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Noealla, St Saviour
28 Le Jardin a Pommiers
La Rue de Patier
St Saviour
Eisuoaesdie gt'nl inSgel V
Transfer type
e rtS AtaAw
aege nKeu(sO iJ uD vl naOM)ny d
Court reference
inn,c0e0s0otd07 glunti4 nc
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26 Meadow Park, St Saviour
La Rue des Pres
eu tae eeig lVoen itvngetlnidPalLi
f DLeueaeei hn tRn KWMn(o)d
enGny r )MaraeuM e pnT(dh Bn nM
The field known as La Salien formerly Le Grand Pre ou le Desert being field number 1308 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
St Ouen
ttreleuinz atGCldee e
rrMaL r)e o CaC erM(r
JAm yP
Camelot, St Ouen
La Rue de la Croute
teul iee ilteolLedvleC
Gie aCAend u o b)aKBe(m nrn JnD
o nLdSL BqM e Gaerie)aL(e nCn sc
sioc t0 icu6l0g0n,e0nt6dnn
Der-A-Rose, St Martin
formerly part of a property known as Greenhill
Le Mont des Landes
St Martin
daVdFtgeaeultoe ni in
tLme-iDd ReAios-re
estu R(enobewe AA)rR
Ivydene, St Martin
La Rue de Neuilly
QneeVlr aandueueigeti
PJe)iaoar nneL sJnd yH reHd(
rL )Le ao Pnne iDenS sawd (J
0inngcnt1,nu24cldtso i 00e
Merton, Grouville
La Mielle du Parcq
La Grande Route de Sablons
agrni aeVd aieMissnt
n Sina PhrydeB re nC T A
rP tnal sSS ae yvBWnadld
Alpine Cottage, Grouville
La Route des Cotils
iatgn srinaMdeeasiV
nJ(Se )dPn n LoDrwi aaese L
eateginB(G F)nh t ronMib
00, 40aw0dni0t hl
Les Chataigniers, Grouville
La Rue Jutize
onel Vii gneevnaleLtudig
r C SCare
nbrtrareCMe(aC e) eeAr
yebpin oav0dSopc tnideto,l edon eadwt bonn lt0ybt,tr sg/lagn,i . day oefl 2dn8se eii coaotrt du50pnteayet keosatih ennoaa.dsa , globftd eI or7 tn0o9rtetg drtoviid ai0nrimac epasntn cyfh aRnemn lhatBhNe2 picuireopTelontSdnitnaLSrts e dvee cnn ,ei ro0
The large field known as Le Grand Genestal and the field known as Le Becquet des Havards (now joined together in one piece and being field number 138 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Clement
La Rue au Blancq
St Clement
V etcniaouiguqie rdRn
sHLniettts i demnevIdanodm
uqJd aHo Acr
Apartment 15, St Clement
Maison d'Azette
La Grande Route de la Cote
iVndamaesSee nriatg
auo lEM csen(LeC )es
efedhuiPchloI t lbsn aT
drnh eo1 a5s r re frSd,ddeeaetldacsn
A certain garage bearing the number 145 and being the sixth garage from the Southern end of a row of eighteen garages forming the more Northerly of two rows of garages situated to the West of the properties bearing the numbers 109 and 152 Quennevais Park, St Brelade
St Brelade
iintdaeVna Qn uvgeisenes
GMrJ nM Auu n)Le(n aaeexoudgaer
tJt(h)o ee aL p edie Bn RsnJn Bn
A certain piece of land situate to the South-West or thereabouts and co-extensive with the garden forming part of share 3 in the said Block H Quennevais Park Association already belonging to the purchasers, St Brelade
itsveganiinVe eQne nuasd
e sMGo rn rdRaiGnLab C
caoiQ PsAkeoHrBvuska nnc il atoensi
Apartment 1, St Brelade
2 Bank Place
Charing Cross
oag iiNVmiurnndto tne
sH guhOeM
Ple eoB t nDs reM)a(lPaa rn dF
7,3isitn0 0o dtl5n0ucgecnn
2 Clos de la Ferme Rose, St Brelade
La Rue de la Pigeonnerie
La Route des Genets
oVenunNitt mg dnraoii
ona y ki(sDePn) dVeTPnler aCM m
e0or3tiRdpr P1o )etL2ys (eximi
Apartment 6/1, St Brelade
The Curlew
La Rue Voisin
daunni tNiormei gtnVo
eMsotnePeVA ce(L nyr)er a
medDBeetesro itlmemeeirvdLgipn
St Austell, St Helier
Green Street
St Helier
VedHdlo aneate na nnldagiiVle Ci ttlu ae
furaette ra s,nr MsTaanreno nMGdGou
s nfe oDtTnarM,u)erA afrfryne (uo
es40tdrrttp0.ad caueey 3deiaf,nltEev vr5imnsdpeti0 ueGn neda ,eir
6 Cliff Court, St Helier
Old St Andrew's Road
incVtonehn o oMuti ndCag
ns CslWJC Ga Aionnsoe d e
iilsH Leetnnigt edhaidosMtm
n7ed0 ctin0n0t,ug5lscio0 n
15 St Andrew’s Road, St Helier
iuonVioCngndMctth ena o
f oMPNisTri lule e hD,reC SKseanc candve i
reTC oJaar se,nfnSrr
rRgyiteunpedptie nis e
formerly 15 Pied du Cotil
Catcoooiu indh VgMnnet n
SCennr eDo,Jea
i ulo,Pnr oMDvSo lei
rudf itiecndyaeea nrptterrsd tfneee, pGddi
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