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Lone Oak, St Brelade
with a certain triangular piece of land previously forming the South-Western part of the property known as Santana
Le Mont Nicolle
St Brelade
oVtuo iNntraininedm g
Transfer type
e oola(A a lA cvvndySBLe t)Denellk
Ha rn(t baPinL S teeidedC bl)
Court reference
0s8 c7elnont,7ntiu0ci5ndg
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1 Le Clos Jade, St Brelade
La Route des Quennevais
esen aiQeVgntneaivdun si
ahoe(KgnolLd j i H)Kn een B
nl caDoeAeee vy lkLSA laBn vd(lt)o
Sharolyn, St Brelade
Les Landes Avenue
La Route des Genets
di iNnmtuVgeoat nnori
l ) ae tr(,Aor e e seE iVTndfoeRs DnnaxtAnil
ne)na lysn r ineMVaoerrC erOg,a( nTMfv
r iiet Rginenepsyepudt
irmnogVnodnNtu iaie t
Oe l VaCn)y v g(ienMenanr M
n a d i o(xan ii E Eanln Dxoi RsD)nks-wAWonDlSxoodS
A certain private roadway, St Helier
forming the Western extremity of the property formerly known as Colesberg Private Hotel (formerly two houses bearing the numbers 31 and 33 respectively, Rouge Bouillon.
Roussel Street
St Helier
n VuegB iot ioodneRlanuuigl
imeiinrLt omtVed
eCui edtmbiL
we srde phfsn ardEifeteno fhc ttetyiy xu e -nr err ptuo f gehhtefageida baoiyoshvbltolhnrhhnorot n tdsnobnnpttitsceto ditean drndwpe tde hfatpo awcaooeetpeyio rae d naetit vco t S nihaietef oA et rrar lcasdnlrenlte ht
17 Woodville Apartments, St Helier
St Saviour's Road
M nueragiod tdeHtainntuaVeue tP r
A(JBM Ccao r d ) nudnenjaaoen NeML
sLerSm sh eaeGT(yole )n e
Share 1 of 79 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier
etouinRnenBaguii u llVdgoo
H il MntAo
edDee tstmsiLP iiuxuL
Apartment 5, St Helier
Uplands Court
St John's Road
naidtV lueent iHd Cledeaenl tla ogVaia n
rBMr aJnda
SAr ieW
3gni00n n sud3nl0eotci,ct0
Flat 1, St Helier
32 David Place
rB anePueeu tiMi ed Vrtdgnaoastn
ELyarel lrF
dei ltn Ld&HSoiR gisJmA
21 Clearview Street, St Helier
uooiil ieteaoln nnuug VRgdB
ArP n bnMe ae)e(Ookssr
aDKeuGv oF Pe i
si,t4 5t5uicnn0ncl d00gnoe
Share 6 of Churchill Place, St Helier
Victoria Street
atPinBVMetneg r odas ieadtrueun
vkeeeyo aLSHP )ed s (n Tn a
DetepovsevmliineLolleLmei td
Share 3 of Churchill Place, St Helier
ore niiedanP t ertMa ude ut sBangV
nJNo lh daSJ ol Sd eenM
min vpeoleoeLltdvlsDiite meLe
Equal undivided shares of 1 Amy Cottages, St Helier
formerly Clearview Cottages
Clearview Street
outiBn nndii ule aguleoVoRg
lWbGsJ C bna dJiHeM nn
rnP(ie D, nH(ePre)-i siJereo,LreYraaa s auuP anrtN auen i )erJ rune de nN G- TeeFurePe rMAdNeMails
Apartment 2, St Helier
9 Duhamel Street
rdMinaBg sd nttuienr teaaVe uPoe
nsuK (PtaM eld )JAako endo S
ie h cMlCM
Apartment 1A, St Helier
1 Greenwood Terrace
Green Street
Vgieaidi ltnnt nu Cldea ta aVHneelo edla
ao nRJg CsLiLDa an K d
rrdGeoL die womTericeneta
2 Victoria Avenue, St Helier
iMncoidntghntn o VCuoea
cJLoC tn Min
ehA i DrR
4 Falcon Apartments, St Helier
Havre des Pas
i ntaiaegltealo a llVedaCHi unntVdnede
a eBMVid riA
l nwgoiC a oMloJRGdn u dnnR
Flat 9, St Helier
Royal Bank Court
Le Mont Millais
aeHVgln t u titlnaeVleeddaail dneCioan
ndot ea rlsrWP JiMJn ya teSg
AnmZn i nI)avNbr(eee o
Share 2, St Helier
St Kilda
33 Kensington Place
lRe BVaoldionunnigot eiuu g
B H)(iHkky eei sewancNln
er (o eSdk rRc Wtnei nsMhl rDn)aleTE ie
0n220 sne, lningttdiu0c0co
Firstly, a certain piece of land bearing the number 882 on the Jersey Digital Map, Trinity
and being the remainder of the field known as Le Clos de Marett.
A certain piece of land known as Le Grand Catel and bearing the number 883 on the map, La Rue du Catel. 52,868.00.
niiegte euidn tdadRzeninon lRd VigoananV
qncei(eto eeL nRLC hI)og
IN stsivtaeeinLemytnasmd
ebite mLed ko)ndnQ89tfeehdwRdc, a idoSLdniusaume ae r.nainRe f,omp,e6t9ot neeog nn lV ctlh,1e3t ethian e rn23p (CreeLees e a Jyueig o nwbo a0ilt0Purrub
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