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Beulah, St Peter
La Route de la Haule
St Peter
tel SnaedoNn i igVstica
Transfer type
HyN D a
MnrW uo I
Court reference
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The field known as Le closet bearing the field number 1405 on the Jersey Digital Map,, St Ouen
Le Chemin des Monts
St Ouen
ldC eitltuaeenrGe zte
hBclr(LEle ua nVh ACe d n)e
b i JrteVA
2 The Paddock, St Ouen
Champs Verts
La Rue Militaire
Pie tCetetulielt
GDrRuThc ey
Vrhms tRkim (dtCasee)Lipo
A certain parcel of land being part of a small cotil forming the peripheral southern and western parts of the property called Fliquet House, St Martin
La Rue de Flicquet
St Martin
ii etnazVdnlogeRe
ogNMnaA H
uVCto i An
Eight certain pieces of land joined together and forming a single corps, known as, St Martin
Le Pre des Cotils, Le Cotil au Sud, Le Petit Pre a Louest the majority of Le Grand Parc, Le Clos de Thomin, Le Clos a Genest, Le Long Jardin and Le Clos du Lumiere and bearing the numbers MN310, MN310A, MN311, MN316 AND MN316A on The Jersey Digital Map
La Rue de la Fosse a Gres
tligaidg eVs lnEiene
e HitLDmHid
iLmeAtmC anailiomtrpmoyerdCc
Three certain pieces of land joined together and forming a single corps, known as Le Clos Carre, Le Pendant and Le Grand Prac together bearing the numbers MN315 and MN315B on The Jersey Digital Map, St Martin
La Rue des Raisies
iini lgeased eEVnltg
n( Mlenca lh)t HCl MtcA tkeieed Da
CaoAmicryda nmtli iotmmpLer Ce
Cornerways, St Lawrence
Le Mont du Bu de la Rue
St Lawrence
Hiaiiana touVg ntenCd in
Me r A(aH oJknJen noEa J)sdeyBlo
)ln aAe gP mBlpsCn a unGdb(ee
icltnc gnintednsuo
Substation 888, St John
The Chasses
La Rue des Servais
St John
a dninrHugeVi epeet
rryceytEciltcJei elsP
dJn weFrtW lE )L(oeenaM tiHoe
rnf erardaedndtCdees
Firsty, The Field Le Jardin des Alleurs et la Carriere,, Grouville
Secondly, Two fields known as Le Clos de Grand bearing the field number 378 on The Jersey Digital Map. Thirdyly, Le Clos des Herbes bearing the field number 374 on The Jersey Digital Map
La Rue des Alleurs
iia Vae unlRnteged
JtYBC)edSrei e Lmsiy(
Qr)e(uTL adiniitmhy r eeeFr
Le Jardin, Grouville
La Vieille Rue
el lnannudivge eLiVitego
Mnn (NdeeGt L ePmtAya eLo )e
Peu(odldlRn)T)u-R ltuM Cn ea(teu Ne a lReae oJ AB ni
5 Coastlands, St Clement
La Greve d'Azette
St Clement
gVtsr aeimanea enSid
sHneBr)C ernede(an af,aerTW go
WS d rJa
hiw lnatd
Field Lodge, St Clement
7 Sefton Close
La Rue de Samares
d an aasenrieVtSigme
rri saSAH
a pp)oeLenJrh(dSn e wrB
nn dngiloctcntieus
3 Evelina Close, St Clement
eetanna i VSdreaismg
Fld aASyEr nalC erla
onr (aCAh nM) RI dteen e Latsr
22 Clairvale Road, St Helier
St Helier
sn PBrurouaednaM eedtgntt i ei Va
roes ,a aJsaccne MSrf( R aeCvTe eknSn )Pvea d
fsa nF,eregTsJorru n orD
estytRp pgruiiidennee
nederd n t atiu BusVantaoMeg ei Pr
Fu,e goenDn rTfrrease sJ
)Pf aevTse Mane S oncrk(caaoer ,vr
dcea eee drdpniartdtriy,npfdt sefeitnuGe r
A certain commercial building and apputenances being number 7 Library Place, St Helier
td agu lte aandodVCliaVniealHtei ne l n e
Cor itdetoRemLpg idy rHslnBiP
Pms vrLb LrIaeaditsteinicetylem n
Apartment 3, St Helier
4 Norfolk Terrace
65 Rouge Bouillon
otegi igiRVnBa uunou oeldln
rFlGe ov E
AeHh R atCP
4 Edward Place, St Helier
The Parade
n iauoilnotloi n ReguVugdBe
hdnt P cusoefl iIbhelaT
iMtieigondsHdBlL mSB
ucoeor sia;lttnbbsuofas gdflnhorhen nhnverrdcntc lfenml poftd,1n0iotm,ci cicho9sitaditee iia 0us0w0hndIP nf u es0pheuioa 1nae . tseets5 seeomw nt) f ai,noooa T0iihmcrhs )iecutrt 0 g toy melrfloi0it are9nwatdshonsris t c tnnhtnotwiorr5ot00re:ooabot, reia0 erd
Apartment 8, St Helier
Tower Road Maisonettes
Tower Road
ntgondnVAMae tbbeii la u
i (lGwavk deeM nnraMe) oAa
indmesodLu iHmAme ti
hshsctckentnhThon0owa eoe orieve9dcersaanleittnc to neer brfp4 o sdoenoli n so elrt om esla etderhsatcten euornhtnr3sa o tg shogttyh i i 52htbgo sehmtstnia iru htscnrta 0pTortx wmw s at caaiumotrimad,bd c acsnhpthdnid trtd l rocvaoatiyee n sy o fsseco e,idt4dylhasldi nih urloteern pstpa rojocf0d rye f ta hhisutuchrl nesg .hh e f7adrtofi nurc ne rsoyts ,oipnioc iyeaoeadhttgfi 0 s ahnen e9hpehe no tdapuesabh epeh etgol evnubtgeldeniafehaoefairaaeee Cw
11 Union Street, St Helier
tta BduM iVeeetnoearn nisP ugdra
eJ) (Sa nZe nZFnoaeaD l dvS A ab
hsT WlaM
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