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Erdington, St Helier
60 Clubley Estate
St John's Road
St Helier
dt len gbnboe uM'iaiAVtn a
Transfer type
oD(onl) e HbAonb y MdHae n nsV
( nGHereMaea)er e nnnha
Court reference
n5ilc0n2iosuc e0d5tt, 0gnn
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1 Minden Place, 2 Minden Place, 1 Minden Street and numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Rue de Funchal, St Helier
formerly James Street and also Old James Street
se uetdneiVgtoeu drBa M natan Pi r
sJHTurgt.iTo Cn us..
n Fr rP PoeF d s e o,ssF tCrotMM MPTer arrtW
Shangri-La, Trinity
La Verte Rue
ean odgtRi udiinnnV
aRt BIetre
e t (BDen )yrmea e JraaPLH
4 The Mount Apartments, Trinity
La Rue de la Petite Falaise
iRVdouan netiinngd
knei (kecwnBs HNe Hyail)
yPlaDS eu en
toac2l gkr7noeu rdpicdn2snanie,0 tnn5tg i,s 0
Haute des Arbres, Trinity
La Route d'Ebenezer
vt deealEeuilen'Vn g-l a-eiiqV
Mge RwKa
Ge)n eDyNln tea g( ud BiT niab
Little Sunshine House, St Saviour
Little Sunshine Avenue
St Saviour's Hill
St Saviour
gdlli' ineVeaEuteoisnsgS
aeMrMK ecKay)c eeaaneekKaA a nd(kKyrS- a
Ety ehW ilY
12 Clos de la Molleterie, St Saviour
La Rue des Pres
id o Vlinetneee LnetaggaPilutel iv
eA H lRma
ae sLiEdttimi
snic,glnn00d5 ti4eou40cn t
A parcel of land forming the central part of the remainder of the garden to the front of the house known as The Garth, St Peter
La Rue des Fontaines
St Peter
tiVanngrdn eGaei
d te leKnlWuGCre(aSn) Bh reee
aKlCo)n-mdHh (eRellnMHinrfe etfe doAe s
Apartment 4, St Peter
Thornhill House
Thornhill Park, Le Vieux Beaumont
eNlSadien Viao c itgnts
maz nDieiHL
eMn dsW ao) m( oedMTnoph La
t co6cn0iu0lt,d0ng7e3sin n
Broadlands Cottages, St Peter
also known as Broadlands Cottage
Le Mont Fallu
aNel e iaVtdtgincois Sn
Madequr aLWPn
aTPtnFudaRR u nCtnle ale
Fontis, St Peter
La Rue des Sillons
ViaegingunseAt eedzr
H)a t( hRslAKe oeendleilne frmn Cd H ef-Mo
r tdr G tADMtt MHr eretCD ea C na ertTeFCraeMDae,e M e
l0dda0 d0nncc4istln 1ienug,0t0 a nn,o
Maison de la Chapelle, St Peter
gneinVreantda iG
(KCr hlne eBe n uee t eM)a r SWlGd
e)enelKhtndoHfmHeC(i- fR loee srl
ti 0no0,nuti0 57ned0scgcnl
A certain piece of land known as La Callinerie and bearing the field number 1637 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
La Rue du Val de la Mare
St Ouen
enatdlreeG tliCeu
niHaV ecitneRqu Di k dncA
ntarJtR dVeibiJ t bVJie, rH b Mr V e
6 Dessous les Hougues, St Ouen
La Route de l'Etacq
Clatii lde Mteleulies
y JCA ddW
lhCDWe lya
0t,una cn0p gnningsiadot0e l nricdk943
A certain piece of land known as La Partie est du Pre de Remon being field number 1008 on the Jersey Digital Map and a further strip of land known as La Danube being field number 769 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Lawrence
Jersey Goldsmiths, Lion Park
La Rue des Varvots
St Lawrence
aodTdnnr euuenSignd Viid nnNruaig osdt igtia VCou
JelGe dE sh-H)lPnPoeuegc(nau r n
i efo esePLmRttiiprrfdu
Ambleside, St Lawrence
Le Clos Sara
ioMiiVuano r etCnidgnet
anEomCa enobtEtLJ a dMs
Fne ei ( DynF)gMJal euaa drP s
0lsngi tutc08no0din5nc5 ,e
La Maisonette, St Lawrence
La Rue de Haut
luaddenHe g elaaeliitVanV et
an)o dOn DneeAom(MhWl ae
oJgs on rLsVVos g a inonan)bgnao,a BoV L ge LLMDi,nelLLiglanennlosN(Rglln i Aa,RMd i lna,asii ELssa n( )Sen
98 La Providence, St Lawrence
La Vallee de St Pierre
e asnBlVVdi eaaeg aidlelnt e
(o)pn anHm J Loade eAHn z eM
nedaCaS RinM l cJarsGa
0l5 tnic,ntsn nc0u0e01ogid
3 Goose Green Gardens with a one third undivided share of the private roadway, St Lawrence
La Route de la Haule
laeVdtaV l ese aBnenlaged i i
eaAnLM S (Lrocnenge)
i A(bnMid Hh) oygPln adeteMtnoL
siu0cc0lon dginte 906n,3tn
Salanda, St John
6 La Ville des Chenes
St John
uNetiaon gVrdni d
t rF MaNDnJ C nM Srdocn siaF aL
nCio uaP (aLnlleMd leeoM ) S uGn
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