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Seascape, St Ouen
3 Chateau Plaisir
La Grande Route des Mielles
St Ouen
zedluaeGeC eet nitrlt
Transfer type
R)dJOa(eDd ee AMewi nn n
mniettImtssReTdD i vnLe
Court reference
,g icnt 0e0o0d0tulsic,2nnn08
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A field known as Le Clos de la Solitude and bearing the field number 451 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Martin
La Rue de la Solitude
St Martin
t dRingaeeui n FenfdiVl aeei
sPue NBlc k
)S(Aneea WyP usDrmra
Mistral, St Lawrence
5 Clos de la Forge
La Grande Route de St Laurent
St Lawrence
e egl laeadVaVni teHnueai dtl
eknepSeBt nnrVBm ( a eeCdDn gM nJ)ea a
aAV ilaennn oe.iSlH do s) Ltr(Tn
tning005ne,0lc4i t0so cndu
3 Bel Royal Terrace, St Lawrence
La Route de St Aubin
tliae dilVasB egeneelan dVa
nee eidrR EdNi(PrVJrn ) a eiGna
BmCeacrkA l o
oceniiu ns0l0c3t07gn,0t dn
A certain rectangular area of land (measuring approximately 115 square feet) presently established as a courtyard garden to the South and coextensive with the South elevation West wing extension of the main house (comprising various apartments), St John
forming part of the property Beech Vale Flats
La Grande Route de St Jean
St John
dnienauVereep t iHg
sliiiydDerptiomte vTtn eLnem
AAet yrNv
lieh st teftr r5m t tearro aunosiefeoaia tea te areha e eplTvnh e hcwwtasiaso roi ee e c ehyewee hftoodl nsth n5nsp pn,cnlm s nc e 0 as i0h0sro hltdy tu tochydsassyehtrplit tn cih tdsompycct7eh oh nuhnulantlpttfip0edunlo ghrefi aenpgiant t
Firstly, a certain house known as Transvaal (formerly 1 Transvaal, Grouville
La Rue de Fauvic
ioteeienau gqV dclaRn
ni J kRdesn Lnneyr SeM l E() eae KK
e pzaynhru d(Filre)M gDetM
ho h,L 0eio . budndacevdcddeumo, l in eit eo0LSmtlocelRgier 6anrgenrfha6tisd hGn tuasoo y0wdRoier10lglcf0S 0adre0 atsaonuet 5tnaasranse , pta,ason ulac h eFdtgp oefia r t,aot
The underlying ground (le fonds) of a certain fourteen imperial feet wide private roadway which runs between and joins two other private roadways, one called Balmoral Avenue and the other called Glendale Avenue,, St Clement
St Clement
an esrdgn SmetViaeia
rnaha Vy Cnsiees )n(Jno Cdo lPT
d nSy e d lnVrFMee HonoB J(saen)e
A strip of land consisting of two sections of pavement with the section of driveway situate between them, the strip of land forming the majority of the South-Western limit of the property known as Villa dAzette, St Clement
formerly known as Pereval
La Grande Route de la Cote
eSnd aiignetesamVra
se dn bau feeho cTniseDPlotlIh,
nl aFW alrksgSdaDJnVoP l naa nnoeg,
00utate0rdnenir,siEamddeGfan put e ede . etti5teidra0ycp rf.svd e l
The fonds of part of a fourteen feet or thereabouts wide private roadway called Glendale Avenue, St Clement
egimtneVnias draaS e
a innOe(et M)ley BleaT' JMdrx R
)lJ e(nSeded aonMVHB oeens r nyF
8 Le Clos des Blanches, St Clement
agnmSdeie t asnearVi
uRGi CnD relo, ome
eeni DMnc,rh o (uQre )eMNloee
prruede ieer,ndand Gten ra dcfvi tyipnetes
asVnt iaaedmrgneSei
e nceo)NeDhede,lnB Mr s M une eRaQei(
o RDolGrr,Cno mui
gitteendReprypi suen i
La Bonne Vie, St Clement
previously Collaroy
V niSrmdietesaen gaa
P eEl GaSyvst d enB AC
gr Leerdos)JoiblG ee(n C ne
5ige7sno 2ld2nnt0, uiccn0t
Sandy Lodge, St Brelade
Parcq de l'Oeilliere
Le Mont de la Pulente
St Brelade
de iaVyli tnoMna eeg
eo HeDoM eMn aLar)y (dS yRl- m n
ckR sWinFe
tl0000endc8,scu0inogn2 t,ni
28 Mont-Es-Croix Estate, St Brelade
La Verte Rue
ynatoena Ml e iegdiV
elJGeR(l HFe )e e nnreda vnya
Je ( )o NKr innNdBesndhanoJna
n6 gulnd itnt,0cn5se0oic05
Portelet Surprise, St Brelade
Le Chemin du Portelet
Viam dtrun nieongtioN
D,Cum Roni oeG ler
nP Ro krb Aonr,lBMuca D
pditGftdrrddyidsearu eei enete,ac nftenpr
t nVmidroiNaonu gtine
(V H rDnb c l)dBbin , nuensoRee Fs baPMe kAa
lRrC omnooDGr,i u
pte uiepe siRnytigdern
27 Le Clos de Nicole, St Brelade
Le Mont les Vaux
gioanru nitoNeVmdint
tcaS ( gin E)nhm aKoH de etnAR
Dhen Jdiannn (Ka)Jid uBameags
saSma.od09 lt t,, dE0irl0003u0vfe 0030 eo
Apartment 6, St Helier
Church View
Victoria Street
St Helier
unBaaeid e aeuensPMdint Vrt grot
ai rdBMbgn Dei
oorKM eC
Becot (formerly Carinthia), St Helier
5 Le Grand Jardin
La Pouqulaye
A itliVebatn nb goun' Mead
l ReL ood anT)ewn eoV DCk (r
lt PB AesyS
itl0etnnn4g odc0cns 5u71i,
1 Sunshine, St Helier
Victoria Avenue
'euonaiiMg dV nbe tntlaAb
Hlinenl)(aCsRi nD dl eM AeH
Jacana hnGrM
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