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L’Etacq House, St Ouen
with the garage, outbuildings, yard, stacking area and gardens dependent thereto.
A certain triangular shaped piece of land originally forming the South-East corner of the property known as L'Etacq Quarry, La Route de l'Etacq,
St Ouen
deCeeeil ltlai luMsit
Transfer type
aa)eane e qMhdKCre aaean uK o stCn M(edwLuLPeknidertnaon nsluR-euosc-eJqi,aoNgc hs
i gsaunoD,BJeRnry
Court reference
gee itdpneetyRiupis rn
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iCs lellaMuiitd eetle
ynu nB, oaeJD eD
o hJn Do uaoC,nePtrc
etarutt sdpfnynetiecnard dG pdir redf,ieee
Villa Rose, St Ouen
Le Chemin du Moulin
ner llG Ctedtuiateeez
JeM)R Al peChR nn (aadaamn h p
Jgiisn aWs rgH enJdna ()ier R
07deg1 t,1,s00unnnili cnct5o
Grace Cottage formerly known as Holly Cottage and Les Ombrages), St Ouen
with the outbuildings, garage, swimming pool and gardens joining thereto and the banks, walls and offsets, all around, except by the North.
A piece of land known as Le Clos du Motier, La Ville de l'Eglise,
eeetrldtielan GuC
nCl Eid (e t e sCe n sRaeC) rAhinodyE
vne D iy eM ee(l)AMon
0 c1,e0n,oisn tni00u0gldtc6n
Les Cinq Verges, St Ouen
Le Mont des Corvees
eet lClltdMesliiuaei
SqedeH( snr) E aDB droJdnLe c w a
eMi(eona zeso ce KksJnMp)
n52n0gli e,ostc10 d3niut,nc0
5 Brampton Farm, St Ouen
Le Chemin de l'Eglise
lleldviCteLt leuoeiee
nHdB yn FBlielF a nLi
nnE Aa (elDearsdv kSaM enC)
ne5tcun,i0nl0is 00o2gdtnc
Les Quatre Carrefours, St Martin
with the converted building (comprising three cottages) adjoining the North side thereof and its other dependent buildings, yards, avenues (of the North and of the West)
and appurtenances with the following lands; Le Jardin a Potage; La Piece de l'Est being fields numbered 273A, 273B and 273C on the Jersey Digital Map;
St Martin
Rildn oeteezVn gia
pwade( REoDi sua oSdk)Crnen otte C
GpL usid Ra
y ftdLpo dsoJmreDe a nhag smbLe 1hmra ae nhti es e tb ehg afee2Wssey' taotetn nhtoor aayrletDo peaeltwrenRsc rtiaas,p s rhr on eiLeo2eai Co Pan7 d d hls l tteourrsrn e ibe. ee P h f seh wa er ardrtfost;la h otebaian l d eidrTbft eesVinOt tluPabnh Ja siieiugieg p 4el d JeabuiiJurftttte dlqr rhD4ealldp tuie on uPoad iomff sAitaehf rW L2gste e,ef 2hi0e otJnvPeuP a enteeEl ;eM4cesotudee qp yLio ulhtvhn2e'hi iy ldoe tNel peedpd e otndehMr ae egMSisnieLG edLiu nna0rt e;eoeesndrreofer at
Les Pommiers (formerly Rockvale Farm), St Lawrence
with the offices, yard, stack yard, issues and avenues and the following lands, namely; Le Val; Le Cotil a l'Est du Val;
La Valette; Le Pre Ou Jardin de Derriere; Le Reste Ou la Partie est du Grand Jardin; Le Jardin de La Mare; Le Jardin de Haut; Le Grand Cotil; Le Clos de Felard; Le Reste du Jardin du Moignan, La Rue de Haut,
St Lawrence
l ntae Vua eeaVdetn i dllgiaeH
Trenls ee,ne flArD Ma
am mpr royir ifnedrrsooseomatey sentmLi,TrpCePLP
re eaayineeidttneCd rrs tpepdnurdf
A certain piece of land or parking area, St Clement
situate to the North-East, or thereabouts, and co-extensive with the property called Mal Maison already belonging to the donees.
The roadway to the South-East and co-extensive with both the area of land or parking area hereinabove mentioned and the property called Mal Maison
St Clement
rn aatGVdnigenie
GJt D nsna, L ee fNeev)(o dreeH ii rSnfsh
moLH acrDi ,ennddorom uoytirPe
v,2 dmedrteanu0ierilv prttG .sieeea rnnetac efdny0iEe0s t0p ad,du
Fairwood Lodge, St Brelade
La Rue Voisin
St Brelade
oNtnVt ardioiiumgn en
c Cnl cadk JkS aSL laA
elMi SsG
no0tc60nneus,l00iign5 tcd
Quatre Vents, St Brelade
4 White Houses (also known as 4 Noirmont Lane)
Noirmont Lane
(ndaa)WL nr iTlkoys HAceC J e
den en)onAArldrBn (seoV
nc0t1nn0ui1l0t s5,igcd,oe n0
Qu’Appelle, St Brelade
Les Landes Avenue
La Route des Genets
iogriotedn ainnuN tmV
aAnM (vrlak)ad ee snSDnECe
su6ni,ent0n8 lditcn0c og00
Apartment 19, Block B, St Brelade
Quennevais Parade
La Route des Quennevais
aeevnindeiVnQuasg seit n
o oMrdieklBfP
)RJ Piea eoao ennshm(tr dTu
Apartment 2, Block A, St Helier
Alton Gardens
Rouge Bouillon
St Helier
i i dnlitouuRuVeBnoog elgan
eJ P wnsaslHML Mol oEd
veeMryh CeaGK ainm) ng(
1 a0sg s kad,7ted03,crin nnrcuti0otipenolngn
Omaha, St Helier
8 Bellozanne Road
bAatd'ne V ag iboen Mtulin
rt aBta VCr
entW(ye raeiPbe A )lDnl Ade bnm lmuyulPM
2 Temple Villas, St Helier
30 Stopford Road
on uPnsdeBir t M gaerudieettana V
Es ae rAFr
bTltJh u AGae
Taunton House, St Helier
formerly Taunton Guest House
15 Gloucester Street
to en ed dslliand B ie Vtal l nCanieaVega
tM R ( naTs ) vHadBoe nleD En
KnrueA TrN
Apartment 66, St Helier
Saviour's Place
Pleasant Street
aailntldoC l ei tinnaeetV ed aVla ud nHe g
ATh oytRn n
)leSlo(hn niNe ceOvois
Apartment 2, St Helier
31 Aquila Road
glBdloeou tngio RuiuaenVni
aT uJblh AetG
sAraE rF e
Lot number 31 forming part of the property The Mount Apartments, Trinity
comprising the parking space numbered 14
La Rue de la Petite Falaise
aniRn ogiiu Vneddtn
onr ApoOCCr odCEno enKa'
hse Himieu lndMtodiLtogTn
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