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Undivided shares of Ouainport, St Brelade
Noirmont Lane
St Brelade
nnm ogr itadnoueNiiVt
Transfer type
e DyeLJ a aHC
aya a LHHDaS e SS Ha eydLJ neDe
Court reference
0hs r0 vpdaediirh i no ,tdlwasdaee6unaw a06 tihnie4 nvddtyar
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6 Chaseville Court, St Brelade
Le Mont les Vaux
auiV g itodCnnnei
nJAads CC i abHb sLmDe
WSa nm neWbheb )e(eit
n50ndi,l0ec 7 ngtco0snu5it
Apartment 10, St Helier
Belmont Court
Ann Street
St Helier
edt nia a e lCiHil uog netltnVndealVea da
rarmet SiP
AdtenHm ii ioeLsudmm
oe eedhnnpham0hedarrt0nrleupCst,n toc uerilr( t0psi,ivhh ctlacnoaeeaecw3om gou n ed0 deo, tdrdnk iffsl1tpoo 0c l lhi27.rdort b uraaen e0pnee enr 00otcd0nri eshhr,m npteu ot0)eenevstiadhb nmstis r t o3nomt s tnc eoeo0Bigdo ea hf wabTs4 e0tehyeth n uapy hty0
Honeysuckle Cottage, St Saviour
La Rue du Pre
St Saviour
eiena eViaiPtn gxgnsud
sae M da(S)Bne Bilae yAalpnLs
a)E zneeC C Asn eud Dgn(or r
t 7 t p00lcnngeesnn gi ,do5rauadaigraac dla0lsngr,ttu niecrn o2f a
49 Grasett Park, St Saviour
it dlienagte LlntgaiPuio eenleevV
t(PLai etn)in Fe omtezSdSGhG
omHLdunedi eimitAsm
yetyn 7nl preftno0epoi0ryuee t mm tn0nAps siih0edncctoo0sthhdnechf uA e, d rno 1l ieduop5s od f lse wc,thoe eitmtpdo boiwadoeb4 ntmrahur iethaahrrht daaair0l 3su a0 mee n t h ea
JT Data Centre (previously RM House), St Saviour
1 Rue des Pres Trading Estate
L'Avenue de l'Bas
tee lePt vane olnieitLdl Vgauiinge
iodyiCvLtpusJeLlonea glcemnni aokm
a OLmidetmir
A certain piece of land bearing the number P76 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Peter
and being the greater part of the fields formerly known as La Grande Piece Hamon and Le Champ Hamon;
all and such rights of ownership as may belong to the vendors in a certain plot of land in the field formerly known as Le Champ de Hamon and La Partie Sud de la Grande Piece Hamon
St Peter
niGeenVgiadrt na
dS Ee nnndau va) e eRs L(eJAnD
u reLe o rnLlrq ,q G MMenancWMJuM)edeeeuua d(sE aaq e)AT rEzi)ean KuM rnna d(ueeq e( oLldMaanneMmdl ,n ar
Barnwood, St Peter
La Rue du Bocage
iuD gtoda eunVneti
d NNiWM tSi mhlansa l
J( lo aaPntCEn K n)i nRengd eio
Cyrano Villa, St Peter
formerly being the East part of the old house known as Cyrano Villa with the small strip of land
La Grande Route de St Pierre
ieuDgtV onatdeiun
nJ GlWne
inb oRsBnoR
Little Lowlands Cottage, St Peter
formerly being the number 5 Lowlands Cottages
La Rue des Vignes
idVageSei saoic tnntlN
WW eclaal
ec Mk a(iM Cle ie)nGl
0dg52uc,0ielico 4tnn0sntn
54 La Ville du Bocage, St Peter
i ueeguaittDnodVn
BSC bnt CA en (H )aebMir dus
tne AemlsC
cst50edo ,0u3inlc nitn06gn
A certain piece of land bearing the number 369 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
with the house and outbuildings in ruins which are found on part of the land
Le Mont de la Greve de Lecq
St Ouen
vl leLioudeeltCilee et
nsld THonlRP x RiEC a Ao
toersbuiuVsaotouhlycTii SftetC eRtothnu
Annebault, St Ouen
26 La Ville des Marettes
tlieloeldeLeiuvl eCet
e ssnes D rniFe (a M m)n CeetdR,gtenoaaTeriLp
, oes egNetins BnSrRH
ietepi rspnd enRtyegiu
ltulevdit eoeCiLell ee
eHt,Ss eo nNnB eDe
tDLoenMrrs, oaie C
ifenardeyetrdpert tearGcpdfudtnis ne eid,
The house known as The Wishing Well, St Ouen
together with the outbuildings, gardens, lands and appurtenances built and established on part of a certain piece of land;
a certain piece of land situate to the south of the house and being the remainder of a piece land called La Piece a Secher du Vraic being field 1310;
rezeti luCatltend eeG
W A enar rBL
eGseJrH nna(io)l en I
rtnd Pf fhi etoie otrubeds dnr dre lnnttoioesincro uet0fcre dci lcs0enVonntS m u)iatlha1 cf o t rdehitmdion ie ahhofdti(loetaan lnrotcndr1ai3 tth t iah rarhst cpg a ecno Po a peee r th o0 pemenoi ,h3eu e a nc a Sti2hfeutnpo oaidwpolenpetiiLi oPateh 8d4 ciunP f sedhfn t aso,o r rrlrnrsaecet ef heeasnrg ar5tn2utac,rteh t i l0 f g0rhhtrshigreeLlwc;beota eeenapi a datfcdsinreoaV0-Leseiiaeg ttt
Northdale and Northdale Cottage, St Ouen
with the land known as Le Petit Clos and bearing the field number 498 on the Jersey Digital Map
to the rear of the house and cottage with the small house or cottage (formerly a washhouse) known as the stable cottage erected in the north-east corner thereof;
eeLiul elevetd ietlolC
nadieRne()ic Len S eM P nr Mk
teaehr 9Csht t 9(ioaeou esdt unslhtdhsde netD n hdu JJto hooaeiiDnageerg tn e n g ledeunbfxttn L heso att agt llu kleeiy haraMwdiwreemn s i;ie pdet nreaegagcdmeoisabaLotriemJeoie teear0hh; ytpetsp a n 00eerdpovadh a Ga akep troedfstfaienntdeo hMo eoctaelrair ss enes obesonEre r to ofpli Mne en bcs eegiraa Cmereeea0a0n egP ihorio ia rdyaltnr aD lnenrelohep escbnM d npouscu s4gfedkhie loe a2 i5lt ufuoe tPyGn9beI8es cuh nnseofth ont Cta ehweh hd vh ohLft scrawiet5 etelnmtea thnygeawladre diser tdCok areonre linsi alonedbt4e an adaro gtt br ldlonfna fneipemeaneeogRh ir dhe f eeftlr;tetlcv csa6bre9 a e rdluch0ol 5otwssots thln tlt,eibaot4Mt2l; agdguhavlrsda b eo eotht i;u w rnitn e n hrey lnudangnstntsti u4obncind iugeeoo fniod4 nLnrap L ohnradnfaMhenuhgDl itmraaiJatiahh e tiat nt trd Os od,osn r n he rnnts Cehfuadtfnldobendeiefnpy uuoeu i;dmf dt e oJstua ei t neegoD9etaresef4 u Ml altfodaetBaigb 0tD hMn odaateeiysanuih sohonirJf fytatedt 6angtDns0 9ol a le De eha ode tdra a
A piece of land called Le Grand Clos de Vigot, St Mary
formerly in several pieces of land
and being field number MY966 on the Jersey Digital Map, La Rue lAleval
St Mary
aVtnudneSidu ig
CearrLittG (e) I dPnsiciotdmu
iJL e areLtRs M
La Grand Charriere, St Mary
La Charrire
dig ietond nuaNVr
ado CRnnaieoi(n) lnK ngteP
e Cn ePntr)(NLdiaenlVeaMl ol n ei
i cu d,1 lngnnn0s50fai0tsdnpd tteana lc,o 6r0o i
Certain buildings established on part of a piece of land, St Lawrence
being the western part of the land known as Le Jardin du Desert
being the field formerly numbered 157 on the Jersey Digital Map together with the roadway or avenue,
St Lawrence
Miidu aigtnoe iVroCnnte
(n Lsd o ne eo)rnKea C aJnue LPD
MiatWet S
zedr R4pakGteyLrc(eyudl augd l alldaoae,iekederb0 etdefaslterdsnn ie s leastahMorsh i nLesir,go n o aciioi endlp rfn ne feseptryodnteta eBaV tu ,aenn hu ea D bdeeanrxan aa) peapm1greln i;spJng ew
19 Rue Verte Villas, St Lawrence
La Grande Route de St Laurent
lndVlteeeau teaV iHa ei agdln
)unyaMCnrd( o J exvaCe aJu nAee
d(n red nl fGPRka ei oeArDSeac) K
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