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Undivided shares of Montrose Cottage, St Clement
formerly East Wing Montrose
La Grande Route de St Clement
St Clement
d n qinuaeiVRerogctiu
Transfer type
sRnlenBuDoadrdh ca NA oJ
lFA ire Ml
Court reference
nnl0ine900c o,cdigt4u n3ts
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Ashurst, St Brelade
La Rue de Haut
St Brelade
tnigaouiNr iVt dmnoen
eA CSp)ae eG de hDdpan Jarn(l
naJ H) eHtr(T ge go
84B Quennevais Park, St Brelade
La Route des Quennevais
Qveu agasinsidneneieVn t
anP Ee J(W anll akeh) eBFNaam d
nH ooA Rtt
Kambara, St Brelade
La Petite Route des Mielles
dVe engiasnivtnQ eiasenu
dWt nJ ane) iR( oteEaJt sn s
oMeAr( ol JeosOllE,yof ) n nylwem ergr
dntnso90euclii ,0n6cn 8t0g
Nissaki, St Brelade
37 Parcq du Pont Marquet
geiQsaanind euveneinVt s
)Meb( R noKRtieoueo n sinr
TrAslliW arJai nd iLaH ms
t6inol9dnuc5innsg0c,e 0 0t
Unit 1 of 59 and 61 King Street, St Helier
and 18 Broad Street
St Helier
a atlnnllia eeeC dieodn daeatnB lsiVgV
ptylnMihsodmPerdH nc gioeiLae rt
ep( n)ie eg9remtLr iSmrotCstKe5toih daPt i
Windsor Villa, St Helier
5 West Park Avenue
iton gu uReVdoenanilouBlgi
a d mtnSCaJe
rnNNan aN vmCaMr N lriea d
,6 untsn cd3o50initlg02nce
Horatio House, St Helier
previously Lyncroft
23 1/2 Midvale Road
iRVtlu nuiaeoBenodni gogul
LdioareHim Htot uisoe
medrtPoreAspt i eCLPii
inn05t,sl0gnudc 50oi ntce7
James House, St Helier
4 Claremont Terrace
James Road
ditln naia daV eCnHoe nVe lil aletgadeut
r tC Weia-e(W aena) JtdLnwWrd d
eAv Dynreos MRe (gae)
19 Le Douet de Ste Croix, St Helier
La Route es Nouaux
aagnbedeiAi VM't unob ltn
rrrsbTMfe Nne ,Daegaeo
bneMM( sr,) NefaRrgeasTao rreoonm
r2dtnrr dteiieudpd.iseynd va, aeeaaeunfGe t t00t3rtmldif,e5 s ec2Ep
A one half undivided share of Eden House, St Helier
10 Havre des Pas
gaiVot l n dtneadi ne Hn ieteaalVale dulC
aederraC(aaiGM e i Fa)anm L u ngEDM
aaaCD) aDAP V(ar m are el ne
tp oh Ha oi ldents J ayshao saetr u5aiera m auvilsbv gl ghaeaela ffnoa baiuaga hop dtlndmri pjsiaofhd le n2 a c 4ler ostv( ii aeu smcaenr f0lc ly. spdL , naesilnTyh0efr nltlneenl1; actrsh t o m rnapush drbsovesaser)waoderaetmw reans otns3ream aar duo gchf6;ofyd8)tpneL oecn lhfersi 2i ur h3a0, ow dnsrdh sc hro7ssidhs mer ce(hnr i2yo oceatohbnt o, eir21lope 0nho0sae dbi tibpahfyuuehuaheocsfhc y05ispd
Elizabeth House, St Helier
12 Elizabeth Lane
iualtoRVniodlunggeneB u oi
)Dea v(Aeyne rsgeoMR
ertH JMerb
ou7 n0s,nitgin000ecnt 4lcd
Old Quarry House, St Helier
comprising a house or houses, a small strip of land to the west of the house, cottage, garage, outbuildings,
yard, stack-yard, verges and the garden or land known as La Piece with their respective appurtenances, Oaklands Lane, La Route de la Trinite
gadeiuardHuenanVtutro neMt etPi
eh eH J ego)CnlR (Gag a n nleAoide
BweBae rantoPmc JVe e ntbR )F etPdn (
Andylor and Andylor Cottage, St Saviour
formerly Cavala Bronca
6 Dicq Road
St Saviour
t ailnLelliggeieovP netVnaiteeud
((n, n Cnn NdN wMooAKlWoKe o lwiAl e L dLnyoe)diPMohKo, o eMc oheR c cacssne)n
Andylor, St Saviour
l t ug lieVogievtitL annneeePdeali
JpSsr eCel
rsC eepPl
La Trouvaille, St Saviour
formerly known as Owls House
La Route de la Hougue Bie
agleSeeVoots iHa nu udngui
aadJe e nDs)Cb me (J iolNnnLe o
r )aLFeninee(tF rema nst iCR ogd
ngeic0,tuns5o0lidn nc0t 78
Camelia House (formerly Farthings), St Saviour
1 La Rosiere Park
Le Mont de la Rosiere
e taMfenudagtnVaini
hAdMotoWle B T yn M nai
A eyEtb)i( uJPu no nenen
ligedn08c n0ou, n0cin6ts5t
Francliff, St Saviour
21 Clos Paumelle
Bagatelle Road
eas Pngiidxnnu eeVgtai
aHnMJiagy lin ( inC nsdd FA e)ge
DoJ bNle
ntdnuo7cs2c,305lgnei 7nit
Bute Cottage, St Peter
La Route de la Haule
St Peter
Vgt Niinalto eeid ancsS
ots eeyLtensmni &envrdtmJ LsdeIo in
yD NaH
Apartment 38, Jasmine Place, St Peter
l'Hermitage Gardens
La Route de Beaumont
ieVoNcnStiia lt dsgaen
cpJLsned l ee AuC) (ar eneM
epn hsSetGJ
w 0t0 2s,hr8t05oie
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