeoislAf) ( eln
iLoMdsnlimiPPet.dH.g .
n9cd0l ,gnt0cei3u0tinsno7
2 Sierra Madre Villas, St Helier
Havre des Pas
g neiaaluda dntl tieVClH aadnnl i V oetee
hranJGcaa Mn
reEt(Ryat Su An ) aeFadn
8 Peel Terrace, St Helier
La Route du Fort
nVellg CVted aanilodnl uaaieHate enitd
c e lMdy)co hMnAa( aelKeNE ns li
)F oes HCwv(eaieDno n
Share 2 of 5 Aquila Road, St Helier
ouunl gd i uioganoBlnteRVie
MyMn u Ld
aAie auL di5Rqtmdoi l
Formo House (formerly Formo Cottage), St Helier
La Grande Route de St Aubin
MooCnogcniea uthVn itd n
enedesbrdap lC TeolC)a i,mslB(B nnS e oareffrem
,LreeplrsflbonT mCaar
e i r nifeScicL2tetedkaoog0ut ae edyund2rnr a0otnipwnu hnpomieT nneoehdstrimInater t0aaaboa tel ntt otaaf dfl ihe nh tsarhaats pn tndr0stelteyoolsrie ,fnpis
Woodsmoor, St Helier
La Grande Route du Mont a l'Abbe
noAub i' diteata nenbVM lg
eg CeT(nnwsL Jii)paa eSp dMn
Gre CuL A on
,isel0c0dti5unn ontcn0g20
Torestin, St Helier
La Route du Petit Clos
uoen e ganieVuiH MePtrrt ddu attan
et TerHrtcofe ssgCPR nagnei)ek drl,denaJ( a ehr sa
eyrsuid petpne itgReni
teVteainnuHaatredo ut ineM dug rP
eenveu,P DoeaD
toR tJanDo,rehen (gg Hir)ds eoc
n r etreeeeeultn eaod ea daa s elspeGsni dot0so nidant,f2epin iNahviteh rl t ionn0soiehfal s 5dufm deaoeyeo ettutemtrn ecdptrldhncdnoa iou nfbh0nns hoi hgyist tnbtc t,efb affpt0erWts raretyo tloen
Apartment 2, St Lawrence
4 Bel Royal Terrace
La Route de St Aubin
St Lawrence
e eel iaB Vi anadV eelgdtanls
Jcr PConk o
The Bake House with the remainder of the Northern part of a certain piece of land known as Le Jardin de Bas, Trinity
and the majority of another piece of land previously known as Le Jardin de Haut, with the footpath, parking areas and access road established thereon
The remainder of a certain piece of land known as Le Parquet et le Clos de Queree and bearing the number 942 on the Jersey Digital Map, La Rue des Cateaux
ineiae tzonVRdel g
eySMGw ar
keooomaPer ) Cl n eiRLdCA(n
biee srla uictul bfniwlhydnesl 2dei itse ldpftt t ruata tt0re cena sihnoonoch)ote r(aso erie sa ns vnaowmtmatcenfh orltys raeoapsomlo edoah c su i fd yeyd0p5catii,cerenfpeoaaawnrihofdawnndcn rllnehgyhdit s o noeyrntfeat 0o tes c tcsep r rdesec Thntnld xhaet8usp nmrsss
Beau Parcq, Trinity
formerly Hollycroft
La Route de la Trinite
ugiRn nVanoindite d
e eBDn) er NkdL nr WsP J(na aoae
u deRt)B orue er(SHncM
3 Roseville Villas, St Saviour
La Rue de Patier
St Saviour
g g laVSuEentls'soniidei e
e )ntH Be tuntte(rMaoMe
bd enirr tLaormiHtFou
aihkt, w 0i51pn03r0g
2 Roseville Villas, St Saviour
sVt'ul oiidenE ealignS sge
oee t lo B nr(RdAenTuDanndM )C
d ertrHmFouianLt rbio
0,5 0gpkr31i0wtanih
Claremont, St Saviour
Bagatelle Road
denaetilePeto it guvlieangneL V il
nl ostP CaorP()nC ARdebo ee
o e iTfPbae llnuthds hIc
2 Bristol Villa Flats, St Saviour
Georgetown Road
nlteeteteL VigvguiniedialeaPn o l
a L ineML
naeN MiL
soa aiptvul eshndc m oeahfobfim2 0e syoas os5fyneo ein,tod nsirtLhnpseaedhan b o aHtn o,r atrJetrtp fml nn0 utae ceasi wn eh7oatr c dfser 0ap smfeds ureohr Trheiol lflieLa oect snmeria
37 Aubin Mews, St Saviour
The Vineries
La Route de Maufant
dienttfaianauMeg nV
s VsoCgeeP
nde nea goi ClDaiud Tp Di Z ML
0scg4 d00nenin7tto4iuc,nl
A small piece of land originally forming part of the property known as Five Oaks Garage St Peter and Centenary House now forming the site of substation 824, St Peter
La Grande Route de St Pierre
St Peter
guut VDeonin ieadt
PecEiclyie Jcryrstel t
dieiLCmntHeiaoetsngly ndr
Apartment 3, St Mary
Les Pierres de Lecq
Le Mont de St Marie
St Mary
itaVn egnodNiudr
rdoDKz z M
ynnhre )BepdaJ BM u(ui
8d da8u,n ccnaeptr nlgtnino0sni0 2kgi0
A certain piece of land bearing the field number 322A on the Jersey Digital Map, St Martin
and being the remainder of part of Clos du Menage and the Northern part of the Eastern part of a certain piece of land known as Le Jardin a Potage and Le Jardin en Derriere with the buildings, roadway and appurtenances established on part thereof
La Rue des la Fosse a Gres
St Martin
Viesg nEei'negadllt i
narD eee t ,BtoeCG
n(eeoD B nueBB )orrkteetrJ,a
ee,pcttdf i e a nedGdnedyrrtfpuiiatrsdrnee
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