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Boissey Cottage, St Peter
La Grande Route de St Pierre
St Peter
Dunen aeiVtdugti o
Transfer type
ia(eVenDlev MM n) ye
sC o rsPS
Court reference
n i5c9,tnc4e0gosdi 0u0nntl
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La Cabine, St Ouen
Le Chemin du Moulin
St Ouen
dtal nzeeeeir eGtCtul
na)oSgelCGne laliAR dd(d nKd i
AB myG
eudg08oit,0n0tl 0ncnis n6c
Le Vieux Menage, St Ouen
La Rue de la Ville au Neveu
tCeu eieelelolviLetdl
aD dcM eman( anTJFsSee adhz n o)
hFr )(dWneenaWeL JMlcldnNeae ey r y J
A strip of land forming the Eastern extremity of the property Le Rondin Farm, St Mary
La Charriere
St Mary
tuV Nodninegd ari
iae DsednLllne no LeP Cn, toVaen)(lee iMr
agHnrD JE , oe(nr on neItardsdJ)eBeo d
Gr rafe det rdep at,ddeeisinfytdpenrti uenc
La Cour Normande (previously Bouillon Farm) with the following lands, St Martin
Le Jardin a Potage or Le Jardin de la Maison. The small area of land adjoining the lawn in front of the house, the South part of the piece of land to the rear of the house
(previously formimg part of Le Clos de Pacquet and Le Clos de la Croix), Le Pre and a strip of a land (previously in the East part of Le Clos Ruettes), La Rue du Bouillon
St Martin
deegdniaVe oFuiant tl
Medmleeo Sezn m aH( MT)er nGe pa-c
mCiahaawCeteJ d)en ar GJ( ns eMt
s0n0o0gi20nl,uedntnc ,c 02it
7 Bel Royal Gardens, St Lawrence
previously called Resthaven
La Route de St Aubin
St Lawrence
eaiea Blaad eiV sl nnlgteVed
adalKnmEl ns ihM S te
a gM eGP
i4nd 0noul43n0gtce,csn0it
Clos du Vallon (previously known as Maison Sylvestre), St Lawrence
with a certain piece of land forming the Southern part of a certain piece of land now known as Le Grand Pre de Haut (which was formerly in two pieces known as Le Pre de Haut and Le Pre de Bas respectively)
La Rue du Cap Verde
gsin niiTrC tn adgSodV euoiuu
d ndeenuMaR enBF)n (R
Ap d manOeeC yMioLEanCetnCmtgmia
Red Roofs, St Lawrence
Les Petites Rues
etlaielaegd aa te iVl neVHd nu
hes)e we aJL(dig JJe Pr na nMeV
yVi (DMnev e eMe nl)a
gioic8n0n7c un5nt0ts d0le,
Noran, St Lawrence
Le Mont Felard
l eHaaaaigl Vidtnlune eeed Vt
I Daonn( SVJd aesnsr n e )ekR
eudAe nl)Do a r SWeenasSl(J a
dinc. ninc7 ls91n0e8tot,06ug6
Dernier Chance, St John
12 Le Pre des Chenes
La Route du Mont Mado
St John
urtenio aiVdNgdn
omCeiuG neDo,rlR
rJ lR ny,ao ToDor
fttt acrsed ,reen ien iputnGddradirp eyfede
o uNVtandgiriedn
eglB neq oaTaeeuic(GsR s rdl yGJ) Rinn,ee
m,u ser oinrR iogClGR
epeiirpe ttdnes nygiuR
Old Court House Hotel, Grouville
with the houses previously known as Old Court House and Brooklet, certain buildings depending from Old Court House, the house previously numbered 1 Windsor Cottages and a piece of land being previously the East part of the property known as Rosedale
Old Road, Gorey
nM ai rtiegasdVesani
Oe LeoeomimDrdso luttvedCieptnhls u
Boat House Guest House and the house known as The Pebbles, Grouville
Gorey Village Main Road
n rtV seeaisaiMndiag
lsto edbGmr)ee iPyebi(L
a or eFemsHLtilleidty
,ci00oi0 ge1nl,0tsd ncnn0ut1
24 Le Grand Pre, St Clement
and in the future to be called Les Fleurs
La Rue de Causie
St Clement
ennnitgraGadV ei
en(R yJ Mm )eeitssChar dli
e e hMaPod onrere Ao JdVJo)(nncr
t7gd02stule 4incio3,ncnn0
Apartment 3, St Clement
La Vermeleche
La Grande Route de la Cote
grGniandetinea V
i n )CengKn(WsMakite
gL9l1d( mGLe R1io.n.ii s t9)a
00 w r0pi3tn5hgka,i0
La Retraite, St Clement
La Rue de Samares
tsraemgiaa Ve dnSine
ye enn (Dollemweo i e),TrCnoK
wDn ooo elr,y CPPr
neparsdudG efr nde ,ceeaertedpfi tiny trtdi
14 Hameau de la Mer, St Clement
V aeigdneGtirnna
cane hrPeeAVno e( dM J)
9L lii)L1tGa.iR9mg1 e.n ds( o
n50i3i,0twa g p50khr
47 Clos de Corvez, St Clement
La Rue Hamel
eeinamdSsVa tnergia
)dnS w (nGdau T eeagVna onsd
n eKT irhJ
ct10d0 ,utgc50einlin4snno
1 The Pines, St Clement
La Rue de Pontlietaut
ergiasSV tma iennade
ainsd Ls BiNgR n g niaeHJ
eirL nKSd
t0s2n c,neo4u5igntnil d00c
Sunset View, St Brelade
14 Vue des Mielles, Belle Vue
La Route des Quennevais
St Brelade
aenuientnsiesainv dgVe Q
d (oCennY )gA nA anuJsC derneo
resLoAd nn C
cn4e,c nio nndls007t50ugit
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