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La Tourterlle, St Saviour
5 La Cloture
La Grande Route de St Martin
St Saviour
ule goauensg uiHe aSVnd oti
Transfer type
l a Baemal (dMCrt AennerP) teJt
LQL )xdnne na eead(oiKN murR
Court reference
tti ndicn005 ugl8n2o,secn4
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3 Le Bel Mourant, St Saviour
nteung Maaaidi nVeft
HyehD urM cG
PanBrte J(r A eCdtaM e )tmle nal
7 3ilnsiteoncg0u0c5,n tn0d
Le Ponterrin Cottages with the old house known as the Monastary with land known as ‘Le Jardin a Potage’ Le Grand Jardin (bearing the number 145A on the Jersey Digital Map, St Saviour
La Rue du Ponterrin
iin attMfVe eagundan
ioeeiMrLP i taDdLmen
mMT Cn ALco am
A piece of land near the North-West corner of the property known as ‘Sydney Court’ and forming the site of Substation 782, St Peter
St Peter
iet eSnanotadcVg.l sNi i
ecyeyPJ ccerltlEsriti
e)drreiidu( enoystSyCLytmJ e
Land known as Les Landes du Nord ou de Carrefour (being field number 912), Le Clos du Bas les Lands (being field number 911), ‘Les Petites Landes’ (being field number 910), St Peter
La Rue du Saut Falluet
atn iut ngoeVuediD
y LPaMm
coee nLimgtPerei frHedeslLnid
22 Lavender Mews, St Peter
l'Hermitage Gardens
La Route de Beaumont
an cliNetdseViag i S.nto
lvMneairnaeeM li) a (tnAA
(neLd)L ds M ia M ygn nenaoe BV oePn
isgn5n0cd2ln,o 0etc5tni0u
1 La Hauteur Cottages, St Peter
La Rue de la Fontaine
dtoel nS.siineia VgNac t
e uie F( n)aVBreeCllta
)hi i n(lcroGoe sFeJt Da nuelSe
La Maison des Vignes, St Peter
Le Mont des Vignes
lV iniai s nNgtS edc.taoe
eluinnFHeaotdsac inD (oni al JSo lAteSm )Geh r
sSh(iaegR tHnod)orrc enn J
ctoi0eutsng ,dc30n n011nl,i0
2 North Pavillion, St Peter
Lakeside Village
La Rue de la Commune
Dine etVi utnugado
rgeuaAnnFnT(e ye)J cya
teBrorpyi h isseLcrectreodaJPem
Lucknow, St Peter
daiine nu uVgeottD
RedrkancnASr yMeoJ a H
dv L G eloLqr)Bgoue(eJ n c
2 Beaconsfield Farm, St Peter
Le Vieux Beaumont
linNigVatced nsoSait e.
oOel n dodi'emoysPathryHMi tLgnrpi
C tnne h )J DJi ndole TaKonl(elcM
0dint,7on 0nsentguc20c 0il
A strip of land forming the West extremity of the field known as ‘Le Clos de la Croix’ bearing the number 1150 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
La Profonde Rue
St Ouen
etulMCl teelia edilsi
u( Cer S)eorun aeL d nCtt esPiTns o
sLaoagderny tmiillo Hiesedny JdRL
La Thiebault, St Ouen
La Rue des Pres
zttCurneleeiaete lGd
yMJe A Ji)aefRrarmdViao N (el ye ddn ens
(se Rn Dt)Rn nevsheuiae
1 Le Relais, St Ouen
La Route de l'Etacq
ideCas lleiletMtelui
s o ttteCWcC
Mi ldlteoetinmveelpesmiL seD
2 Le Clos de l’Ancienne Forge, St Mary
St Mary
gdte diiuVnnu aL Sa
sehJnre eMTtSrAmfaekti, -y
J) TiuA-ace,Neenr r( enS kkroysfhtmer t TC
e8dC0d0 afredeatsedrn15.0rn ,
A 1/3 undivided share in the remainder of the field called Le Clos de la Croix (field 730A on the Jersey Digital Map), St Martin
St Martin
l neareeaeug uiQatedVniL
)aetLei eeSnne r lu(lluDeH
R lie naHAm
A certain piece of Land or cotil situated partly on the North or North-East of the property ‘Soleil du Matin’, St Martin
tgaatd iilFounVeLae edn
P(ne)dr Smri LsVnu elTale
L nnoun eK)deeR(eRlof
La Rosaye, St Martin
La Grande Route de Faldouet
Vfi eagnedanautLelide Ri iFne
nd)nLiDdiG ( eeanAarB ea
sV dn Li eseM)naaNedy(Jen a J
nsc0o0i2t9gdt el0n ,c5iunn
Liberte, St Martin
La Rue de Sergent
arei dnQatae LVul eegeuin
n)en NLoK max re en(RudQd iL a
SWr nseere BanBg )t u Miane(d
5to8s4cd0guc nen,inl04nti
A certain piece of Land originally forming the Southern part of a certain property called ‘Joie de Vivre’, St Lawrence
La Rue de Bas
St Lawrence
igVleLaalVnti eaadl en e
Re )e lSMa d(dce ae Mnnal nl ASCl
L GosrC Ne
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