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Flat 7, St Helier
Royde House
21 Midvale Road
St Helier
adVMaieuBoeu irt ane nesd ntg rPt
Transfer type
-cTLMnhuie-iaa Smot
edRdeL omsyiuiHeto
Court reference
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8 Champ de l’Ouest, St Helier
Le Vieux Mont Cochon
tndohcg unoi CVtiaM nnoe
MEmed ipB al
aadim noe ()nPpttMe lBHe
2 Hungerford Villas, St Helier
Vauxhall Street
nit t oeM as tneuBi nuardVagde reP
TEa e Cd nrBl)el Wr a oeyt(ntR
ear qKL mce(eeBlnhc) lC e
The restaurant and house being 46 Bath Street (formerly number 4 Bath Street), St Helier
l adotai lneCan u geleiltVe a iHVatde n dn
rLa tha MaCs Aine
atGdciLeiim ceb
Share 9, St Helier
comprising a shop on the ground floor of the property called Colomberie Court
La Colomberie
H aglia n eenln adttlui dVaCeeaVedtlnio
e emW aoraroldtynyPhpDt)dees(iliL
g Jnos mdai sLterBolSrlidHdaRttial ot nht setryL aGTAnq fA n eoa adR Vo mjh ioiAe findloou wboiisnndr ets
i5w roa3 e fritoshnoc312,tfe0
A certain piece of land, St Saviour
being the South-Eastern part of the garden of the property Brehat and bearing the number 38 Clos Paumelle
Le Clos Paumelle
St Saviour
eg tiePuinnia Vnxdsgae
bVi MeDRL,oilesoe)sg tnoJnDne dI enH r s ( e a
ne ,Vt oNIe)dib en droleBrAuP t(rnsa
tditese r.edrdceaGidftfproptn0l fEe ru sduntemnye a 0vat1,0ia eid ,e
Two third shares in the following property comprising three corpora fundi, St Saviour
firstly a certain piece of land called Le Clos de Quenault and bearing the number S452A on the Jersey Digital Map
field bearing the number S454A on the Jersey Digital Map, secondly a piece of land being the field bearing the number S454A on the Jersey Digital Map
oetseuV liuggdao unaH neiS
r ea r),eeWreJd fe eLsoaTnocPhrnd (
se nanAc rrdatrTn, cdd ecR )heer (ohrearLeRa qPf orBPrs
f r Hs oeg lC WsesaytahenLeEe nefcda iull u'dt htd1 odefuh eAavddedara .e elst ndtif cbeysiieaainSgla ht5atDepooec frne giuL e dnierg lelrmeia 0d r M Ept,rn iudyyndtiesendl l0riosaptnGbee dtn lre t7oa 7abt0meJi0dtem,ei hh ied tu t n roehoie rRt BtvnpaJpaeese cf5f ti,rec
La Maison de Hue or La Commune Farm, St Saviour
with a certain piece of land called Le Pre de la Commune, the fields called Le Clos dEsthur, Le Clos de Gallie and Le Jardin dEsthur (in one piece)
and a certain piece of land called Le Clos de Carrefour et Le Jardin dAverty (in one piece) and being field bearing number S652 on the Jersey Digital Map, La Rue des Pigneaux
e geG aa ienlndVgvliluedanrLien to
r srcea rdrh, fTaeeTnPRe
L(aeeecA cJehd L d) )oWdren roq,cdahrrroe r st n nnaePP BRao( rrsef
t G ui.o9em0lte nad0denEetitdesd,rrp ,t9a9tcdvu aesn epryfrefef4d aii
Share 2, St Saviour
78 St Mark's Road
ssdlSgg' oeaeiiunitenElV
tna)DAn d g iAlleJra(MW h e
dHS C u r oFen yJamrtphsH
House 2, St Saviour
Homestead Farm
La Rue d'Elysee
ii ieenatgP negdxsVuna
v(eFe)Cee ' luNFieO Hnir
te vpedaiente DmdhimseHoLgslti
o7y0afm2i eos 99rucoeil ac rcewhaos ar ptioor5d ooohehh cy c,ut eemirf dtatvhlsete pla0nonmrin tner 0 es ifeolufer ae renspr dna evtd e stnfb asse,u reev osi pmpt0loivaypltptstopcc5eoo dhoy tohyoc ,as htn dnch hFer anrifney u9trdfbennta eenh,di n alyets
Nitchevo, St Saviour
Wellington Road
ogSelneua it i'E eVisdngsl
eA)seMi( tnna nM gearr A M Rd
tacMna ia)We( inSr eskn
The fields bearing the numbers P807 and P807 A, St Peter
on the Jersey Digital Map, and comprising the fields Le Clos de Salmon, Le Clos de Piquet and that part of Le Clos de Bailhache
Surguy Farm Road
St Peter
NScgietV a dt sinloaein
n( C eubaAd rS)en HsbtiBMC
mig riuytCmIeS FraSuL d
Apartment 15, St Peter
Pavilion I, The Pavilions
La Route de Beaumont
Nnit iaoVc elgSnedi ats
uenrM QLeSia)n( e sJ eee
daotnmLuBand iaeea (itmrD)
w3 nkihg5rta060 p0i,
Apartment 14, St Peter
oeinaasg dc ie StniVNtl
fL a C fA edarkl ylDJ anoR
i taaLnadiBne)mramdoe(D tu
tn,w1h0iig0 k5r0ap0
Apartment 12, St Peter
Sen leionV c tatsaNgdii
BirA gaAd)Tl oaLs(ene nlnoaE y
umtBoa ai nDdtaLde)(naerim
05gka0r 0th,i0 win1p
Apartment 11, St Peter
nc iteNgt naiiSVdoales
Ht TTun
rLma)(a atBeintoue ddmainD
00gknh3a, prt5i0i8w
Apartment 10, St Peter
neiciotVlisa d NntSg ae
May R dQaprrumh duRe An
m utaaeida)daD(nteomLBnri
0pra0in4 hitw 8kg05,
Apartment 9, St Peter
n cgliaiideSnsate NVo t
RJn J bb L WCa H dlAil e
da)aLe ntmoDiurd ntmiBea(a
agiwrh4i5 t06,0kn 0p
Apartment 8, St Peter
ogeVn ilactNinS isadt e
srw AenAdB
rniutdaadB(m oaeaetniLDm )
win030r ih0,g a0tkp6
Apartment 6, St Peter
atsitine gilVndeocaNS
eniC e)s zokacMonK Mp( MJePd a nse
BmLai(dndourtmaa at)ienD e
1hp aki5,00win0gt0r
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