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White Hart, St Clement
26 Clos de l'Abri
La Grande Route de la Cote
St Clement
naetanei sa SeimgdrV
Transfer type
eoNGn)n csOMen d lSa(iohveli
La dbt n iab (n 'yMytRneeso OetDln inMQ )itnlTD
Court reference
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Ar-Teach, St Clement
formerly Wellesley
La Greve d'Azette
dngSasinr Vme iaetae
K awrS orAp
raJ)e eaLn ner dn A J Bna (nyeA S
Apartment 50, Block C, St Clement
Millennium Court
inaeSm sVna iegertad
uB sidKaan
M)nietantaer r(ererSeoHDs C
La Frotique, St Brelade
Le Mont de la Pulente
St Brelade
eodi tengnalVMeayi
lle (o eaEJE a w dGnVdn)e aNlnl
Dn el(sD edwe nyalaG eJl)
acip et nvdrteodtfa6n d0id lhs d0d iaies0alrnncdrto av uwfisaa,rfo lso h tipdnnnanfon ohery aug n00 ei
An irregular shaped parcel of land, St Helier
measuring approximately two hundred and sixty-five square feet forming the western extremity of the property Les Pignons for the establishment of a public footpath
St Helier
lbeg'bAi Mtnude i tVa naon
Psei o teehrhfT S lariH
M HJnDe so
The share or lot numbered fifteen, St Helier
comprising of a room and toilet on the ground floor of the block of apartments called Falcon Apartments
Havre des Pas
eedtl al dnali ittVe aCg H lniuaoanendeV
PnE rkv Aaardoame nW nDC
tnu reBAt
2 Elysian Terrace, St Helier
St Saviour's Road
Vle aeiauoaltd edeHlgCnnlt tinda ineVa
un d ler)( mrJha a ehedCnSAF Nc
, LiVFun(amon g ecgJe ndeon )mCmJm JCuae )nzFeFy nenn Cri(
A certain new house to be known as Willowdene, St Helier
La Pouquelaye
uo bnAaidaMi ntVtle'engb
JDJ(ev ened Sn e-nthaa)r Cy A
di mnteHlzidaeeLi
6 Orchard Villas, St Helier
Brighton Road
BenoaleogituniV nluRi guod
onwHde()eryK J nleTdana ViM rit
iisdnonrMannnB re )J nnFeA y PFoi (
dcgnslon0 ut5c0en04 0itni,
22 Jardin de la Hauteur, St Helier
La Rue de la Hauteur
V taenio Pet taeuuritdHunnreda gM
e Mot kam aM -nonMp (i iA)OdOtmkBAOoap eo
(Ksll)an aseroJMhJ enohn
71 Great Union Road, St Helier
ld BRVnligiooenuiouueg nat
ed Frrngui aaaee(l aV o)n SRe RJ
rre d aM(aiJtaw AnHoa) Ls dhHPsne rm
Flat 4, St Helier
Eagle House
Queen's Road
MiVueaagtibn n eo lt'dbnA
o SdfSrLagn
naTI neiCPde J h r( Mean er)ec
2 ikhpt0ragw,40i9 0n
Granville, St Helier
Rodney Avenue
Ce ae tdleV aien at Vnaaludednil ogtH nl i
) ninRidrLCHobu danb (a eae BaLos
d eneavCJnA)(Cuxue aJ nyer oM a
17 Birch Court, St Helier
Oak Tree Gardens
La Route de la Trinite
r aaeHeP tutotgVendetn aiidu uMnr
FrF oey aA tdJBM ae)yd lh(nn e
ndAmmsoi mtueiidLeH
Apartment 3, St Helier
22 Great Union Road
tidee un rntP dau anetMra BoVesig
()eSne dp L danr ilFPiinlga hHs
DdG eAtiLim
36 Midvale Road, St Helier
o deaad Vgtireus n iB euMtrPntnea
l nJGuMa
ee ( NnAVtreoclCaliie)u
Apartment 4, St Helier
2 Grosvenor Terrace
Grosvenor Street
anle l Vile VtaatniouC iHeag nddatld e ne
a)nen eB rrSe(neLyAna
emhJem sabT SW ok)ryn (npi
Firstly, an irregular shaped piece of land, Trinity
being the majority of the Eastern part of the Southern part of a piece of land called Clos Crinet, Le Jardin a Pommiers and the Southern part of Clos de la Fallaize (now all joined together)
with the greenhouse and potting shed to the North of and adjoining the latter and appurtenances constructed on part thereof with the ownership of the bank and offset of the East towards the property called Fairlawne.
ndnRode ia gtniiVnu
SaMhM e bAuonea Dd(Len cC) e e cA
eJoe)D eM eeen(n nc aFhuLL
e ewnedG aLClpnh aarnpMti cejadwri nt s1ttantyn lfotmir e n peo oLejia rmds f 1ihte yc hoaaLcim,S efeege faieo aor rch(l ila ony imiarswaliEn orng lottlo nfo r rjnn s tn olhdeftC a u eaelapk fehioer eokiil epalhJof deaenC h)efdr eoe ldf sneont n g deehadeectiyda eroM omn aonmtmab sePdiHd etono ltrtrePdn NTbiaeihnltdaeln yhsdso dLi tdle eeea,ic beitoaed etPfe p teey flot e Fliousfh ltsoa lt Jo dna e nn iSnr f otloitgCdtdsoha a du apargugniiie iaaieenatpfcsnsyttnefsrrep eH nardtr r,aehnoeoariltgralPalrs gna teel tPrl 9joo r tnos ieoaet tl l l w(mneb, .eezh rcwoDfogaiut
Firstly, the remainder of Le Clos de la Croix, Le Clos d’Anigot and Le Clos d’Isaac, Trinity
joining together and being field number 410 on the Jersey Digital Map, 34,000.
Secondly, a certain piece of land called Le Clos Ou Jardin de Colard and being field number 512 on the Jersey Digital Map, 28,000.
lei- eiE 'di velqa-ualteVenVgn
y)e A rG aNcehnu(le
thLu o teroaecn n nu( y)JcrhHG yGd
amndnrenLntu ia l4 nr 3udeoe od3B00r inrpb,rl ede0 a e,loro afuee cih1e0i atgao ,n0c,6docat0eaaibnahd wb23 .iei l uceblThqd tn u,P FdeiT en0 nufuuglraLgalLd,yim0elr,leemrp lPelomfycen 8d
La Petite Mare, Trinity
formerly La Mare Cottage
La Rue de la Boucterie
Reail ntoinedgeV z
cPn lG eaneEainh) a (eoGnS M r eodlSd w
KdonaPWa) lLA n Mpao(edse
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