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Roselea Cottage, St Peter
3 Crumlin House
La Rue de l'Eglise
St Peter
V nnntieedarGgai
Transfer type
eB SA hoa oJl dattiefwMrnJ kds
in(Ees enaT)err e u ed QknPeSJ
Court reference
egdii 0tsn4nn0c0,o0 l5ctnu
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The field called Le Clos dAmy and being field number 510 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Martin
La Rue des Fontaines
St Martin
euenaeludae e Qing itrV
eJae aLR DHy
n c Eeennh)h nteyD ,SNDy ee ( o ceeLEeun lDrurDoeDRge rEuSG eEhMr g Jrset)T GrG (r) n M th,E(ycse Ja dSi,ee,usagFe
18 Le Jardin du Hogard, St Martin
La Grande Route de St Martin
uenVe urelQa ai itdeneg
MS)ue Ly edan aLoGmMn(s eK nl
znNeaikel M) eNrytne(dERbnc A aon
unclitd0 co0s4nn,6netg0i 5
La Ferriere (formerly Le Ferrier), St Martin
9 Eversley
Le Mont de la Mare Ste Catherine
a e eRnelatngfei i dnied FuiV
tiJl FLter
nnJk tsoiA
A certain field called Le Clos des Nos, St John
and bearing field number 924 on the Jersey Digital Map
La Route du Mont Mado
St John
nuVatiro g ndeidN
En) n MdFea ehsnSle(vo
Ba ednL r( RqeeMMnoinaA)cn g Ro
A certain piece of land, St John
being the Southern part of a piece of land known as Le Clos Messervy et le Jardin a Messervy
La Rue des Buttes
iiuD nVg tnoteaedu
nw () e teondeJnNDMlEaoJ e y
P nR m enLd)( oA oCeCeanae
September Cottage, St John
with a certain piece of land being the Northern part of Le Clos de Messervy and Le Jardin a Potage and bearing the number 426 on the Jersey Digital Map
g utnoDdeVtnauiie
oJNnnyD eM (te eel aE oJn )dw
AmaR enoo()LPe een
cn uoic0i0n dl5et07s8nng,t
A piece of land established by the transferor as a layby, Grouville
on the South-Western part of a certain property known as The Guardian Nursing Home
and formerly Cotil du Soleil
ine r sainseiMdagaVt
or,eevrh uiGPafrnTe r iTseaf oelhls
srosieieeTr linfrL Pe tmtfoiAra,drep
,ifvrs,red ncipm0e yetseldpnteu1ur adfGt0e0 ddE ite .da ee rnttiaa
24 Le Clos de Sargeant, Grouville
Le Chemin des Maltieres
t gara aienssinideVM
nengii EE Nean ws)(uKudihM ene
uneLM(Se ea )E risl u ECnldSe
s0lct namai,fapl0s3ea aarwh a3leorunld h0 ag t6der
Maison Malet, Grouville
La Rue du Coin
adeuitgleiVg neoiLnvle n
S e )EuauE esM LC liSnr l(d ene
ne()Ma Sle eot el( elSat r)nhMe t rzwaS GneKieMlncda
5 Le Grand Pre, Grouville
La Rue Maraval
dn sieaeinarsiVa Mtg
Cp SeledGaeprn (h)a Ae
eveMeDoy (eDd) n S
12 The Hamlet, Grouville
Beach Road
aide Mnirst ansaVgei
LC (enorTe) laaedeer nSyPr
Mhen)( N iKne we unEad giEenuis
jmm en,wt0 5t1nihetio0yf0ee5il
An undivided half share of Apartment 9, St Clement
Maison d'Azette
La Grande Route de la Cote
St Clement
mege aiisntenSrVdaa
AmM yJ
R ymAM
ef an msidhopew00 en,oiwe 35 est d otalre f,dotshn0 o n50oy nhi,p5otthimhce fens arcsnr1fh eac 1 dw5svar 1oeld.0 ofhhlyetuas surrfTda o ytl iumacli
7 Clos de L’Abri, St Clement
rdesi Sg eitanaVnema
Ce KnhTyalamdGrKaO l
iM gn DnJna
Dal Riata Villa, St Brelade
61 Elizabeth Avenue
La Route Orange
St Brelade
eeeensvai Vgaiit dsnnnuQ
P Ne yweA
Lnn Reha lMdd)crneia(aaP uLec
ldn,0g n ls nit2ccie,0ado00aundn5t 7n
Undivided shares of 18 Abbotsmount, St Helier
St John's Road
St Helier
VAt boeuegntlnbM iin aa'd
eergg hr nonwthTdi a rSP iC lsWL
00oreS, 0 u030 mt 007lv,t0aEsfead5o.di0l
9 Mabel Place, St Helier
La Route de St Aubin
tnadinoiVhCuec no nMtgo
eM vKbandGDant hV Esadr
et,nM (noino( ,WR )noFC.zse srn J , yce aJrdanrlR Boknr,et rabCey, BeT.rF tkeaerws,eeFo)e Azkaeeeroa w(r krvnk eBr KCRaa.Vn RTAMr eAJiuaedrhs etlakdro Leea trWrssCetu)
hrlu Cadsn uCndnddrns nssirnion eTpl CI,Belri.e. nIlSei i e,aicedrsinB Hb hlr ,eaWei3l9wb cie os silcaT ceN tn,0a u nfs hta nn0cMBdto n.ygl nae0iodc,hLaehnSa segMh,taC aooasfFio i ndokns.iEelca) ohlstoy(aoar no 0lflh r LyT eisg oJMdenes StyttTsLb H
Les Printemps, St Helier
La Grande Route du Mont a l'Abbe
a t tbnebldiieua VMon Agn'
rnL(FFaieH at nrreoD)Lt Lde n eo
n otLtSoH
o 060aa r1d S,o00lu50Vf40e0d.lt ,8
6 Beaulieu Park, St Helier
St Saviour's Road
utln iieVn eell atg nn lC o aH etViaaddeda
aeMFaN eG r onst ad uFeiJviD
ryee BoJCu eoq nM(ncterL)
dg0nt0nt5 5oinliuccn0s5,e
Brookview Cottage, St Helier
formerly 1 Brook View
La Vallee des Vaux
neH nuttiadoV eraMi deuett uPar gn
oAo Wd
mA eD oGs
s,ntiog n90 clecdt00u30inn
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