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Apartment 6, St Brelade
The Curlew
La Rue Voisin
St Brelade
NiVneoanioi nr tdetgm
Transfer type
u (ecnK nndn He e DimaLt) arGa
esDdgtpmlerLienidmvee tmoiereB
Court reference
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Karibu and Harmony, St Brelade
St Brelade's Park
La Route de Noirmont
ttrngiVemNion ei onad
tH rResbM o
datre TLJ n
on5, t n 4 1Mdelaset pAirtr ora 2g,8fi0odior ,oee ttMobeokrtBe00e d ddr et ab9 g0 rdondb0ac0dana eanon0pdtot dehg1aacp e .rdd aS5gt.o 0n,tvaS
Apartment C6, St Brelade
Quennevais Park
iVns vna duiseneneieQatg
dJws olRoanCn
thha Tse dIoe ifblucP nl
r711el10sa ,of0e a era1y
Shalimar, St Brelade
Le Mont Sohier
tr aeeiNoognntii dmnV
nsG(u eeu)Ns sWts tn LDJe -dGe aGteeuut
JuP IDdeg
Charmette, St Brelade
Les Ruisseaux
i odgnNVritmnteio ena
kPeane er Mee)( rrreanaasfe, TrcB
aeaRrr oJns e,r TfcaMr
fddG nceserrnt d,aeetiedfda r
Toi Et Moi, St Brelade
Links Halt
La Route Orange
VMieet gendylao ain
loeDunDP ,eien H
el )ea nPrn(rioeeDrMD aMLelne eL o,
deenestpfe d,r iniGt apfteryecddr ieundrat
The Retreat, St Brelade
La Rue du Coin
uCVioin iadn entg
ipstF inciArzCnMntd haoe)( k eau
yt HMdilgnrfcsmn Lioilteod
iu cnn0si0ce dnt0olg0n0,t6
Pointe du Pre, St Brelade
Le Rue des Camps
de a lVyeinogMnieat
()yraLein ed JnGtJnFleul Mo e
tsBsei R rB
00iclnt0g,ct170ens unoidn
15 Le Clos de la Gare, St Brelade
La Rue de Sergente
gt M eieedanyolai nV
dCa)( lNdBiellan esn A CeoSrn
nol CdA JpetuH)anW(klre e B uoae
,itdsnnuci0n0cg52eotn0 l5
Sandy Lodge, St Brelade
Le Clos du Puits
La Verte Rue
an teQe sngaieisednViuvn
Mrgae rgLocRC
onintpea tpoytAreIrisdnoJyesi nte cfeed iorH Sr oranevsyu e)eraeerCr t oJhCar(IrTosto oeehleyodcfpmnPtla cc
Castle Rock, St Brelade
Holmfield Drive
La Route des Genets
itiatnroimeego dnnV N
rnM(hJnMa a ar oGncnd M M eae)eo
eagnafnftMoA ee(s W)Ril
,otitn0c0 580clundnsg ne0i
L’acajou (formerly Thonton Court), St Brelade
Le Chemin du Portelet
eNg oaVentnorii imntd
t y,o Dene eaJees)hnDndteAtc Do mDrr(o M
e ticst,kkminaeteLohe tDsaedC
ie,itcfnar ddtdpr yrane istn uredfepGe eetd
17 Les Vaux Apartments, St Brelade
Le Mont les Vaux
gnVnunia ido Ctie
snMm esIrOtardnJG(n o) n ai e Ho
MJoMnia eg nL
ii 0w0g2rt2akp0nh,7
The South part of a private roadway, partly to the property known as Altona, St Helier
St Helier
Mnsr et gru d BoPiundteetV aeinaa
t(mft,en rVA yeiernFekl ie)nA kry agoot
uDGeban lefefb() Pid
A certain new home in the course of construction and bearing the number 6 and forming part of the site of a certain print works bearing the number 46 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
o i nRgoelBdaintnugeuoiuV l
ne,erD Hais PMo orn
ooonnitrmAxiseiLordH Dn,r a
rt0 ienm, trar5sivevdr dndt5,iaeypE a eeGt0edp ninsutleeaud0fec
A certain new home in the course of construction and bearing the number 5 and forming part of the site of a certain print works bearing the number 46 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
lBuoonnenRutu li o Vgegidia
onoA nR,Dx ee
nHrrtndmL o eiaiixosA
ste5sddet.v yette0r evr5ean0aialnr euunenidrp,G ,tE ia deicd 0fpm
A certain new home in the course of construction and bearing the number 4 and forming part of the site of a certain print works bearing the number 46 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
uiaRn dntVloi Bgngleouuioe
mnrdnHeoAaid air tins oxL
A certain new home in the course of construction and bearing the number 3 and forming part of the site of a certain print works bearing the number 46 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
iV ngl elRuneoiuinuaog Botd
vaoGens sVl
onA idmdserniox aHitranL
A certain new home in the course of construction and bearing the number 2 and forming part of the site of a certain print works bearing the number 46 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
uodl tuenBa ulngnoRiV goiie
y e S Al Ra eCCoHdlon y
oa idntnr mdsneAriHiaxLo
A certain new home in the course of construction and bearing the number 1 and forming part of the site of a certain print works bearing the number 46 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
an BVoniRoe euildoiulgtu gn
GavlMnsse o
addirtonx riLesamni A nHo
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