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4 Maufant Farm, St Saviour
La Route de Maufant
St Saviour
n MantiuVtdneaiefag
Transfer type
W H JeJE rliFaa rnMrsde n
paA ealdoMmGn e)ehC (n
Court reference
dn5 ctt4n8cn0l,i 0uge0soni
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1 Five Oaks House, St Saviour
St Saviour's Hill
dEenlngsu'ei a iS tieoVlsg
JeRdCtSli f ah
uoJek Rcb
ngnitnl nis000tdo,cu32 0ce
74 Le Jardin a Pommiers, St Saviour
La Rue de Patier
sn etis gueod'gSEVni lliae
'OoanFrmG G
) eednCtPTll Jeo w r lMenaeF(
Beval, St Saviour
14 Clos de la Hallebarde
La Ruette des Ecorvees
eng Viliednou Sae asogHutu
nMPe GGo a eo a lic dwSahrSdlEnn
nds GteiR1 )g9L(1l9Liai mo
tdg5n,u6col0e0isc n04n tni
A certain field known as Le Clos de Bisson and bearing the number 895 on the Jersey Digital Map. La Rue des Saut Falluet, St Peter
secondly, the remainder of a certain piece of land known as Le Clos de Falle ou des Lands des Bas and bearing the number 921 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Rue des Landes
St Peter
Nge con aaltV eidints.Si
ng ne(eeLa )e RCs L Cr
h e nLaaPuSrtL( w)he
A certain piece of Land forming part of a certain piece of land formerly in three pieces called ‘La Piece’, ‘Les Pelles’ and ‘Les Clausees’, St Peter
atNtni. ie VsniloaegScd
reR n dnfD eJcuhreoC enaPsdeeo( M ,anP)
neD laa(nlocA haH en Rifoe nuGr, )ndo MNs
tceneesn pdifdGeftdtiu,npriyretedda rrae
A certain strip of Land forming the North part of the whole field 940 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Peter
La Rue des Vignes
il n n .diStcVsotaeNagei
n AaMda RGoea) ( lcihnfN lneue nH
HPma no
14 La Clos de la Fontaine, St Peter
Le Mont Fallu
s.ntgiaNi oail nd SVtcee
o LE ernnV
ad(oP)itreLF tml itnHSoanteieet eL
ncno unid s00nt0l3tg9e,ic5
Magnolia Manor, St Peter
in couse of construction on the site of two cottages (now demolished and formerly known as Numbers 1 and 2 Woodside Farm with land
La Rue de l'Aleval
inriaVVonien ai dtCung
MnrnF oRad e
la odoamrtMnnM aieigLi
1 Helmsdale Villas, St Peter
La Route de Beaumont
siedn gtcoeailtSaN .Vin
stmdeeei aBt aLlldounmiHme
e aW)eesKo d D ee D(v ouini GRnaednl
0cotcd 8 tse7gn5l0inun4ni,
Buelah, St Peter
La Route de la Haule
ni VgiNltcodSsanite ae .
v AasP En
E(M)le eose grnnyR eHe
A certain piece of land known as La Piece des Sablons measuring with the wall of the West (now demolished), The party-ownership of the wall of North and the wall retaining bank of East, 16 perches, 12 feet. A certain other piece of land measuring 9, St Ouen
La Charriere Cappelain
St Ouen
lleliMaieCu t eitslde
We engoMDy x, aGD
aeonlnm aoidL,r iDHit
e 0 msvEe,0it001aaldut
A Plot of Land comprising the greater part of the site of an agricultural store forming part of the field known as ‘Le Clos des Blanches Pierres et le Clos des Dallais’ bearing the number 278 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
La Route de Vinchelez
vtltiil eLdueleeeo Cel
)Ln srrbaT( A CenuEDd s aeno
nLers ersirmtpteoogdyiye i ldHJP
A certain parcel of Land forming part of the land known as ‘Le Petite Jardin’ and situate to the East and North forming part of Beauvour, St Ouen
La Rue du Val de la Mare
t deClalrteieeuGn
t,a eMin ntn arAaeTeedrm)e o nfn(BsriPtsLB
auPereAr Qnroe s,f erT
a.r tGti0naf rrue0ede ,ei1ptnptynd ds0ede cerem ,vuin adtsEli0a0ve
South View, St Ouen
La Route de l'Etacq
laieeCue tdeilslMilt
eaD,G MnDeo xW gy
ttyd, o gGeo)ana ser( tnDDSA lx
0,dve im00a1,E0asut 0et0l
6 Le Clos de la Fosse au Bois, St Ouen
La Rue de la Fosse au Bois
olveeeCLtl i leieteldu
e saiJnr GFdSe(nn, aee ek areAo)lsdn D c
eidett Lae oRC smhiWtotige
apdct iente rrdnsfrit tyi dderdGee,nuepae f
Ventana with land, St Ouen
formerly La Paonerie and previously Kingswood
Le Chemin du Moulin
reeGuieen Clatltd
aC eeue) gdn(a nivmJ KRanin nDhsL
L tt ionsernePetiaeimdapVr
2 iu0gl09etd0,,os0i nncntn0c
Rose Cottage, St Ouen
La Rue de la Pointe
u tePeeelttieClti
asMarnet rh alK( CLJab nTcarM e)elaMnd
C teocsWC tt
Dawn Cottage, St Ouen
iCtee Lldeelvlueoeilt
dJoDd tb a) lD are n Duo(Enneen
dr Miu e a ns eCLMrn(r) ed MB eanaiJ
4 and 5 La Ruette, St Ouen
illiieMeeu allsdtC te
sr(nrtaeiK rr etgePMneh e T)tuDoereCaAa e f n,nt
,sohrt gne iT WrrnfaKM
p leddceir srirotaread edut,t fen pnydeSn
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