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94 Langtry Gardens, St Saviour
St Saviour's Hill
St Saviour
suelgs ' SnegVnt odeliaEii
Transfer type
e ol oRIPG
stieDJ olism()melrHylep tnyearviedL e
Court reference
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13 Grasett Park, St Saviour
etiglPaeeleo itnelnnt euLavVidi g
yJ dn o e )KHans e A(seHMuen d
HneimtiLA sdmudeimo
ce eriarcn ,nuwr saal,e bnssorehh r dnp0e rnfeoc(0opmgi eealent k h) ypc h dcoits do4ai 0irt0ni h aatne 0iutasadwdgt myvfelbuvr oete encotth hsheo 0p d2 podtneoanhh3eosfpoheeltpeu0 m1rene d 3th lyi t nradtritao
53 Maison St Louis, St Saviour
Wellington Road
ln'seEueVeS id inaggil sto
r WtPiShg
o0dst, 5unein 7cg00n5nltic
9 Bleinham Avenue, St Saviour
Aubin Lane
tVtgg aLitlnPen ii oeievdelanu ele
nDCn eliauCO y lNJphd'
AiBnip nkd M)JHeKilAn(g aoe o t nn l
gtnuit5sd,ilecno0000cn5 n
Rosedene, St Saviour
La Grande Route de St Martin
e nliadue oiusaeoHS n Vugtg
e nP id nSkaA irrneIacLVt
Ecieen(n aeBnV tPkda iJe r)An
Apartment 64, Jasmine Place, St Peter
L'Hermitage Gardens
La Route de Beaumont
St Peter
iainn seoSied cgltV Nat
baeM (Css dH)bnoiAemn
PCeJeDrz A
0sit32,w h0eot 5r0
Les Champs Vert (formerly Cymru), St Peter
4 Clos du Bas
La Rue du Craslin
gt nileisoVdie natcN Sa
yknPrelcd Bh A ncPF R uaeM
ALi llnse
04dn9i snco0n,tutlegn 0ic7
Firstly, a certain piece of land in the Western part of Clos du Menage, St Ouen
and bearing the field number 1433 on the Jersey Digital Map, La Ruette de Grantez, 29,000
Secondly, a certain piece of land forming part of Le Clos Qui Fut a Jean Langlois (Le Clos) with the bank and offset of the West
St Ouen
tae nllti erCeeuGtdze
loGPnR lda
le a sLodiC orea eniM(J) Lurle
f se ervdeddaeow0etf1fntitoa on 1e aae ipr avd1t N eini pndsnm esicutt schrnsd t9 b,ghde oa,snwfaff srWe ethnht en -gihheSrtao y ao xeo nehgrkni tdto iadnvtui ut e dfew0ebr fneh n0e tn 9erh aesrtyth8scoesd otru o oEspaeca3ehtf tka
A certain bank and offset with a small strip of land to the West thereof, St Martin
which forms the Eastern extremity of the fields known as Le Jardin du Coignard and Le Jardin de Travers bearing the numbers 404 and 403 respectively on the Jersey Digital Map,
La Grande Route de Faldouet
St Martin
edg enu efRiiiled VnFet anai
innrsiS MaAtoiascos tt
rehrcPdP Wa
A certain piece of land being the Western part of a piece of land called Jardin dAhier, St Martin
and the building erected thereon,
g nefFiieVai end ilaed t euRn
stiaiotAn Mgu insSaiotHons src
ensAu oen osintJ (n)JhS
Seacroft, St Martin
La Route de la Cote
dtnVtaieng e uieFolad
o PwMyVs
sn ibb oAER
0o un0in07gec1nln,dt,ct0s 0i
Firstly, the land known as La Croute de Haute and La Croute de Bas, St Lawrence
and bearing the field number 555 on the Jersey Digital Map, 40,000.
Secondly, a certain piece of land in a certain piece of land known as Le Grand Clos (formerly Le Clos de la Devise and part of the large field known as Fontenelle et Devise) and bearing the field number 758 on the Jersey Digital Map.
St Lawrence
giuu ru dSsiga dVniononT iCet
iillsmWaJ D
oene ni Heuem ae cn lRR(rr mDMolL)e elQi FDMed
aaoesendei edCsNl5etfnonats tditn ipi dtr rsioaiednsarcx iry viE, ako dwhu ,hn ryn fwmlenoLtpoah otaA0 nyat lGr etotii n oehaa wav,ave t olerdh0lewcp tg8.0,nogtneenb-crvheir
4 Georgetown Mews, St Clement
Georgetown Park Estate
St Clement
isatemd nSnVriegaea
LyeaMJ lor
nnnc0705d,g 0cueoslit0tin
201 Clos des Sables, St Brelade
La Route Orange
St Brelade
ti ensQsneaeinduig evnaV
a tMlene(rS)he nd edWan e anJDr
b)bnM sC aeme(Ho n Asid
A footpath or private road, St Helier
La Route de St Aubin
St Helier
innogb t ei eMab al'ntdVAu
Vlmlai etcidtiLeh
)Wid(yPn ane lbosweB C
9, 11 and 13 Library Place and 1 and 3 Broad Street, St Helier
Co V ld g anautleatntied anVd iieealnHel
Gey mTL tsJdierEei
oitietde bteLIrr(t)meeeieJymad dnHs
Apartment 5, Residence Victoria, St Helier
Les Vanniers
Tyneville Lane
Vn tgluMA'd bi ibonenaeat
esedhi)ee r n HMKA F( aWan
lne(l,dMnsi eV)((e a L ioC Lieeae)einnl)KVnnrVo nMSnMris o oniswHto ie
09pr tn03g,h 0wi0aki
Share 3 of 15 Clarendon Road, St Helier
eeiurn t sontdB VraieagdnP taMeu
iaDekkdeasPande anlCM ut
ePrems pioeLtrJdit iJA
Field House, St Helier
formerly number 6 Longfields
La Route du Petit Clos
tarHudMenioutr a tetednu naPgieV
asn dlRaaWhd B eA
eeSCu )ca rie( ttEodn utkrzS
Flat 1, St Helier
57 St Mark's Road
uV roi tiBngM u Pedatdaesanen ert
dannCoS g DiuMr DlW h Ja dLc
ein)Ae(atrP Re c eBs
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