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Apartment 2, St Helier
13 Royal Crescent
Don Road
St Helier
dl V d l gHatinVnaalaee eta o etuiCnnidle
Transfer type
g snDiAiHg
o CmCenoRe)e i(r Lokl
Court reference
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26 Woodville Apartments, St Helier
St Saviour's Road
iC dna Vdegatoul dl leeaaaVtinl itenenH
a A o CoCY eannyJnhds Rs S
eJnVlFRRCnLya a ikd e s
14 Woodville Estate, St Helier
aa a ltealgei tnVino n ClduneVH aed etild
rcDlC v Bso a A Bd anCraDa Le S
aye P JLb
eu 0g5d05,l5cocsnttinni0n
2 Bella Vista Villas, St Helier
8 Pomona Road
lRgVniigonndee ou laiuBotu
ey dhoiLoexcdnl(GAl) eo
Bn Cta ty PeR
Firstly, the field number 799 on the Jersey Digital Map, Trinity
known as Le Grand Jardin et le Long Catel
(with the dilapidated greenhouse and appurtenances situate thereon)
unRnngdidtaioVen i
v ilaT FaS D
MRn) seW i Welsa dC GnS ( eood
f hdhietla no 7 il etu nnorCamete ,9a seieh otnrtfwaeoeegerhdCeLmo bCnae,naye 0dutt s uptgJDneu3n1)at thhc ep,0 e rdeseiu 00tfLpa elhCuritk ,nle batdls8doe kt y sgwtfsgteoS e ,dead h o ,fr, nfta (seLswhsttn triwaafRleMad aoee0od0tl70dy C.gf so shho e 0
The outbuildings and relevant section of barn, Trinity
(i) to the west of and adjoining the relevant section of barn to the west of the main house and adjoining thereto both forming part of the property Le Catel Farm
La Rue de la Falaise
e RonnduiiigntVdan
eCmFdlStI iLamCeiart
n(oS eWG Mado)dRne lsC W sei
d n r,peto a,su o51aoews y aaeton e t0ooaes0adoapttheaodh0 elnrt5 uetssn erepr nngdeegig,dtlte,otttnr 1 ahht dprirm( g yh hnareavlnti asunwf h tt fpehiemrde)s,hrnce,,ptiirr ighahf rdse
4 Fairfield Mews,, Trinity
La Rue du Hurel
ioeritCealVn s eda ignire
lulSi gH J
n Gkoa ATdaeCtr gsr lsS En lm
i7noc0gniln 50t 0cunsd,2et
1 Richelieu Villas, St Saviour
Bagot Road
St Saviour
elinP niivatalLg Voeeentg udeit le
feL ret eD eer)srdnn sACnaTai bTno (W es,ehrs
)rrVe saM OngrrnT leae,MCnian( e voyf
etd rngsntep iyieuRiep
taliVgeev eltinnPedgnoielt ie uLa
nnOne eaMvglry nMiea( )C V
AhCnrsTo i
sot0unJeolsgieeenmpenwa hrm nsn esa eeceolo i bu nrtyc be t0urldl s cfaify tevidu0ocsd teanlfkntstisehraDnnedndrrhe e o n ie usdiergd es(loenwate ragercnmutl ae5jvLdiahaodunnyhnirnd l)mssieH Te eirtbfm prdthsoi httstyaoarni nrnissoy d h e aicdoreaotihoc eaidd a,e ayu ot4fy f espa 2i pebens hen mlpdraetahne,hba dphlde ahh innagsm ite oinew rnae vnie pngrianemhoc tdCyrejaeo WrogtidhttLth f tayso ni dLee
6 Waverley Terrace, St Saviour
dle sggniseolS iVu entaEi'
r MO Mn nao eiRl et(nnudau)AWdd
oMi GsA rr
l0 nn,t5encudt7gino 1s0ic0
Apartment 2, St Saviour
Willows Court
Les Grands Vaux
e'ngslgo uSaEi Vneidtsile
let li PdOel CBnAyJ oaR
AEyn oBn
Elsted, St Saviour
133 St Saviour's Road
Eg Vsgalnsiii odl eSte'enu
A lnaiFyC
dLsoee sDP u
ntc endg0oi,nt7c5 uls00ni4
Montee, St Saviour
previously known as 1 Morning Dawn
La Grande Route de St Martin
ea iM nuntaVaftdengi
Yroa an uKH esnzdnuJedm
Bh edcr)A(RnGeAJuao rd n e g aeo
ntu00inn8gi0o,4esldn0 t cc
A certain piece of land called Le Pre du Saut Falluet, St Peter
and bearing the number 297 on the Jersey Digital Map,
with the substation bearing the number 206 already erected by the purchaser on part thereof
St Peter
Veu nntuoegidDati
ilt cc ilretryeEJseyPc
il WJailDms
3 Home Farm, St Peter
to be known as Rose Farm
Le Mont de la Hague
a iuteingdtu onDVe
nnMhR Oeug Ha Hs eydA
L ue zRGHe
c,0c57i0onund elg08tni tns
3 Ruette du Coin Varin, St Peter
irnnVa Ctennidio iVgua
FdPgi Aonn a
lcgtin90iu4dn0o0t,n s3c ne
2 Ruette du Coin Varin, St Peter
iuVg nniioraCnniteV da
anCsi r HCro
gai AFPnod n
Clos du Mur (henceforth to be known as Etaile du Nord), St Ouen
with a piece of land or avenue across the field known as Le Clos de la Cotte
(previously mistakenly called Le Clos de la Muraille) the whole forming part of the property known as La Place, La Rue de Plemont
St Ouen
eViitezluC n eeleltehdc
d cuen aGnrBR )eadoA e ehAJg( or
ehB y d)P LiWSn(oeleoaecdnB sfl
t id4s5ncglun1tc i0,,n9no00e
The Treehouse, St Mary
formerly known as Le Cotil de la Deimerie
La Dimerie
St Mary
tudSgnenuidVi a
r(Denea agrM nG oen )daitVu
or DdVeREun
dl00n,50gstonn1i iute,c05nc
23 Jardin du Haut, St Mary
La Rue de la Vallee
Vnuidae ntguidS
oarGal oS n nFn JCLc da
Jen(e)GaiRre ko S rn te
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