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Rivendell Cottage, St Clement
formerly La Croisee
La Rue de la Croix
St Clement
enretn ms adiagaSieV
Transfer type
no dPn n(e)eMKDEbt ooe lasN o
eta oea R (osHw)s nLrdDnnC
Court reference
2gnnon0,i0c sut5cdli0 ten7
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167 Quennevais Park, St Brelade
La Route des Quennevais
St Brelade
ineiisenVuQsgdteena vna
Juen)(M shn A H edega HnHutA
frnF etneJn aeu)f ( AeOe
eci uln3ont,id00s g850ntcn
Green Keep, St Brelade
Tabor Drive
La Route des Genets
ieegnvd nueaetiVisQnans
dCPiMm one P en)a esl TVr ynk (aD
arMc ONd rJ h
n d0 egflnnit00ulnaicnoap0 icsdd0 e,encao0 t,5
A certain small piece of land, St Helier
with the garage built on part thereof
St Helier
etC dignnnMcaViohnoo ut
D ew (aeoe n kdl)Hnn KCiurio dJ
dodulHoiienm nostt LHsig
2 D’Auvergne, St Helier
La Rue des Canons
e'Moduila n tennV gaiA bbt
awe nK)neeng R o rlBaAS (dN
egA'enmDvdStCI ieuLir
,4og8innn0tl e05citucsd n0
Flat 102, St Helier
Marett Court
Marett Road
aigtannlV lul et dneaaieoi dC n dalH teV e
euonet J P e (tBnel Ru aWe Roeoyd srCn)L
HJiRld' ( ee nre )lnaaaMyLO
n2t 2iak07hgr5ipw, 3
Apartment 2, St Helier
Cliff House
19 Regent Road
a nn n la Htetunoe eVla gldeCVi detlaiiad
agre DtH eRi
nJikHilo sW n
Boronia (formerly Simcoe), St Helier
2 Roseville Terrace
Roseville Street
HiV ttg nlaoa eCnedeeutieidnld l naVala
sh Dac riJHntitFRnd tCgou
en B )yTl eno (r dodM Na EenL
Dulce Domum, St Helier
31 Oxford Road
Miong edraVaedrP uus eBttn n e tia
noJb J rOs
a)d coH ldene(ea dMrMneVd
in3ce,i o5g0lt2 5tndcnn0us
House 7, St Helier
Wesley Street
tCaVeeel n luoatialenligV an eit d a dHdn
APs yn sn pW il,Aidlifmocrre T maa lhr )l Pe(Pileei
nDm Ldd uEs
0p th05ia 5krw0nig0,
Cosy Nook, St Helier
2 Common Lane
daBeuadenuePitai t n nsoV reMgrt
sJNaeev Wr
rtPbo RAes
House 2, Lindridge Villas, St Helier
Upper King's Cliff
La Pouquelaye
eitoV adl abtg A nenMnui'b
s twh SeRanTD M aeyPrdGuc Rt h
Sn d hJeBi F)lteEyeR ea m(ln
ot0tnn60gicdne 0 ,islun05c
3 Devonshire Apartments, St Helier
La Route es Nouaux
rrn aV ine dgB unPiu etesMeado tat
iBaBgnreot r-nSsaBrn
C aLdtiur Lr eseeimiM
A shop with apartments, cottages, yard and appurtenances dependent thereto, St Helier
being number 11 The Parade
eadneae Vl d neVBed lla s li natitaiogCn
dtmi1h aT1 eePiredLa
te(A ei e)SoJWstnnhe
A certain piece of land or garden, St Saviour
with the garage built on part thereof and situated to the east, to the north, and to the south-east (and generally to the rear) of the property known as Les Arches
La Grande Route de St Martin
St Saviour
xagateiiP g dnsnneeVui
s n r) JoenAedrv (TgJ NdaeoreR
otdriesrPLCpn mr teifeoardi
The garden being to the west of the property St Agnes, Trinity
teqevEle inndl 'Ve -au-gViaeil
lfTh an WersTser M,ea
e Pa,aEli cCl nrnfdrB ha Hno earsG(TseaS )rrn
artneicnrnyutdidt spe raer p efddfdteieG,e
A strip of land to the west of the party wall, Trinity
which is to the north of the property St Agnes belonging to the transferor and to the south of the property La Hocquaderie belonging to the transferees
V eegiea inlueq eEiV-l'tad-lvn
neeeaGr Cl sleS (r nl)ne cFK rifTeaaEnsdh ehe,la
GeTla so,inrlPra canrhCf
remsre t ta eidld eaEd d,dtv0 se1cpyaift0enednre.e rGtftuinaiup
A certain piece of land known as Le Clos D’Aaron, Trinity
being field number 1246
La Rue de la Garenne
siugV gArnea iendtes
eJ u sJsDe
otnna iyuaoe oddnelRnorr OpGHtveseF Cou aa
10 Meadow Park, St Saviour
formerly known as Camaret and there before Terra Nova
La Rue des Pres
eeennvg lPl iViitadeLoieugtltnae
ewed(nM)eDaD intsaeJ ha
eee(avJ Jg T rdr nsoR n)odAN re
La Freminerie, St Saviour
with the garages, apartment established above the garages, buildings, ladder rights, yards and land adjoining thereto.
The following lands; Le Jardin a Potage; the east part of the Petit Becquet and a strip of land being the south part of Le Partie est des Jardins de la Carriere, La Rue de la Freminerie,
igLlan eudeianletgVe vld iGnnaore
cen Au(GP a B MBrnnesed )eM
ontn us lti gr ,cuhHc DstteS ,nctdHHng t gDs, hHslAnP tc n kt wuNo H,ic SPheiia JLtoDJihsSreaBs Nh g HuniBtgJWNh ,uususanco,u(snR i gH Tun)ln
n0et,nn0s0d 0ocig itlcu99n
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