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1 Ingouville Place and 17 Peter Street, St Helier
with a certain building consisting of offices and apartments erected over part of the house Footprints
courtyard and passageway forming a single corpus fundi and together known as Woodford House
St Helier
e iVaen od nniV u aneeCtilaett ldag l dHal
Transfer type
Cdn i iHPdtL.gom.i.Mels
JtansentAescABkebtt nH en iSa) nadda h ceAoB)( d nRoR( Jr reJnik
Court reference
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Apartment 63, St Helier
Albert Place
La Route du Port Elizabeth
degletVnoe anai n iV alttauliaCHe lde dn
Clrneel(c h )McnaieEAnyoe
,ine5tu0d 0no i8s4cntcl0gn
6 Bellozanne Avenue, St Helier
Bellozanne Road
iteuanant bi l VgA bMnoed
lia ()n aeiH krEHJ esdnSAnl
S)taehinet e( Ddntit mmcA raWS ieLkSi-wAh
tltueg n04o50ncd7in ,n0sic
Apartment 3, St Helier
29 Providence Street
rdeua eV rMa detgtoinnaeust PBni
iA Vari Se
esns rxnoMlaeAd
Undivided shares of Ouainport, St Brelade
Noirmont Lane
St Brelade
ronnNaVigod utin itme
aaeJDHLeC y
D LLee aJnH S y He SD S aada aH ye
raaeahhye sdha0 d iwd6a n0ld0no eruii npw iv,er t6tda4nistdv
6 Chaseville Court, St Brelade
Le Mont les Vaux
nnC nutaidig oiVe
me dab bJa sisAHCCLD n
nib tn ehbW(aS Weem)e
nd5n 0gietcnns7,ucl050toi
Apartment 10, St Helier
Belmont Court
Ann Street
t egleCnieH aiVaad neodnie tndl lt laVau
miteo edHsL imdniAum
yir tcnh, 17u ade00epi s ,s hn vpli0 4gt2eho0rmn0ms00dnet .b nebr t auu0lmeo a ldbeeg r ) rBherfsane n oanrit kocchhot idpnlont chmenoeo 0, nspp c a0odrettn eeirelae orht tttye3oyn,sh wtrtndee l omdiha tsveCr0 d (ootrhtfhcdouTnp3ewue atohsepd 0cs fenueaaii0e
Honeysuckle Cottage, St Saviour
La Rue du Pre
St Saviour
iseeaeunii VPggtnaxnd
pesldAn saSa leB eayi)M aBn (L
s (ar e AD EnCe reCunon)dzg
enigncafgcg r ,5i70 aua0 needi oorn02gp trdnaaattc,lltrsslnudan
49 Grasett Park, St Saviour
ne l Poi gituelLievngaedelna Vtiet
me (nStezGa e toGnF)PSLhidt i
udimLtAeHoeiim sdn m
pnoobntsec sh emmt oeie5 4ecapsooocndprt uihr Adddtar d7eeyai 0y0 er csil03 teap ,tin 0o1enps ti uh e nbfho h 0urn0fedds tf hnomutaahawlAt0n,e t r haayihheoim tret u nwlldor e em
JT Data Centre (previously RM House), St Saviour
1 Rue des Pres Trading Estate
L'Avenue de l'Bas
uiVndeg lnvePitaoti aLlteel egie n
lnyiL ptmouiJalseakc gieoCovdeLnmn
A certain piece of land bearing the number P76 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Peter
and being the greater part of the fields formerly known as La Grande Piece Hamon and Le Champ Hamon;
all and such rights of ownership as may belong to the vendors in a certain plot of land in the field formerly known as Le Champ de Hamon and La Partie Sud de la Grande Piece Hamon
St Peter
(Edane dDRSv ue eea n )sJAnLn
n,qnuaLnr( eeelldoE ni M MadueLdM) a qrunuecaKa a nMnum( )Maenerezse)e aMAe uq MdWrerr e(Ln GodlqJE, Ta
Barnwood, St Peter
La Rue du Bocage
enua gdnuDttiVo ie
MidsmNSaitNn l lha W
d K JlRCEnPoinein n ) ng (ate ao
Cyrano Villa, St Peter
formerly being the East part of the old house known as Cyrano Villa with the small strip of land
La Grande Route de St Pierre
tanioidegutenuV D
l GnnWeJ
soBonRiR bn
Little Lowlands Cottage, St Peter
formerly being the number 5 Lowlands Cottages
La Rue des Vignes
stV a iNeo cnigntlSaied
ecaalW lW
aen )ecel(GiC kMliM
dno,0gctu5 40nlniset2c0 in
54 La Ville du Bocage, St Peter
eteain Vdtnuog iDu
rd(seMH ) aCiteS b nu CnBA b
l eAesnmCt
,6lnn05d3 g0cniuitntsoc0e
A certain piece of land bearing the number 369 on the Jersey Digital Map, St Ouen
with the house and outbuildings in ruins which are found on part of the land
Le Mont de la Greve de Lecq
St Ouen
lv eloeleelideteit LCu
l xdoC il E n RA PTRn sHa o
nutaeos T cVhti feuCttbuoetu oisrotlSihyR
Annebault, St Ouen
26 La Ville des Marettes
LeClliloee tdeeletuiv
CeieetnseeoRa a sD (TdM ) nFn,t erisaemr gLpn
n Se ,igesrNns otHReB
gend tep epytRisnieiur
eillleo eielettveL Cdu
sH oeNtBe, eDeSnn
rL taMirse,nC Dooe
ear, iidp pdutn destf rytfaednet inererGecd
The house known as The Wishing Well, St Ouen
together with the outbuildings, gardens, lands and appurtenances built and established on part of a certain piece of land;
a certain piece of land situate to the south of the house and being the remainder of a piece land called La Piece a Secher du Vraic being field 1310;
eeGediteua elntt zrCl
arAn L W erB
sneIrni Ge)Ja oH(lne
chha ap e tiutloentsetPn a0td 1col4ghmeoe0r nP eaioopee 2 pefer rcid o i eedLerf eafitancadtd gf nste tctaninsn sh eoriPonosdmeaahfnhdi3eelhVaiw asea;f tchc tdo eLres u S ceinclp(nt 0)r1eiana o tnnt,Srn2etahtpt hn rdt atdho n ewroosdagate ui lttctc3 u a o ei c-nfPhtnnteidsnr cfhep hh 0 bot cel or e nVo ori itnfeg 0 a de0rotoliiiet , edhoetrl rrbs sh,eaiprrruL8trf atriua ih tmee rri g5 iiofaul
Northdale and Northdale Cottage, St Ouen
with the land known as Le Petit Clos and bearing the field number 498 on the Jersey Digital Map
to the rear of the house and cottage with the small house or cottage (formerly a washhouse) known as the stable cottage erected in the north-east corner thereof;
tellieidlevCel tLoeue
( S ind n ene)neaMiPRc eLkrM
eey MrG
reet Dteo nk teas nMtdsho,a aeoedeirst MrinniP re cob l dJdsJi su o ,ubuldoeesngreoas0khf igtg anai ruboy9netbinlo; toey esfCis9amurrng ehnh aLadt wtesoredfee eerfJ nCnt e eaM ohfrl;0tas tof ripedsngng4eiess5 sunogdr 4uatntt0po i o9e idnodeyoeCnn l Dsltmo n engrton2boh i a nda dnaooR svleaiflt loeety t nnlalfp e oouDo neom lhiphirhtea rrlao t9 aeeoae9Chht a dea fldesenendhfi g M elhnuhtteni eii l0hu nn6g eree grnuibtytihg stOu uoJ p aoaor n e laooL erh h adcrneoc4faoee uene hooi awwe i rsrhi dou io dbsne taoec ththot eesid bDnr u a enanuoob aia eh6f aseifatckotegvrdln eese a ;sra n ut r ge L pga 5;htLad uenise(dmf pda vsn n;e r ns4Juaebhireinsedtii fiuc gne0tnnt l chhoeei lleBte2yma s r aart tt yMl Gdtttw aartaeradpoa i ec ordasnaoabC re nJet8Eeolp dmdll vaddeedr e e tPgtuL5h fl ld oefoeatt ;o neatleaiy erndpiesteyna ab undxt geMt thet Dhhhdwim nfte ueehcf eatnhae ed tIh olcni atddnet eaDn rarlwts r aag hhab4Mpdhfo4tDbhettsmt0g0tcnn9nhtea t lD GMef0e tl saeisaesie kdf t tre w nalhn
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