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Conamur, St Helier
Hansford Lane
St Helier
M gCn tehutnaoVoindncio
Transfer type
(an ekcri lHaP t)Jel K
eln -eJ Bi LnFlleaSoorgdt dnnPn HCes
Court reference
n013l ncisen0o,tutc i4n0gd
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Apartment 1, St Helier
8 Almorah Crescent
Lower King's Cliff
onnuRBlgiuo giue tndeoliaV
aro LodwJWd
don0,niu2nen57 st 0cti0glc
Shop with apartment and studio or office, St Helier
8 Mulcaster Street and 1 Pier Road
ldei lilagueot Vnad nntleHt aCn iVeaead
giateMlsomtudiHcle sLidrn
riicmrao euttsdesLMetSl
Apartment 25, St Helier
Saviour's Place
St Saviour's Road
ie u didinnlee t VltdaaoVa nngeea HCl lta
J ndoraML
r R ranBr( BF Mn)VidnPr' eeieaeOe
Chez Marguerite, St Helier
formerly Brixton House
3 Elizabeth Place
olou igigRaneduBoVtiln une
tLSeIiimd msm nstneelteiv
Tcs PeIdbautlhn oliehf
Merlewood, St Helier
Bellozanne Road
tbVdugAbMalii'one tanne
a n hio Tn,DelP( wsnLeeKdely) nyW eeleMl
tomsDg, rCo niloeP niLHdSd i
,Ep 0efn tyed,dsGiua0tueadme0ac p esetitdftdenani vete77 i.rdr5 rrl
Cobury Lodge, Trinity
La Rue du Carrefour
ediinu Rn dtinogVna
Bdnlaa)I( eEC saaFed ennz Vv
ngM Fra oL
tn0coin0nudgnt ,15sc,10eil0
4 Le Jardin du Puits, Trinity
La Rue du Boulay
Len ufRStl B J aaaRus d
nCuJ n saRHo rEId nna )els (deok
Wyanet, St Saviour
1 Victoria Road
St Saviour
gn euLe eenlvittoaidelVltnPi egi a
Jnto SHo tL
xiDn LJ o
4 Longueville Court, St Saviour
Longueville Road
in tdeetinngPglL aieeiVveu llateo
dILCche(s nMltW eMvee naeN) on
celMaeCsad)( KoTnfe ronDY H n l
gn5o5cd0n li,tenu tni03sc0
Part of a private road which part is hereinafter called Champs Verts road situate immediately to the West and to the South West on a curve of and adjacent to the property champs verts, St Ouen
La Route de Vinchelez
St Ouen
eeetv ellol iltCdLieue
hzirt pVDhaLltemisVesnCeede icm
nnuC(r TsA aan LrE )e bDod es
Part of a private road which part is hereinafter called the Hamer Road situate immediately to the West and to the North West on a curve of and adjacent to the property Edgefield Barn, St Ouen
udtt eeColevliellieeL
d Smoar n as eHniPsBA
asE dnanDre sA CeL uTnr)b (o
Part of a private road situate immediately to the West of and adjacent to the property Les Champs Verts and immediately to the West and North West of and adjacent to the property Edgefield Barn, St Ouen
llteeCliiLlvt ueeod ee
reTCs(aLs e ubn)dDo EAnrna
An undivided one half share in a piece of land to be established by the donors as a private road, St Ouen
situate immediately to the West and South West of and adjacent to the property Les Champs Verts and immediately to the West, North West and North of and adjacent to the property Edgefield Barn
todleeie CeL tvlileule
Car eeeottBD ,en
E esnoaoaoA nr)r s r snb eCD,Dn( LuTd
dfrGcdti edrprfy e,nrtdieiedp suaaennetet
Louella, St Ouen
henceforth to be known as Sea Breeze
Le Mont Matthieu
lrenaeCdtl teueGi
aa CMe )(BkMnndneoe CJo s t
OoN )rvCDndeiaSr aRn'N son eo(n
0nit5 tnl0eo0s 06ncdugcni,
A certain piece of land in the South part of the piece of land known as Le Grand Jardin the whole of which bears the number 455 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Mary
La Rue des Marais
St Mary
intVi r duaoendgN
oa eeMese nnAr oCJl )R(G dlyg
aoVeMMy Db ru
A certain piece of land known as Le Neuf Jardin and bearing the number 455 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Mary
tda rNVegu dionni
lAnaRrg )eedyGMo l eJ nCe(os
Vy DMbo arM ue
Firstly, the piece of land known as Le Cotil du Nord de Ste Marie which is field number 12 on the Jersey Digital Map, Le Mont de Ste Marie, St Mary
Secondly, the Eastern part of the piece of land known as Le Cotil du Nord (and also known as Le Petit Feugerel which is field number 53 on the Jersey Digital Map and the Eastern part of the Southern part of the piece of land known as Le Feugerel
Le Chemin du Catel
i nudgadnreto NVi
nHade SnEer (a )oKdae eA
eeiima Pptms mrrdtFnLi
b er ai euhcwpM oglefmJlnsDy5ahnre id5ihi t iets
Firstly, the piece of land called Le Cotil de Greve de Lecq and bearing the number 13 on the Jersey Digital Map. Secondly, the piece of land called Le Cotil du Nord and being field numbers 14, 43, 44, 45 and 46, St Mary
Le Mont de Ste Marie
tenNg andudrVoii
Ea)eeA e( oaKnH eddarnS
iolulJM An
Amy’s Cottage, St Martin
La Route de St Catherine
St Martin
nee RgdiViFetdf il naaenuie
e eaS)kcHn e(eePcryJi J dMxa inM
c(B k Ke PknnL )uV dne PMe arca
1td 5inogn8u3tcn86.cl5in 8e,s
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