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Share 3 of 114 Halkett Place, St Helier
St Helier
gi ia ne llea taiVe enntluaddaClde VHton
Transfer type
Sk tezrEliecN
GJnBc oa
Court reference
, ce1nn036lctiidnt0ous0ng
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Cliff House, St Helier
19 Regent Road
aneloHi edtanaVVnatln ul t li egeddCiea
JiHW nsik oln
reA MlWasl
9cd4iut4t0ns ,n0nol0necgi
61 Le Clos de la Ville, St Helier
Clarke Avenue
bu MVao eAl'negibntdntai
le W tCh )eS Je erdraAaee( Mnrn
ACiB nsso
5cnn4nu nic0t9e,sd0git o0l
Les Muguets, St Helier
Les Grands Vaux
iuieuaeHtuegatdar V ntMdPo n retn
)eGbpS unsdaCe nee Ml Kijr( arb
a se Lde(ACn al)Jaro yleAn r H
20 Le Clos Vaze, St Helier
St John's Road
'lo ebennabaVgit tMdAu in
d uTairc PQaM aMEidn ll C
JAnueN s
0nie,tgna5iod0nt era acl4dnns04u ggc
Ophir Villa, St Helier
Westmount Road
odibu tl'iMbgteannaAn V e
rri doiiemAt JetpesPLJ
ba eoRh WAadu aBea e(e a)JaeasaeuDtgBgE)nuRc d MN Kn icenbvoa nin (ChnAmMea ,e sC ,,tmN
12 Hautbois Gardens, St Helier
Bellozanne Road
Mnetb agen biVo ild'anAu t
oM)eaGirr u R enasn EMedKdena d (
Spra acP
Apartment 4, St Helier
Grosvenor House
Grosvenor Street
inttaeCed ulna V adn eliil HeagtlednaVo
oetmidti LeEesvGn rstoras
27 Richelieu Park, St Helier
Tower Road
niunebltoaMVgd' inbeta A
eN(Jkensaiu nCAr d)eaJ nSrc
neJd)iiennH StM r(y
Azela, 2 Jardin du Mont a l’Abbe, St Helier
Fuscia, 3 Jardin du Mont a l'Abbe
and Honeysuckle, 4 Jardin du Mont a l'Abbe, La Grande Route de St Jean
lonnVtb tA'b aadnegeM uii
inBsMH o s
n an dDBsnsosi o Bo SssGiB R n,DK sDi
cnendewee ntrda sieefnstTav aortdtai esabtnhrom aeremi tedsnainoes.aaeocemoo r dntrietaoagnc u h ea ce a irctpmvseesdniew hr ne fhtlwce uarfghrprd h
Magnolia, St Helier
1 Jardin du Mont a l'Abbe
La Grande Route de St Jean
neinVbA btao nli'te dMuag
ssiGB RDon
a osMonBKsS nDssDo Hi nsnd Bsi iB,
tft siphrne it mr h lmenohTee diaecueeisaearrtthaa enmh nna rc eiorrfvwt eoaorgooe sdnn c ne eebta sac asaragns rdeu fdnsd andw hpocetetwdaev ceerti i m
4 Lido Bay Court, St Helier
La Route de St Aubin
gn en AbualMnatei'tdb i oV
oHBsins M
ia DKi nnBR S G ndsD sBsisooBno s,D s
tineatitnca creaehi etao a ertawamwo opsrnhso o gsdhcidc efwln e b aanrtrm s oire ndshnfseaf areee hdehaenmpetvi drueacneoecrdumrta d gtnirneeTst ve
Apartment 15, St Helier
Mary Ann Mews
Belmont Place
l ad o ea e al a tVndHaneigltenVdtnClii ue
s sG i oBRnD
Knodio,on n DSsiHaB s issnB sM DsB
nthdeeraeaioobta cc cphm e e rtm eaerems s awnefloo earwirreicfsnc eihonsaked coetvtnhls niteam ieiuenw nod anhre t v s fnidd ra ngaadhun cires a perha eedsa dhrunw tirTgc gptt
The plot of land (with the various sheds and outbuildings currently erected on part thereof)., St Helier
The plot of land lying immediately to the South of, co-extensive with and between the North land and Victoria Avenue
Victoria Avenue
oe'utnAVdM ineia bbnat gl
KDhi A eedd n( aWoHd)nM et
r oemPtstdAiLieJrJipe
Share 1 of 9 Peter Street Apartments, St Helier
Peter Street
geit l aen e dl letCVaVnelaidtu aHanodin
Ru i nnQE
dai tnr LsetvmeepSstatmniI
36 Le Grand Clos, Trinity
La Rue es Picots
indRin notduniV gae
B aP ml n nt elPoatF(a)ered JEr
nToePfr rthihTys a ii
pvtrroyhe a3 d Pe3ri3 ey1itreihatnsat6h hPtedi,, 3 risr rbsot 3nt ,aarso n7oTi. ef7odeto6p6e h oen 4 peihrTaThfh
33 Le Grand Clos, Trinity
iat iegon iundRndnV
i Sa alcGJLlhn
Tfa nrosh rTyhtiPeii
06 ivrid ,dhi teoa, rhep itse 0a 0 nhi rrf3sfhhytTt0 po8ts,eae0tnoartpe0 i P1Tbonreie Thas oroa 0 rn re hdtP 0ohey.
32 Le Grand Clos, Trinity
nngieuodnit diRV an
uaAy(seed deAC Mr kniSLnilLo) a l e
oie n Ta TPfhryhiitrs
i t 3e7hfetir,hP 3eonoi 7 th3 v oy,b tei4daprepfoa nt oeaheT3ror 6rpnerhhitd 16osrndh s6.,sasT3iyiaP rteta Treh
31 Le Grand Clos, Trinity
VdRu ngdnntinia ioe
onECaBeBJdy lt d so Jnl i
nTyatieifs hrhrP oTi
t oobarrenvhPeah h ,htoeptPrra t.tph ofi 3pes7 i3fe,ero4aohis iyte 6 a h dryt3eh,Tdri6 netsTi rs7 T613ode ina3 rn
30 Le Grand Clos, Trinity
t gnnduReoinnViaid
FLored enJ M
sT ai rPhhfi iteonTyr
e o Tsiy tr1onr,7d ni4d h3t ra ie. 6otaherntaa6nei3 Ts s,Pty3b,TosritrhoePe feiv rap ae f 76i hhoterhpeoprthd h33
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