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Undivided shares of Bellantina, St Brelade
Les Landes Avenue
La Route de Genets
St Brelade
dioginVutNoirn a tmen
Transfer type
Ed J Fo aRnFeM Awes deTrnna
tH nuMA
Court reference
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A certain piece of land in the Eastern part of a field called Le Champ du Chemin Fourche, St Brelade
The small house called The Cottage (previously forming part of the property previously called Kalida which was previously called Two Ways) constructed on part of the said land
La Route du Mont Arthur
dnVoauii Ntmio gtrnne
eDOl igAiv
Seena dotraunSD CerR(p) nt
La eft fno ene sht etgr detctlE ite ldwusialfhe-h ie noabodenhomrsf lieD ha tlrlitea c ieiee ass tduw vpifiairee pcagasaomoit tlet eVd cxnd dpf cornyo ope,enhheiet Aefe npditnc a
30 Don Farm, St Brelade
La Route des Quennevais
Viaseaidtine enguennvs Q
DLbeneJ aR CaJd i( Scou orda snLll) e
ManS(nei )eS nK eernken
n0gslen c ud0ic0nnotit2,55
Apartment 3/2, St Brelade
The Sanderling
La Rue Voisin
tmegndinraiontoVi u N
naMrPer eeaak)ce rB(
ieeieormimLgpDnemtevstl dre Bed
9 Tower Gardens, St Helier
Le Mont Cochon
St Helier
gn oVhconCnonti t idaMue
l ye H dKaBW
dao eCM ar kS kFlHnCo
04gnc0t7 ,no0n0sluei idtcn
Ellesmere, St Helier
7 Vauxhall Street
id ieuBuaVt rtdsMe a nPntenoareg
n( JesiR Aaioe Gnllf)sl
lLmiie.gintdsPPd.HM .o
d,3l70it0nc9u tnns0oceg ni
2 Sierra Madre Villas, St Helier
Havre des Pas
VealitiVanla uC ge ldi oletaea ndnd nHte
rhnanaacMJ G
tey nEA utS Rae (ra ) ndFa
8 Peel Terrace, St Helier
La Route du Fort
ellan tginaalVHdiia dot tl n eeaude VnCe
escKl(ic h )lEn y enoNlAd MaMae
wn eF HCesoo(Da)nvi e
Share 2 of 5 Aquila Road, St Helier
RuigutdoBon elVlnau ogein i
nydM Lu M
ialaLuo tqmdAedi5 Ri
Formo House (formerly Formo Cottage), St Helier
La Grande Route de St Aubin
hnoMCon uite ncaongVdi t
f T )rdCedpC,oebe alrmeoss laaenlBBenS (fi m rne
oaLlsCe,pTn br ermarfl
oflrbtfit eted isdmoflllua n e 0at penLaraie ti iu eooagr2i tton tnnht anoa t npodo ,nwphfms et0tI0ictr2i t yseaoe udndassehs0p naneeeknartcnairhtnThyer eSrad
Woodsmoor, St Helier
La Grande Route du Mont a l'Abbe
A uidole e'nMtanntbgV ab i
(pn MCJnTw idi Legae se)paSn
GAC oueLnr
ud0ont0stni,ic5c0gle n 2n0
Torestin, St Helier
La Route du Petit Clos
P Vgarddin eauMHu ate erieu tntnto
RfC g)oeng eJt,tsrPensd rrdha ne T aira Hae(leecsk
aTsnrDoefvPrura ee,
eneyitgdsepn Rrupitie
iiatu auera rnu t gHeMne d nPdetVto
e ovene,DueaPD
n, )roRsJe(ge aco tntgrdHihoDe
utheson e Nls f nnieotce niepfrs,gnhntta titataen eihpomt,serbann 0tnatefoifrdedo lteare eelGen0nnodott tve cWd si2h srlohyopeodt yfea 5 nais r dyuhotlhi nedetefmb fp e arotsi idnba dlc u0eau0tsr
Apartment 2, St Lawrence
4 Bel Royal Terrace
La Route de St Aubin
St Lawrence
neigadelBtia nVae s ellaeVd
y rMt acJhEC
nPCc oko rJ
The Bake House with the remainder of the Northern part of a certain piece of land known as Le Jardin de Bas, Trinity
and the majority of another piece of land previously known as Le Jardin de Haut, with the footpath, parking areas and access road established thereon
The remainder of a certain piece of land known as Le Parquet et le Clos de Queree and bearing the number 942 on the Jersey Digital Map, La Rue des Cateaux
netlniedoa zVeRg i
ySerMaG w
n)R le ACPadoero k Lmen(Coi
mforfrmbhtcda pta h i enreuisyww t enraa coenru rd ndsrns trtcx e hetm oir,t t sdth yovsh8 (rada net os lltn b uueeacs0awcssp i igwreedsofya0sisnac)nfndehas l e aoensiayeet teti u flhpy lin2aiocceamtdetn r to lo0 rot pT n podssen aeelc5 yhricistdodeenoosaaet locnpfllhhfn n
Beau Parcq, Trinity
formerly Hollycroft
La Route de la Trinite
egidaVin Rndtn iuno
rseP a nn (ndeeB eLJWao)ar NDk
)d eB MStRr e cun(oHeru
3 Roseville Villas, St Saviour
La Rue de Patier
St Saviour
a 'g eitniguneeSEls lsdoiV
M (e BttnrHtteueena)M o
HroaFdeun tbr riLitom
t 3gr005i0hkin1w,p a
2 Roseville Villas, St Saviour
egigdEistoes lulne Sna'V i
ee eoM(TCu)Bldna A t dDnro nnR
tueHodita ribnor mrLF
pk0hi 1g, rin5wa30t0
Claremont, St Saviour
Bagatelle Road
gtng euliP eieataeildVilnon Lvete
b nPRoC o r)dn P(oe s eCetla A
l al eIontbufhcehd sT iP
2 Bristol Villa Flats, St Saviour
Georgetown Road
tLil inageeneeu gtiloe nlVitPedva
e niaLLM
naM LNe i
lHldoomaofeepo m,iese,cn dL o see ts 0ahtv eJfao aarls7nnn uietsedte es 2wrfistLa tteford af ulnbtnbs 0 rarthiT rnh cah soamfnp ae5 cap sonmirm 0aei sr lurneyoihn ocfsaeityeehodophr
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